I got the latest arduino and marlin and flashed my firmware, now I don't have any movement. Marlin 2.x has so many more variable's it makes it hard for me to debug.by mwhatch - Firmware - Marlin
I did try marlin 2.x but every time I do a verify I get this error message: Arduino: 1.0.6 (Windows NT (unknown)), Board: "Arduino Mega 2560 or Mega ADK" core.a(main.cpp.o): In function `main': C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\cores\arduino/main.cpp:34: undefined reference to `setup' C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\cores\arduino/main.cpp:44: undefined reference toby mwhatch - Firmware - Marlin
Setting up new home built printer. When I run ABL the printer moves to each position but does not stop and probe. Can someone look at my code and advise me. Ramps 1.4 with Marlin 1.0.2. Inductive Proximity Sensor Thanks. #define ENABLE_AUTO_BED_LEVELING // Delete the comment to enable (remove // at the start of the line) //#define Z_PROBE_REPEATABILITY_TEST // If not commented out, Z-Probe Reby mwhatch - Firmware - Marlin
I went back to Arduino 1.0.1 and all works good now.by mwhatch - RAMPS Electronics
#define EXTRUDERS 2 in marlin gives me this error "pasting "DIO" and "-" does not give a valid preprocessing token". I am trying to set up a 2nd extruder on a ramps 1.4. Will my full graphics display show the 2nd extruder. Thanks When I changed to motherboard "BOARD_RAMPS_13_EEB" I then get this error "unable to find a register to spill in class 'POINTER_REGS' "by mwhatch - RAMPS Electronics
When I try to open an stl file that was output from Slic3r I get some kind of bad file message. Won't even open it with Slic3r. Any idea what is going on here. Thanksby mwhatch - Slic3r
I have a Phoenix printer with a Rambo board and am using Marlin firmware. I recently upgraded Marlin to help with autoleveling and now when I turn on the power, my steppers are disabled. I need to keep power on at least to my Z motors because my X axis floats. When the motors are disabled, it is very easy for my X axis to go out of level. My old firmware kept power to the motors all the time. Theby mwhatch - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I would like to try using a tablet to run some of my printers. From what I have read, it should be easily doable. I am just wondering what others have had good luck with. I think it mainly needs true win8.1 and usb out. Would mini usb be ok. I have seen some for under $100.00 that should work. I mainly want to run RH, maybe do some slicing. thanks for your help.by mwhatch - Repetier
I guess that would help. I am using Marlin. Thanksby mwhatch - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Is there a way to slow down the feed rate for Z axis during the auto level routine only? Thanksby mwhatch - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Hi all, I recently finished a MakerLibre Kossel Mini and love it. I really like the Delta platform. I was thinking of building the Mini 1.5x. I am wondering if 2020 extrusion 900mm will be strong enough. I have also seen it in 2040. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanksby mwhatch - Delta Machines
I think I have solved my problem. Apparently, the FSR’s are more sensitive than you would think and they have a slightly raised ring around the sensor. Plain glass will not fire the sensor with the little force we need so I was compensating with random pieces of masking tape on each on. The smaller the piece of tape, the more sensitive the resistor. I was trying to cut the pieces even but it isby mwhatch - Delta Machines
I seem to be havening the same problem. I just finished my Mini Kossel and added 3 FSR''s that are connected to the Zmin endstop. It goes through all the motions of probing but when it starts to print, the slight unevenness of the bed shows up just as if I did not use autolevel.by mwhatch - Delta Machines
I should be able to connect directly to the "B" (middle) power input for logic, heater, and fans, as long as my power supply is 12v.by mwhatch - RAMPS Electronics
Hi all, I was wondering if anyone knew it there was a place on the rambo 1.2 board where I can plug in a fan for continuous operation. (Runs anytime power is on,) I guess I could jump it from power connection but would rather plug into board if possible. thanksby mwhatch - RAMPS Electronics
Can we approach this as if it was a new build?by mwhatch - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Hi all. I was hoping someone might be willing to help me re-configure my Marin firmware. I have a Phoenix 3d printer from EZ3D. It is a pretty good printer, but the software is not so good. I would like to use some of the open source software like Repetier or MatterControl so I can have more control over the slicing process. They said it could be done, but there is something in the firmware thatby mwhatch - Firmware - mainstream and related support
When the printer starts to print the axis try to go way past the limits. Repetier says it is connected, show the printer information and has manual control. Everything seems to work manually, just seems to go crazy after slicing and starting to print.by mwhatch - General
I am currently running a phoenix, did have some issues but am getting good results. The software is the limiting factor. I would like to get it going with Repetier or Mattercontrol but not much luck.by mwhatch - General
I have defined the reprap full graphics controller and installed the u8glib. The controller comes on with a blue screen. Would there be any other changes I need to make to get the controller working on my rambo. Using marlin firmware. Thanksby mwhatch - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I have power now but just a blank screen.by mwhatch - RAMPS Electronics
I did get the Phoenix about 6 weeks ago. It is working, but they have had a lot of issues. I am trying to get a smart controller working on it now with not much luck. Posted in electronics forum. Mortonby mwhatch - RepRap User Group - Tulsa, OK
Hi, I defined the controller and installed the U8g in the library. I do not get any errors on compileing and uploading. When I put power to the system, I get no power to the controller. It is the red board controller, not the white one. Should there be power on the Rambo 1.2 board when uploading firmware? Anything else I need to do? Thanksby mwhatch - RAMPS Electronics
This is Morton from Owasso. I am currently printing on a desktop cnc with added extruder using Mach3, Slic3r, and Kisslicer. My cnc is 12"x16"x4", but I am only using about 10x10 at the most. I am working on printing parts for a Rostock build. I know very little about the dedicated 3d printer electronics, so I decided to order a Phoenix 3d printer. It looks like a good value for a full featurby mwhatch - RepRap User Group - Tulsa, OK
Deleted and started new topic. Sorryby mwhatch - RepRap User Group - Tulsa, OK