the two places I had to set that were in pronterface: That section had to be changed so I could get it to stop buzzing when testing it from PRONTERFACE.. Also as suggested, I had to update the firmware's HOMING_FEEDRATE to get homing to work.. I still haven't found the values to make the extruder work right yet blackhatgk - RAMPS Electronics
Prusa i3 Nema17 Steppers (six wire) Ramps1.4 Flash the "Test Firmware" and it makes all axises jiggle.. Flash Marlin and: Hothead works and Thermistor Works Z Axis moves fine X and Y just hum Reflash "Test Firmware" and everything jiggles back and forth like its supposed to. Disabled Max and Min Endstops in firmware and still no XY I could be wrong as this is my first attempt at any of thiby blackhatgk - RAMPS Electronics