Quoteunromeo21 Is this project dead ? I am not sure about this project, but you could check other project that I found browsing Marlin Github: MRR_ESPA ESP32Controller Creality_Ender_3_ESP32_Boardby xebbmw - Developers
Quoteaenertia Couple of comments; as I am looking to replace the stm7f proprietary board in my MOOZ which is proprietary and doubtful due to various SPI backed hacks I can reverse engineer into something usable with Mainline Marlin 2.0 at this point. What micro controller is used on your MOOZ board? If you look at Github Marlin 2.0 thread, there are guys who build their boards based on STM32F7 anby xebbmw - RAMPS Electronics
QuoteMrAlvin So far I have noticed the very interesting placing of the drivers, underneath the shield PCB. I will be interested in hearing about your experience... The idea of placing the stepper drivers underneath the PCB is that I have a Delta printer. I am going to place the controller board at the bottom of the printer, below the heat bed where is not that much space. Thus I thought that placby xebbmw - RAMPS Electronics
QuoteMrAlvin Good to hear about it. Do you happen to have any online information or some photos you would like to share? You may find some pictures of my Due6Step here About mosfets, I use IRLR8743 in one board for the bed. It holds well, it is in SMD package and it is mounted on the board (some of the circuit used as heat sink). I tried to use IRLR2905 for the hot ends, but it did not work weby xebbmw - RAMPS Electronics
I also built a new shield based on Arduino Due. Actually two shields, both based on Arduino Due. One shield has 5 steppers and the second 6 steppers. The second board allows the use of TMC2130 steppers that are configurable via the SPI bus. The second board I am about to start testing. I am a fan of Repetier firmware that I used from the beginning when I build my Delta printer. When designing myby xebbmw - RAMPS Electronics
Hi, I would say better check Marlin github, you should be able to get more information here. Actually this thread give you more details how to compile Marlin 2.0 for your board Marlin 2.0 32-bit thread.by xebbmw - Firmware - Marlin
@victor_pv: I designed my shield with 5 steppers on a 10 x 10 cm board. Initially I planned to use it with Repetier firmware but is compatible of course with Marlin and RRF. But lately I found this online silent TMC2130 and I thought I should include it in the design. Even better that is already supported by Marlin firmware. Actually this was already discussed in this topic here.by xebbmw - Controllers
@victor_pv: your board looks something similar with Cohesion 3D ReMix but that is based on LPC1768 micro controller. In both boards Polulu stepper drivers are used and the same number of stepper drivers are available. I understand you are not willing to compete with other high end boards like DUET Wifi or Smoothiware v1 which have integrated stepper drivers. I am also designing a shield for my Dby xebbmw - Controllers
Quoteboylucky Meanwhile I also created a basic page about this delta 3D printer where you can also get the STL files. Page is still in development but can be used for some info now. You can access it here. you should be able to gain more height for printing when designing the effector a bit different. See here the effector that I am using on my delta machine.by xebbmw - Developers
Quotelkcl did you see me saying that, throughout the development process of RD3D? did i say, "i'm sorry, i'm not going to publish this work because it's quotes not finished quotes?" now nobody can understand fully what you are saying, they can't help you if it's not easy to follow what you're doing. they can't see it, they can't contribute. you are the sole exclusive person who can work on it. noby xebbmw - RAMPS Electronics
Quotelkcl RD3D not RAMPS 1.4.2 Sorry, my mistake here Quotelkcl Most of the LCD controllers i've seen - actually most arduino-style shields - use 3.3v ICs that are 5V tolerant. I agree with you here, but my understanding is that a graphic controller would absorb a lot of current comparing with how much the Arduino Due might deliver Quotelkcl it would be great to see clearly the design you've coby xebbmw - RAMPS Electronics
Thanks, I just realized I am already using that library. I am designing a 5 steppers board using Polulu drivers for Arduino Due, but I did not checked before that library. Some ideas that I use and you might include then in your RAMPS 1.4.2: I added to my board is a DC-DC switching converter for 5V (the purpose is to supply power to a graphic display). In the same time Polulu drivers can be drivby xebbmw - RAMPS Electronics
Can you point me to an eagle library for A4982? In the allegro library i did not find one for tssop24 package...by xebbmw - RAMPS Electronics
@lkcl: why not use A5984 stepper driver for the dual stepper board? It can be configured up to 32 micro steps and it less noisier than A4982. In my opinion it is a better choice but depends on the actual cost for the chip (although at Digikey A5984 is less expensive than A4982).by xebbmw - RAMPS Electronics
I think there is already support for such hardware in Teacup firmware, there is a branch for stm32f4xx (see config for cnc shield v3 + nucleo). However I am not sure how well it works or if everything is supported.by xebbmw - Controllers
QuoteHubberthus Since there is no real printer firmware written in FreeRTOS, it is daunting indeed. These are the only references for 3d printer controllers that uses FreeRTOS: Erik Zalm board based on STM32F4: I did not find any firmware for this, the Git repositories shows only a picture of the board. According to the following thread Erik Zalm board is used for Orca-XXL (commercial printer)by xebbmw - Developers
Hi all, I was browsing other forums and I found this new board on Aliexpress 32bits board based on STM32F4 It has only four stepper drivers (removable), includes a graphic screen with touch control and supports thermocouple based temperature sensor. The idea is that new powerful hardware is coming...by xebbmw - Controllers
QuoteDjDemonD I'm using e3d titan and that same 200g stepper (20mm one but at 24v) with a 17cm bowden tube into an e3d v6 genuine hot end and I don't think it would print better if I stuck the extruder on the effector. Reprap firmware helps out here though with working extruder pressure advance which does a nice job of reducing the effect of the Bowden tube on filament control, also reduces the sby xebbmw - Delta Machines
Quotelhartmann ESP32 is out already, both as ESP12-like and NodeMCU-like. For that price, though, we would be better off with an Orange Pi Lite. The advantages of the *Pi would be proper fast SD, filesystem, webserver, and we would be able to run octoprint. All we would need to code is a gcode-capable, I2S, motion-control backend. Apart from timelapses, though, we can do pretty much everything onby xebbmw - Developers
Quotew3drk If anyone in the states want one, I'm selling my SBASE v1.2. It's been modded with stable oscillators (I'm the one who discovered the initial issue), and the DRV8825s are forced into fast decay mode to allow the use of low inductance steppers with 24v, so no need to mess with diodes. In my opinion mixed decay on the DRV8825 is useless... I was using this board on a 24v Kossel 250 wiby xebbmw - Controllers
Nice build log! I started building a delta and I would like to ask you more details about calculating the arm length. In your case I see that the heat bed size is bigger than the incircle of the triangle base and smaller than the excircle of the triangle base. Are you able to print on an area bigger than the incircle? The geometry of a delta printer is complex. I found several OpenScad files tby xebbmw - Delta Machines
Hi Misan, Just have a look on the following topic: http://forums.reprap.org/read.php?2,594898by xebbmw - Controllers
Quotebobc With RAMPS 1.4 now selling for as low as $5 incl shipping, I think it is a pretty interesting mod. Did anyone put together a web page describing the mods? If not I might do that. I am just doing a KiCad version of RAMPS 1.4.2, so could also do a schematic for a 3.3V version. Would it be possible to convert RAMPS 1.4 into SMART RAMPS (aka RAMPS 1.4.1)? I was looking at the schematic fby xebbmw - RAMPS Electronics