Does the hot end move freely when the motors are powered down? Try powering just one stepper with the others unplugged to see if it is your power supply. If your heat sinks are getting really hot you are drawing too much current. Mine get barely warm at all and I set them pretty high. You may need to re-wire the steppers as you may be trying to drive the stepper in both directions at once. I haby jeffegg2 - Delta Machines
Finally got it to work. Using an R/C servo as well. Works great. The Delta Marlin firmware has an error. You need to use lower case for the function name in Marlin main.cpp. Who ever updated it left that fault in when you enable the R/C servo code. For the Ramps 1.4 board you have to jumper the VCC and 5V pins just behind the big yellow fuse (if your servo can use 5V, mine does.. The servo isby jeffegg2 - Delta Machines
Well, today finally got my hot bed working... The cheap Chinese Ramps 1.4 board had the FET soldered in BACKWARDS!!! jeffegg2 - Delta Machines
Damn chinese workers.... They had soldered the Fet in backwards..... Good thing the board is marked correctly... Well, what do you want for 20 bucks? jeffegg2 - Developers
Has anyone checked the ground between controller and power supply?by jeffegg2 - Developers
Using Reprap Ramps V1.4 smart 2004 20*4 LCD Display controllerby jeffegg2 - Developers
I get no power out of D8. I can hook my board heat direct to the 12v and it works, so it is not the board. I have a 100k thermistor connected and read 20 degrees. Perhaps a bad mosfet? programming?by jeffegg2 - RAMPS Electronics
Ok, I am successful after using the following: Arduino: #define X_MAX_POS 90 #define X_MIN_POS -90 #define Y_MAX_POS 90 #define Y_MIN_POS -90 #define Z_MAX_POS MANUAL_Z_HOME_POS #define Z_MIN_POS 0 #define X_MAX_LENGTH (X_MAX_POS - X_MIN_POS) #define Y_MAX_LENGTH (Y_MAX_POS - Y_MIN_POS) #define Z_MAX_LENGTH (Z_MAX_POS - Z_MIN_POS) // The position of the homing switches #define MANUAL_HOME_Pby jeffegg2 - Delta Machines
Looks good, I am also wading thru the firmware stuff. I have the regular rostock 3', marlin, and pronterface. Getting close..... We can work together on jeffegg2 - Delta Machines
Having the same problem with my rostock delta, it wants to print on the right rear of the bed, or pronterface displays at the front left corner and won't print... Someone must have a correct answer to jeffegg2 - Delta Machines
Well, In my case, I am an industrial controls electrician. The ability to produce custom brackets and stuff would be very handy. Also I have some projects in mind for around the house, and for my Photography hobby. A bracket to hold 4x5 negatives in a nikor developing tank is one of my aims. A remote activated blinds controller, perhaps some more stuff. I could always sell printed printer parby jeffegg2 - Reprappers
while building my printer, I tested all the driver boards using a bread board and the arduino each driver at a time. much easier to troubleshoot the wiring that way. here are some tutorials to play with your jeffegg2 - Reprappers
PID is proportional-integral-derivative. It is a method of tuning feedback loops. Proportional part is like if the output goes past the setpoint, drop the current in proportion with what the temp is. Integral part is to measure the slope of the curve of the output temp with respect to time and feed back accordingly. Derivative part is to measure the area under the curve. Using a combination of tby jeffegg2 - Reprappers
Ramps 1.4 is an Arduino shield... It is the interface board to connect stepper drivers and stuff to your Arduino. The Arduino is what gets the firmware from the Arduino IDE to run what is on the shield. Marlin is one of the popular firmware jeffegg2 - Reprappers
The voltage depends on what you feed it. That is why the pot, it adjusts the current depending on what voltage you jeffegg2 - Reprappers
bought my laser temp at harbor frieght when they had it on special for about 10 jeffegg2 - Reprappers
Perhaps just some teflon tape would have keep the old setup from leaking?by jeffegg2 - Reprappers
So started assembly of my Rostock in earnest. Went cheap on some things, pricy on others. Waiting on my Budaschnozzle style print head after the cheapie regular nozzle arrived and fell apart in my hands. So far everything homes and works in manual. Regular Rostock design, Arduino, Ramps 1.4, Airtripper extruder, Marlin_deltabot, Pronterface. 3/4 inch birch ply for the top and bottom and back/sidby jeffegg2 - Delta Machines
What I did was start with baby steps... I took the arduino and a prototype breadboard (the kind you can just stick the components into and test) and played with the drivers and stuff before using the Ramps 1.4 board. It helped to be able to test each piece before assembly and to configure the drivers. Don't be afraid to play, you will learn much more. The a4988 drivers, too little current and theby jeffegg2 - Delta Machines
Sounds like a grounding issue... the other usb must have a better ground. Check to see if your power supply ground carries over to your jeffegg2 - General
I've got the same idea, but using Marlin and Ramps1.4 on my Delta Rostock. What do you plan to use to break the beam? I am thinking of an adjustable flag to allow leveling the bed, but don't have a concrete plan yet... I also plan using a z probe for auto leveling after jeffegg2 - Sanguino(lolu)