re: mendel90 (and maybe its future wiki page?) I think I'll be cutting my own sheet, mdf is to be found everywhere in shops, but some ppl might find some use to sources of mail order pre-cut sheet. For example, a quick search for France gave this: a 500x400 sheet of 16mm thick mdf is about 12 Euros (+ shipping costs I suppose) If you know about sources of MDF or similar panel for you places,by Lanthan - General Mendel Topics
Just for information: I did not have to get into any pin editig with my two RAMPS 1.25 ... homing works OKby Lanthan - General
yellow_fish Wrote: > It > does appear that we are reaching the limits of the > development of frames using printed parts if we > want to print with great accuracy at high speed, > whilst having a small and light machine compared > to the build area. Printed plastic might still have some role in a frame if we value it specifically for dampening purposes. More data and modelizby Lanthan - General Mendel Topics
I think you can hob simple gears with just a rotational axis plus a a rotary cutting tool mounted on a linear axis. the third axis is a plus, but optional. Sort of like this: so one could imagine a simpler Lanthan - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
@Buback: Certainly! I could order with the university address or something like that, arrangements are always possible I could see with ppl from IT dept for example, but I tend to not to buy from companies that practice this sort of discriminatory policies, namely refusing to sell to individuals etc. >< That's too much "the old system" the Internet has helped us beat back up to some Lanthan - General Mendel Topics
Have a look at this one:by Lanthan - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
Not so easy to source, those profiles. Alas Misumi won't sell to ordinariy humans (non eneterprise customers) in many countries. When I asked why, "it is enterprise policy" was the aswer. (!) on eBay in France, 30x30 profile is being sold at 5 Euros each 40 cm piece, plus 5 Euros transport. Sources in Germany are sort of less expensive, but need to check the transport costs. Anyway, significantby Lanthan - General Mendel Topics
It could be something about the axis orientation and max/min settings I think too. Just in case: are you using opto endstops or microswitches? The enable pullup setting has to be modified according to the sort of endstops (enabled with microswitches)by Lanthan - General
So for 20 cm you'd get 200/65536 = about 3 microns resolution, assuming a perfectly linear resistance (a wire) and perfect contacts (probably the really difficult part). Not bad, even 30 microns resolution would be OK - and dead Lanthan - Developers
@Nophead & Dale Dunn: Thank you for the clarifications! Found the young modules of several steels indeed they are very close. Further searches: hardness shows some relation to young modulus and the speed of sound in the material according to this paper we are talking of changes of a magnitude of 4% So indeed cross-section will play a bigger role. I do not believe a cantilevered (singlby Lanthan - General Mendel Topics
Never assume brand new commercial stuff comes devoid of flaws. Your heated bed should be pulling some 10 Amperes @12V, and when directly connected to a capable 12V power supply, should heat up. Does it? Try inverting the + and - terminal cables: do the led light up? Also, with the bed disconnected, please measure at the terminals the thermistor resistance at ambient temperature. You should hby Lanthan - Firmware - mainstream and related support
@Traumflug: yes, no octopuses nor lustful segments of curved bodies (nor Lovecraftian mashups of those two mass print categories), only tech! On the other hand, doesn't it augment the machine with some sort of four-eyed awed, almost smiling face? @TomCeeMe: Yes, certainly! But I cut the lower rods short... @nophead: Yes, E PUR SI MUOVE! it still moves, by firmly pushing I can bend the top by 1by Lanthan - General Mendel Topics
Igor Lobanov Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > As far as axes are concerned, a possible > alternative to magnetic sensor would be a strip of > conductive material, sliding contact head and > simple current or resistance sensor. Under the > voltage position reading of the sensor will be > linearly dependent on the position of the head. It > wouldby Lanthan - Developers
1) have you measured the bed's resistance? 2) after this step, and if the measured resistance is within 1.2 to 10 ohm, have you tried connecting the bed to a 12v power supply directly?by Lanthan - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Has anybody done a comparison between Repetier and Marlin?by Lanthan - General
Finally: Full crossbracing for Prusa simplified Mendel by Lanthanby Lanthan - General Mendel Topics
Mendel: 200x200mm printing area is sweet - even if you infrequently use it all. Who would want any less ? Huxley et al: have the hysteresis problems of bowden filament pushers been solved?by Lanthan - General
here it goes: Marlin Configuration.h and my current skeinforge (46) settings give a try to pronsole and/or pronterface!by Lanthan - General
Sound Wrote: > > Most of people (including me) use Pronterface as a > good G-code viewer. Unfortunately, not the same level of detail and readability (you can check gcode lines for the individual moves with Skeinview, color coded, etc.). > > Other options include Pleasant3D (for Mac), very nice for general views, but short on detail. Threr's also gcode2vtk, allows usingby Lanthan - Slic3r
I'll give a shot at it. after I finish the Lanthan - General Mendel Topics
@Sound, about arcs: brilliant! I tried running skeinveiw on slicer-generated gcode, it doesn't like it at all and dies. Probably it is because of the additional gcodes. Still, we'd benefit a lot for having a way to visually inspect the layers (apart of printing 'em) and might help by accelerating the debug Lanthan - Slic3r
Very interesting research. Have you measured the pulses generated by Marlin?by Lanthan - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Thank you guys for the feedback! @jcomp316: lightly touch the vertical smooth rods and the y-ends while printing a fill at high speed: they do vibrate a lot. Parts of it are related to: 1) flexion of the whole structure for the lack of cross-bracing along the x direction 2) flexion of the smooth vertical rod , 3) the springy way to mount the lm8uu. The flanged bearings with printed plastic sandby Lanthan - General Mendel Topics
The price of this kind of flanged linear bearings seems to be decreasing, as compared to the plain lm8uu. It seems to me that they could simplify the design and improve reliability for the z axis, especially for those more inclined to keep a horizontal x axis. Do you see any inconvenients for an x-ends design using those? thoughts, comments?by Lanthan - General Mendel Topics
How do you deal with circles, since in the stl format the tesselation decomposes them in triangles?by Lanthan - Slic3r
Thank you! A great illustrated resource! Transition from Skeinforge is quite Lanthan - Slic3r
Well... (after cutting a cupcake and building a Mendel... current impressions...) Prusa Mendel and successors may certainly be called a "success" in terms of fast breeding. Also good for people into plastic sales. From the tinkerer-user point of view, I am not so sure I'd call that thing "a success". It just has too many shortcuts in its design that insult the mind and tend to fail on you one afby Lanthan - Developers
Nudel Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Lanthan Wrote: > > Slic3r is, imho, > > not yet there in terms of options and maturity. > > You can't possibly have tried the latest versions > then. just "the version just before the last", and I don't like the way it silently ate thin walls (I know, it wasn't a bug but an unimplemented feature). Iby Lanthan - General
1) Have a look at macports sort of apt-get for mac. makes the installation and updates of unix ports & dependencies a breeze. I have skeinforge running ok on 10.6.8 2) Take the time to hand-craft a fine skeinforge configuration. Takes time, learning and many iterations, but well worth it. Slic3r is, imho, not yet there in terms of options and Lanthan - General
I have been extruding 3mm filament with a couple of ParCan's hotends (he's been developing a new design, but those are of the first series. He sells 'em in emakershop), it is a totally "classic" design compatible with many mounts (you just have to drill the peek bar at the right distance). No failures, no problems, just about perfect. I recommend them, and (at least until I get a lathe) I'd buyby Lanthan - General Mendel Topics