Hey guys, you might want to give try to this medicine: You'll need a 12x28x8mm bearing (I received the one I ordered, perfect push fit), and a modded printed pulley (extended with a cylinder of 12mm diameter) (I am using a machined pulley instead). Goes well with a couple of printed idlers.by Lanthan - General
attrezzopox Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > @Lanthan > > > do you think the current variability of boards & > configs would allow for practical automatization > of config testing? > > Yes I do. The utility I'm suggesting would be used > on arduino based hardware, I assume other > micro-controllers would have to deal with the &gby Lanthan - Controllers
If you are experieced in Autocad, you may find some use to the combination of 2D dxf plus openscad for the final extrusion & modelling. A definite advantage is that it becomes very staightfoward to share multi-platform editable files this way, with open source toolchains. Blender and sketchup by far do not provide the control nor precision tool you are used to have with Autocad - or Qcad. Alsby Lanthan - General
Hello, - what electronics? - what stepper motors? - have you verified your stepper motors connexions? do they turn with no load? - have you adjusted your steeper driver potentiometers? ...by Lanthan - General Mendel Topics
attrezzopox Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I assume for the first portion the end product > would be a program that helps to verify all of > your hardware actually works before you try to > send gcode. > do you think the current variability of boards & configs would allow for practical automatization of config testing? I see more value in suby Lanthan - Controllers
Seems a good idea. Check the wiki for existing stuff (not so much), thingiverse for calibration & test objects. What would be the final product: A compilation of test methods, a checklist?by Lanthan - Controllers
brnrd Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I enter the calculated value in the firmware and > then I use the measured feed length to calculate > the Filament Packing Density ratio setting in > Skeinforge 40 and 41 as the ratio of the measured > over the entered length. That is a very good point!by Lanthan - General Mendel Topics
brnrd Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > 3. Is there a reliable equation to calc the > steps of the extruder motor? > > > For Skeinforge 40 and later, steps per mm = (steps > per revolution) x (gear ratio) / Pi / (pinchwheel > diameter). I have found it is more accurate to determine this parameter experimentally. There are some unknownby Lanthan - General Mendel Topics
Nice pics, THX! I was just looking for a pin mapping table. Yes of course this information is very easy to dig out from the firmware and the eagle files. Or I may hack my own. But then I'd not be willing to pay 3x the market price for anything with an unfinished documentation job. Commercial initiatives should be encouraged to fully document their stuff.by Lanthan - General Mendel Topics
Yep. 8 times the resistance. Beats me. Haven't yet started messing with it. will have to wait. Seems it has several elements in parallell with thin links to the peripheral conductor, a couple of those might be un-connected. Was it from reprapsource, or XYZprinters? The other I made works very well. Although I was eager to try it at once, and had not yet received the aluminium plate I had ordeby Lanthan - Reprappers
1 - 230 - 240 should do (double check the thermistor table referenced in firmware corresponds to the thermistor you have) 2 - Don't expect ABS to adhere to bare metal. Kapton and a table at 110C, acrylic for small pieces at rooms temperature... clean surface with aceton before each print 3 - if using skeinforge (or even if not) have a look at this even easier if you have the hot end disconby Lanthan - General Mendel Topics
Yep. But above all, publish it, publish it and publish it. Make noise. Make a wiki page. Scream, squeal, organize contests, jousts, pageants, whatever: Get the ppl's attention on those so-boring but fundamental decisions about "standards".by Lanthan - Developers
Thingiverse. I bought one but I am not very happy with that design. IMHO it is underdocumented and underdesigned (example: two tiny soldering pads inconveniently placed, and not a thought about strain relief on the design. Resistance is way off what it supposed to be (left a msg on thingiverse but no answer). So if making your own, better start from scratch. Calculation hints are in the wikby Lanthan - Reprappers
29 mm center to center with the plastic variability and imperfections in the measurements. I wouldn't go for that though, but for the distance measured in the plans, or in default, slicings & projections of stls.: 30 mm Edit:: also have a look at objects like this one: from the very first lines of the openscad file: // PRUSA Mendel // GNU GPL v2 // Z threaded rod constraint includeby Lanthan - Developers
Have a look at Open3dprinting's recipes:by Lanthan - General
johnyradio Wrote: > Fair enough. By that token, innumerable hobby > projects the world over are self-replicating. Even > so, the project is not called "self-replicating > hobby skills", or "self-replicating engineering > knowledge in an open-source project". It's called > "self-replicating machine". You seem unhappy with that particular point, and stuck on it. In those cases,by Lanthan - Developers
>If you think of the "meme" as being the self-reproducing entity, and the physical RepRap is just the carrier agent / disease vector, then I think we can declare it "Mission Accomplished"! > >It is only if you take a narrow view that you have to argue that it has to be the physical RepRap which must reproduce itself Well, priests healers and medicine-men know the following since ages iby Lanthan - Developers
In the end we might all be like foraging bacteria. Optimization of Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) Process Parameters Using Bacterial Foraging Technique And improved sets of parameters should emerge, Not to be forgotten, the infinite monkey theorem.by Lanthan - Developers
Could be a good idea to create a wiki page with the compilation of what you gather. Here's some old paper I found (they do not use the same terms than in reprap but it is all quite self-explaining) Material Characterization of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) ABS by Designed Experiments Michael Montero1, Shad Roundy1, Dan Odell1, Sung-Hoon Ahn2 and Paul K. Wright1 2001 Also in: Rapid Prototypby Lanthan - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
Because it is pretty obvious that people are not here with a single mindset and a single set of objectives. Because there are many, many different kinds of approaches, benefits and interests you can get from such organic processes. The objectives could be seen as an initial pretext, a federating call, but then, by the nature of life itself, no one really controls the resulting processes. Theby Lanthan - Developers
I tend to not care about "vitamins" and self-reproducibility, as long as the vitamins are cheap and abundant. There's always the three bins "what I can make", "what I have to buy", and "what I have to buy and is expensive and/or hard to find". In the "what I can make", best time in my whole making life (the exhilarating sensation the first time you get power generation out of the system you'veby Lanthan - Developers
Buback Wrote: > A benefit of a vertical axis is that you can have > the top bar thicker/stronger while keeping the > bottom bar thinner for weight/cost reasons. Weight is not really a concern as long as it rests on a seldom active Z axis. It is within the two moving carriages that it is a main concern. As for the X axis: I am brooding an L design (3 bar) to maximize stiffness in allby Lanthan - Developers
Acoustic noise's not the problem but vibration amplified up to the the extruder tip and the spring-mounted build surface is. Yes, soft/absorbing material must be constrained, and the reference must be provided by a hard surface. And of course... for all usual plastic melting purposes, the Z axis is almost never active while the extruder is printing. Its contribution to "noise" is minimal. Soby Lanthan - General
@Traumflug: According to communication theory and scientific experiments, if you want to get a message through, especially to a collective, you have to repeat it many, many times (and in different ways).by Lanthan - Controllers
Hi Richrap, Very nice build and instructions! Could you please update us / confirm about pin number connexions between the SD card board and the RAMPS 1.2? (or has this info already been written down in the wiki? last time I checked it wasn't there)by Lanthan - General Mendel Topics
As for me, (2x RAMPS 1.2) I found the 4 pin connectors way too wimpy for duty. I soldered instead to the board what I had at hand: recycled HDD power cables terminated with the usual female HDD molex connectors. The motors connect to those with male molex connectors. Ugly, but worx Just to pre-empt tear and wear on the boards solderings, I injected some hot glue around the junctions of theby Lanthan - Reprappers
Very clever and economic, almost Zen. My concern would be with transmitting the motors vibration to the smooth rod and the frame and thus amplifying it . I adopt basic isolation and dampening measures nearest of the vibration sources each time it is possible. I tend to slip a cork (or similar) gasket in the contact area between the motors and the mounts. Not clear to me if this would be possiby Lanthan - General
> Just thinking aloud here just draft & design & share aloudby Lanthan - General
@brianandaimee: yes, indeed, if we are redesigning the X ends we should also take into account the Z rod to smooth bar distances given in those pieces. May I suggest the following: We should also take into account the possibility of parametrically setting different (higher) smooth rod diameters. It is becoming clearer and clearer that with higher speeds, belt tension and energy levels in the maby Lanthan - Developers
> Imagine a laser that could give the feedback. As for position feedback, there is also a working magnetic linear encoder solution, seems very accurate You can get that chip in sample quantities from Austria Microsystems too Never read of anyone actually using it though. And code is yet to be developed.by Lanthan - General