Sadly I don't recall where I got these makerbot clone endstop board from. The top image is what I received, the bottom is what they should look like. Due to them not matching standard physical layout I never attempted to use them on anything till now. Now that I designed something to use them, I tried them, only to find they do not work.. They short vcc to gnd!! The issue is that switch tby Dust - General
What is the use case for this for joe average?by Dust - Tech-Talk
You have #define EXTRUDERS 1, not 0 This tells marlin you have a E0 axis On a modern marlin bugfix 2.1.x you can definitely remove E0 On positively ancient Marlin 1.1.9? this is unlikely to work without a lot of code changesby Dust - Firmware - Marlin
RAMPS has 5 stepper drivers total You seem to be trying to setup 1 * X 2 * Y 2 * Z 1 * E that is 6 stepper drivers, one more than you haveby Dust - Firmware - Marlin
You cannot have axis Z1, Z2 etc this will break things badly Gcode is space independent so if you sent a G1Z120 did you mean move Z to 120 or move Z1 to 20, there is no way to tell. This is also why we don't have E0,E1 etc, but only E with the T gcode to change the toolby Dust - Firmware - Marlin
Only a few get to edit the main pages, as to many attempt to change the wiki to their personal advertising platform Your creation of and edits is in my view an example of just that, where by your pushing the printers you like to the front of the queue Most of these are not even what I would call reprap, they areby Dust - Administration, Announcements, Policy
there is no such thing as, net yet anyways You give almost no information. no config, not much to go on. Auto fans are not visible. You cannot control them, so they are not on the displayby Dust - Firmware - Marlin
there is no such thing as bug fix-2.1-4.x yet. "error: missing binary operator before token "("" is caused by miss matched versions. Latest bugfix does not have macros EITHER or BOTH, and the config file your trying to use has these Start again Download Marlin bugfix 2.1.x either with git clone or download the zip Dust - Firmware - Marlin
@mayson thats nothing to go on... What firmware, what version, what are config files settings like motherboard and lcd you enabled,by Dust - Printing
The way to activate bed leveling is different depending on what bed leveling they enabled Most are G29, but Unified bed leveling is more complicated Try this test via pronterface G28; Home all axes G29; Probe the bed M420 Z10; set z leveling fade height, this may say unknown gcode G1 Z3; Move to Z = 3mm then watch your flags and do G1 X200 Y200 ; replace the numbers with the size of yby Dust - Firmware - Marlin
if your bed it relatively flat and level, it is difficult to see any Z movement Add a flag to to top of the Z so that you can see any movement easily. (a bit of tape woks fine)by Dust - Firmware - Marlin
Stop using, its is broken in so many ways Use or preferably Dust - Firmware - Marlin Input shaping reboot is meant to be fixed if you apply this patchby Dust - Firmware - Marlin is severely broken! Enabling input shaping on that version of marlin makes the controller reboot over and Dust - Firmware - Marlin
See the diagram in the config * Assuming the typical work area orientation: * - Probe to RIGHT of the Nozzle has a Positive X offset * - Probe to LEFT of the Nozzle has a Negative X offset * - Probe in BACK of the Nozzle has a Positive Y offset * - Probe in FRONT of the Nozzle has a Negative Y offset * * Some examples: * #define NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET { 10, 10, -1 } // Exampleby Dust - Firmware - Marlin
module stack_of_spheres(w,r) { for(layer = [0 : w -1]) for(x = [0 : w -1 - layer]) for(y = [0 : w - 1 - layer]) translate() sphere(r); } $fn=20; stack_of_spheres(10,3);by Dust - OpenSCAD
best guess is your blue wire isnt good. not in the correct places, or not making a good electrical connectionby Dust - General
Don't bother with 0.9's unless you have a delta 3d printer For other printers it just doubles the number of steps it needs and halves the maximum speedby Dust - General
the MKS_MINI_12864_V3 only has 3 neopixels you have #define NEOPIXEL_PIXELS 30 This wastes cpu cycles controlling leds that are not there, best to set it to 3by Dust - Firmware - Marlin
Commenting out #define MKS_MINI_12864 and enabling // // MKS MINI12864 V3 is an alias for FYSETC_MINI_12864_2_1. Type A/B. NeoPixel RGB Backlight. // #define MKS_MINI_12864_V3 Also compiles, but had several warnings you should read about enabling NEOPIXEL_LED, which is required as that is the display back light Ie you need to update these lines, as indicated by the warnings #define NEOPby Dust - Firmware - Marlin
Provided Config files builds fine under platformio using stock pins.h Your OTT trimmed pins.h breaks marlin environment sanity checkingby Dust - Firmware - Marlin is a bit of a lemon dont use it with input shaping, or a probe in the probe port that needs a pullup (ie bltouch and clones) List of known bugs, some have patchesby Dust - Firmware - Marlin
@ChileMaker how about some pictures of the mosfet modules and where all the wires actually go? the MK52 is about 1ohm so pulls about 12 amps, most external mosfets should be able to do that easily This doesn't really make sense from the description... The connection form D8 to the module is just the on/off signal, it has practically no current. It normally goes to a optocoupler so is just tby Dust - RAMPS Electronics
@ChileMaker The wiring diagram and description sound correct Perhaps your bed is just to to massive a current draw for the mosfet?by Dust - RAMPS Electronics
3mf should just be zipped text files, so at least in theory you can examine it and perhaps write a converter. But who knows what they did to it... Closed source sucks!. But basically at this time there is no fix, other than repainting Start simple, take a 20x20x20 cube, colour each face a different colour make them identical in both Prusa slicer and Bambu Slicer, compare the 3mf Dust - General
Learn how to use gcode. One command M104 S200 set the hotend temperature to 200C Also since your printer has a 128x64 lcd you can add can add menus with CUSTOM_MENU_CONFIG to also set the temperatureby Dust - Firmware - Marlin
That is not MULTI_VOLUME, That is for if the controller has a sdcard and a usb flash drive port, which your board does not have. You just want to use build environment env: STM32G0B1RE_btt_xfer Which sets up the firmware to allow you to upload firmware to the sdcard over usb cable via binary file transfer. There is no support for 2 sdcards if that is what your tryingby Dust - Firmware - Marlin
The controller is a Creality V2.1 this uses a ch340 usb serial converter You need to install drivers for windows to see thisby Dust - Reprappers
The current pronterface does not show values for z- it does however highlight the number above and move tested Z 1, verified with lcd that Z is now at 1 tested Z -1 (1 is highlighted above). verified with that Z is now back at 0by Dust - Printrun/Pronterface
Core XY 101 For Y+ the stepper A and B must be moving is opposite directions (A anti clockwise) (B clockwise) for X+ the stepper A and B must be moving anti clockwise for X- the stepper A and B must be moving clockwise, but your getting Y+ so A stepper is not changing direction, is stick turning anti clockwise for Y- the stepper A and B must be moving is opposite directions (A clockwise)by Dust - CoreXY Machines