Hi Paul, Great stuff! Look forward to seeing you in Wales on the 26th Aug. And hopefully before that also to discuss a new hotend design. So that just leaves July to fill. Any takers? Hey Rich - and Faberdasher - and you Brum boys, you've gone awful quiet on us! Any news? All the best, Hamishby hairykiwi - West of England RUG
Hi All, Apologies for the lack of replies to various conversations - been busy lately. As promised - an event confirmation: Sat 23rd JUNE - From 13:00 til late - my place in Ledbury (PM me for details if you don't have the address already) - cake and coffee in the afternoon, pizza and salad in the evening. I'll Supply cake and coffee, we can all pitch in for pizzas. Look forward to seeing asby hairykiwi - West of England RUG
Good stuff Stewart - I'll be up for coming down to Exeter when you're up and running. Sounds like you'll have a great venue. It's interesting that even with our open source ecology, we still end up paying import duty on something that could legally be reproduced locally. That's another reason for me having a go with my own iteration on an existing hotend designby hairykiwi - West of England RUG
Cool stuff guys - that's three of us for the 23rd with @Motobarsteward confirming by PM. Rob, Good to hear you've been busy studying hard! I'm still 'only' printing with PLA (I am in fact very happy with it). I can clear the blockages no problem - but it's nice to know who to call to clean a mess I can't - I think it's simply down to the design of the Arcol and vast majority of hotend designsby hairykiwi - West of England RUG
Hi Paul, Re the hotend project, I'll be in touch by email - many thanks for your kind offer. Before I organised the Ledbury event, I'd been a little hesitant to - thinking it wasn't central enough, and that it would be an inconvenience for most people regarding travel distance. But makers and hackers exist everywhere and those that aren't 'locals' are happy to travel some distance, (look at youby hairykiwi - West of England RUG
Guys, You might be interested in visiting one of the events taking place at the Cheltenham science festival running all next week (12 to 17 June). I see they have a 3D printing session and are also offer the chance for one person to have something scanned and printed. Details here: Hamishby hairykiwi - West of England RUG
Hi Paul, That's a shame. A few local people with kids are interested, so I'll keep that date for the meantime - even if it means its a low key event - and confirm it ON Mon 18th June. It would be great for someone else to grab a date in July and run with it - I can make any days except 21/22 July. Perhaps we can get together earlier, (midweek would suit me also, if it suits you likewise) but Iby hairykiwi - West of England RUG
Hi Paul and everyone, Apologies for kicking things along then going quiet myself - I've been keeping busy with lots of (mainly) RepRap and watch design stuff. I've yet to get around to sticking anything on thingiverse, but will do asap. I heard from Rich the other day and he told me July would be better for him as he's tied up most of June with other commitments. He also mentioned he's trying tby hairykiwi - West of England RUG
G'day Guys and Gals, It's about time we started thinking about the next get together - evening or daytime session - I don't mind. I'm happy to share transport as far as Birmingham or Exeter from Ledbury and in between - but let's do something before the end of June. It's a little too soon to descend on Ice Bytes Cafe again - but if needs be I'm happy to host something at our place. We could proby hairykiwi - West of England RUG
Many thanks Rich, for writing the blog entry on the Ledbury Community Portal. John published it earlier today: RepRap @ Ice Bytes Hamishby hairykiwi - West of England RUG
Keith, I admire the considerable effort you have put in to this project and what you have achieved in such short space of time. Thank you! As you have the ability, I can't help but wonder why you don't instead write a STEP or IGES exporter for openSCAD? Or perhaps even a standalone openSCAD CSG to IGES/STEP translator if converting directly between those formats made more sense? Is doing so reaby hairykiwi - General
RepRap Day Ledbury - Happy 7th birthday blog.RepRap.org! (Any old excuse to mix cake and precision mechatronics will do.) Great to see you all there! Another great cake (Thank you Shoko!). Another great bunch of interesting and interested people. Here's some pics from yesterday. If you have some pics you'd like to share with everyone, PM me your email address and I'll send you an invite to sby hairykiwi - West of England RUG
Hi everyone, I just sent everyone a PM with parking details and my contact phone number. Let me know if you didn't get it and/or need any more info. The only thing I can think we might run out of is power sockets. If you have a multiway extension (2 to 5 m), please consider bringing it - better to have too many. Looking forward to tomorrow's session! Cheers, Hamishby hairykiwi - West of England RUG
Yep, awesome tutorial posts on slic3r Rich! And thanks for the hint about cleaning the extruder drive knurling prior to calibration - that did the trick. Hamishby hairykiwi - Slic3r
Hi Paul and everyone, RepRap Day in Ledbury sure is all going ahead! 24th of March at Ice Bytes Cafe, 38 The Homend, Ledbury, HR8 1BT Google Street View I'll be there from 10-ish to set up a table and get my printer going for the public to see. Feel free to come earlier, but don't bust a gut - it might be a long day. I'd rather see some other people's machines up and running however, so I'llby hairykiwi - West of England RUG
Pants! Well spotted Rich! Thanks. Update: Saved by thingiverse - they registered both. I'll fix it one day. I did however use your 'DIY' suggestion in the online events listing provided by the local newspaper: http://tiny.cc/RepRapDay-HR8-2012-03-24 I did put a post on the eMaker forum a few days ago - nothing heard as yet. Cheers, Hamishby hairykiwi - West of England RUG
Hi all, Through the press releases I just made for the March event I realised the URL for this thread is a bit of a mouthful, so I just made some tiny urls here: tiny.cc/WestOfEnglandRepRap tiny.cc/westofenglandreprap tiny.cc/WestOfEnglandRUG tiny.cc/westofenglandRUG tiny.cc/woerug all of which point to: tiny.cc/wrz1aw - which of course redirects to the first page of this thread. Obviously weby hairykiwi - West of England RUG
Great stuff Rob! Permanently broke - don't worry, I know the feeling - I've yet to get around to upgrading my PLA bushings, extruder, attach the electronics... --- To avoid any possible clash of events in April, here's a copy of Adrian Bowyer's blog post advertising the next Bath Master Class: RepRapPro Ltd is running a RepRap Community Masterclass at Bath University - the home of RepRap - betwby hairykiwi - West of England RUG
Hi! Perhaps a thread titled "West of England Suppliers" might be better for your post than 'hello'? Anyway, nice to know of another supplier Cheers, Hamishby hairykiwi - West of England RUG
Guys and Gals, Attached is an A4 PDF poster I put together to help advertise the Ledbury event. Feel free to print and distribute. Look forward to seeing you all there. Cheers, Hamishby hairykiwi - West of England RUG
Guys, I'm not sure if updates are notified by email subscription, so below is a quick reminder/update (the full post is on page 3). Cheers, Hamish John and Shoku owners of Ice Bytes Cafe in Ledbury have kindly offered to host a RepRap Day on 24 March 2012. Where: Ice Bytes Cafe, 38 The Homend, Ledbury, HR8 1BT Google Street View UPDATED 07 MAR: Time: Shop hours are 10am - 5pm - actual evenby hairykiwi - West of England RUG
Hi Paul, Great to hear from you! The best thing I think you can do is subscribe to this topic - there's no mailing list as such for coordinating meetings. (In fact to reduce possible spam you may want to obscure your email address like this: auej43 (at) dsl (dot) pipex (dot) com or just keep it in your personal profile.) Why not pop up to Ledbury on the 24th? It's only 20 minutes more travellinby hairykiwi - West of England RUG
Hi Rich, Sounds like a great idea, thanks. Sorry I didn't call in the last few days, then ran out of weekend - tied up with urgent stuff - will call tomorrow night after 7, thanks. I plan on getting a press release out Tues morning for publication in the local paper at the end of this week. ...And possibly do another one for the Hereford Times for the following week. Cheers, Hamishby hairykiwi - West of England RUG
Great to hear from you Rich! You're sure setting a good pace of progress as evident by your blog. Making it a build weekend is a great idea! However as it's not my place we're using, and out of courtesy, I better run it by John and Shoku. The only thing that immediately comes to mind is that we probably couldn't do any last minute soldering due to any fumes not mixing too well with their ongoinby hairykiwi - West of England RUG
Stewart, do keep us posted about the Exter Hackerspace events - I look forward to going, though I won't be a regular due to the distance. IRC really is a great thing, but I found I was glued to it and not getting anything else done. So as much as I liked it, unfortunately I stay away these days. Mike, What delay? I was in a similar position as you suggest you're in when I showed up at the firstby hairykiwi - West of England RUG
Good stuff guys! Cheers Rob. Stewart your machine makes my Prusa (finished Sep 2011) look quite antiquated.You'll definitely enjoy printing on glass - that I've been doing from the outset. While we're chatting, I had a look at the Exeter Hackerspace site yesterday. Is anything going on there at the moment?by hairykiwi - West of England RUG
Good to hear from you Rob and Stewart. I'm looking forward to seeing some lower layer height prints. What software/firmware & nozzle diameter are you using Stewart? Stewart, the train journey to Ledbury is pretty convoluted with 3 changes and 4hours+ travel time. I thought about picking you up myself from Cheltenham, but the earliest arriving train would be cutting it too fine to get back aby hairykiwi - West of England RUG
Hi everyone, Thanks for the suggested date Mike... John and Shoku owners of Ice Bytes Cafe in Ledbury have kindly offered to host a RepRap Day on 24 March 2012. Where: Ice Bytes Cafe, 38 The Homend, Ledbury, HR8 1BT Google Street View UPDATED 07 MAR: Time: Shop hours are 10am - 5pm - actual event time: 11am - 4pm I'll be there around 10 - 10:15 to set up some tables. If we plan on a 4pm fby hairykiwi - West of England RUG
A big THANKS geoffd! Quite a few people seem to succumb to this connection problem. It's happened to me twice now - the first time 6 months ago, on a different PC, and I wasn't really sure how I got it working first time. I was running Pronterface + Sprinter with Sanguinololu, now trying Marlin in place of Sprinter; all else the same. The USB unplug, re-plug with two consecutive runs of Pronteby hairykiwi - Skeinforge
Hi Rob, Life reared it's ugly head, so unfortunately nothing happened in Ledbury in December, sorry. In hindsight, a last minute meeting in December probably wasn't the smartest move in the book. Poor show, I know, so my sincere apologies to everyone who expressed an interest in coming over in December. I'll have a chat to John, at Ice Bytes Cafe this week and we'll firm up on a date for thisby hairykiwi - West of England RUG