QuoteComeWhatThey I’m aware that there’s been much discussion about the drawbacks of the design and there are good reasons why more modern designs have largely moved away from trapezoidal shapes. Triangular designs are still the best way to get stiffness. These "good reasons" are mostly simplicity/cheapness. But there's a reason why some of the rectangular designs got nicknamed "Wobblebot". Rectvon Traumflug - General
I have no idea how Marlin works. How about looking at a dedicated kiln firmware? Just from a quick googling: andvon Traumflug - Firmware - Marlin
If you want to investigate the logic of a firmware, make sure to have a look at Teacup firmware. That's as lean and simple as one can get it. Lean means not only fairly easy to understand, it also results in outstanding performance. If you want to control a boiler, assumedly its temperature, using a full blown printer firmware is a bit a stretch. You'd use just like 5% of its capabilities. For avon Traumflug - Firmware - Marlin
For finding out the Gen7 version, look at the copper side. Version number should be etched/milled in there. Regarding being the latest ... well, these boards still move printers just fine. I run fairly old boards (by today's standards) as well and feel no need to upgrade anything. There's Gen7 2.0 with an ARM CPU, which is about 2.5x faster and Teacup Firmware only. Very helpful when using highvon Traumflug - Mendel90
Nice goal, exactly what Teacup wants as well. I just don't see why this needs new code. Teacup works on a LPC1114 for many years already. If you want to upload to the original Teacup repo, drop me a line. I'll happily add you as collaborator.von Traumflug - Controllers
From : QuoteProgramming the bootloader using the Arduino IDE Many programmers don't use the USB protocol directly, but an internal USB-TTL converter. So far there was no luck uploading the bootloader with these from Arduino IDE's graphical user interface. Programming works without this magic 10uF capacitor as well. Point of this cap is to perform a reset in the right moment, which can be donevon Traumflug - Sanguino(lolu)
A first step is to remove all load from the motor. By unloading the filament or unmounting the motor from the extruder. If the motor still shows jerky movements, wiring might be wrong. See the "trial and error" method here:von Traumflug - General
There's simply not much to talk about Gen7, because it works so flawlessly. And of course I have these fast and DIY-friendly ARM chips in stock.von Traumflug - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
Quotedc42 If you are looking for a board that integrates a good 32-bit CPU that you could either mount on another board or plug a shield on to, there's no shortage of evaluation boards from the major microcontroller manufacturers. For example, for $37 you can get this , a high-end board with an ARM Cortex M7 processor, SD card socket, Ethernet, and lots of I/O pins. RepRapFirmware has already beevon Traumflug - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
Quote+Mikie Maybe time to ping Traumflug to blackm... PERSUADE him into switching to a better processor and add a 5th motor driver. I thought about using one of the dual core ESP32 boards as CPU. There's no shortage of variants: . One core for doing WiFi, the other core for controlling the printer. Cores are said to be independent, so it could work out to have running one of them running timervon Traumflug - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
Quote+Mikie The only board I see represented here seems to be Gen7, and it too seems to be dead-ish. Gen7 was declared dead by the community the day it was released and this changed never since then. No idea why this happens, but that's it. And of course, like every time I read such declarations, I can assure it's alive. One just doesn't hear much about builders, because these builders need novon Traumflug - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
Quoteprime79 Tea Cup einfach dass ich nicht lache eines der unbrauchbarsten dinge am mac die es gibt habe nun schon 2 stunden verschissen!!!! das ist schrott!!!! mach mal ne step by step anleitung für das neueste mac und schau das das ding auf adruino geladen wird dann schau ich vielleicht wieder vorbei. bis dahin bleibe ich bei asprinter und marlin!!! Ist Dir Teacup zu stark, bist Du zu schwachvon Traumflug - Allgemeines
Quotedc42 - I didn't ask for privileges That's exactly your problem. Instead of volunteering you just jump around with bold letters and star-row ***panic***, trying to blame people for things you should do yourself. Quotedc42 With RepRapFirmware we care about having good documentation. Then bring that page back into a usable state. Right now it's like 80% RepRapFirmware-only, only small portiovon Traumflug - Administration, Announcements, Policy
Quotedc42 I know that reprap.org is managed by volunteer labour, but I am not even a moderator here so I am powerless to help. So please can the forum admins deal with this as soon as possible. OMG, what a big lot of cheap excuses. Everybody asking for privileges to get some task done got them so far, usually within hours. Your whining is exactly the reason why its so hard to motivate volunteersvon Traumflug - Administration, Announcements, Policy
Quoteterramir The specs of the "arduino chip" atmel either 644p or 1284p allow for a max sink of 40mA and since the combined supply is 200mA the max current for all pins should be around 200 mA using a 10 ohm resistor allows for a current of 500mA @5v while in version 1.3.1 the resistors signaling the mosfet were 1k ohm resistors which limit the current for signaling to 5 mA was this an error orvon Traumflug - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
Teacup comes with I2C code for serving a display. So far nobody tried to wire this up for G-code communications. One needs serial for uploading a firmware anyways, so it's a bit questionable what the point of using I2C is. And controllers smaller than an Arduino Nano? Hard to find any. If you can find one, go ahead. Teacup is (exception: delay loop) all C code, so it's possible to compile it fovon Traumflug - Controllers
Quotescrub Since 57600 Baud rate worked for uploading the firmware i set 57600 Baud rate in both pronterface and configtool but it still doesn't connect. Bootloader baud rate and firmware baud rate can be the same, but don't have to. Bootloader and firmware are two entirely independent pieces of software. Teacup defaults to 115200 baud. Quotescrub Interestingly whenever i connect the arduino tovon Traumflug - General
Having Debug turned on just shows what happens anyways. There should be lines starting with RECV, too. Not having them indicates communications not working. Baud rate mismatch, Arduino unpowered, such stuff. Also make sure CPU Clock Rate (Configtool -> Board -> CPU) matches your Arduino.von Traumflug - General
Quotescrub does not have these menu options, rather in the settings tab it has "macros", "options", "slicing settings" and "debug communications". In options i can't find anything resembling "debug g-code". Take "debug communications" ... and edit the wiki to reflect this change in Pronterface wording. Quotescrub Maybe i'm not waiting long enough for my arduino nano to connect? How long shouldvon Traumflug - General
Quotescrub One problem that previously stopped me dead in the tracks was that after i build the file and want to upload it it just won't do it. Try with a more simple example, e.g. Blink, coming as example code with the IDE. Uploading a large and complex firmware is exactly the same. It's also entirely fine to search in Arduino forums, a printer firmware is just another firmware. QuoteDust Thvon Traumflug - General
Quoteobelisk79 all of a sudden Traumflug goes on the offensive. I wanted to learn how Klipper solves the communications problem. That's all. Apparently the communications protocol is a secret, so this learning has to wait until I get into a mood to reverse engineer it from source code. Outcome of this question about the protocol is a reconfirmation that actors in this community are hostile as hvon Traumflug - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
QuoteKevinOConnor Your assertion that this can not run at 115200 is absurd. It's regularly done. You could have easily installed the software and proven that to yourself. The only absurd here is that you can't even tell us how often stepper speeds are updated. Instead you point to some documentation like a broken record. Documentation which does not answer the question. On some private channevon Traumflug - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Quoteobelisk79 personally want to avoid shipping from EU to US They come from Taiwan anyways :-)von Traumflug - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
Quotehg42 this sounds like heavily praising yourself, but I think you refer to Triffid Hunter's work? Generally I don't like to personalize collaboration projects. Yes, the foundation and the excellent G-code parser was done by Triffid. Acceleration (remember, we didn't have this in the early days) was done by me, Configtool was done by Jeff Bernardis, PC-Simulator was done by Phil Hord, runningvon Traumflug - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
QuoteRossini After reading sources I think it's because there is no stepper motor synchronisation. At least I can find none. Each movement command is for one stepper only, so the only synchronisation is that the host sends commands in a tight sequence. Now, assuming that such a command is 6 bytes, it takes about ((8 data bits + 1 stop bit) * 6 bytes) / 250000 baud = 0.224 ms to send a command. Avon Traumflug - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
QuoteKenshiHH It's actually the first time i hear about the TeaCup Firmware but with such an attitude as a Developer i already decided to never give it a try. Nice example of ignorance and certainly the ideal way to get the best out of our hardware. Ha ha.von Traumflug - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
QuoteKevinOConnor I don't want to get into a Teacup vs Klipper discussion. But me wants this :-) QuoteKevinOConnor You've done an excellent job with Teacup! Thanks for the charming words, but I disagree. Teacup always came with excellent performance. It comes with not hackish, but well designed code. It has demonstrated to do 1'600'000 steps/seconds (right, that's 1.6 MHz of synchronized steppvon Traumflug - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
I think the lesson to learn here is: "why are people exited by Klipper?" Outperforming Marlin is no challenge and many firmwares do it already, so how comes it needs Klipper for some people to get this experience? Smooth stepper movements are a long solved problem as well, so why does it take Klipper to get it to printer users. Same for high step rates, extruder advance, web interface, whatevevon Traumflug - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
QuoteShank man [...] Hello number three :-)von Traumflug - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
Quotelkcl ... and people still went ahead with sending them to factories, without any kind of announcement or communication along the lines of "i'm going to send these to a factory, is that a good idea yes or no?"? First of all, the point of a Gen7 is that one needs no factory. Interested people can download the design and make PCB and controller on their kitchen table. Regarding communicationsvon Traumflug - RAMPS Electronics