Quotegforce1 Nice build indeed. But there is no need of anti-backlash nuts because of the weight of the heatbed. I was thinking the same when i build it .. but as i say above unfortunately i was wrong .... is not only the up and down moving of the Z axis.... when the printer works vibrates also ...von pelo13 - CoreXY Machines
Thanks a lot Dalius ! This Potentiometers is for fan speed control one is for the fan from the chamber heater the other one for the two fans in the electronics compartment and the last one for Extruder. In my first design i place only one nut in every threaten rod and above of them one Linear Bearing for stability ...and of course didn't work.. i have gaps in the layers of the print. With thisvon pelo13 - CoreXY Machines
My CoreXY project i have finish a year ago .. and since then it's working flawless with only some minor maintenance . The Build Volume is : 280x280x250 with silicone heated bed and it has temperature controlled build chamber... i mostly use it for ABS printing... The wiring was a nightmare .. but all went well at the end.von pelo13 - CoreXY Machines
Hallo zusammen! Ich habe mehr gespant der Riemen ... das Problem reduziert aber nicht 100% ..Momentan der Riemen ist sehr stark gespannt aber das Problem ist noch da eine andere Idee ?von pelo13 - Mechanik
@Wurstnase @mantus Ich Guck wieder.. aber ist richtig gespannt Gruß Kostasvon pelo13 - Mechanik
@Willy Ist die erste layer .. der infill kommt gut aus.. andere Idee ?? Ich habe alle probieren aber keine lösung bis jetzt. Ich glaube das der Problem ist in Software... Ich habe der Letzte Marlinvon pelo13 - Mechanik
QuoteWurstnase Was passiert beim diagonal fahren? Also wenn eigentlich nur ein Motor laufen sollte? läuft ohne Problem ..von pelo13 - Mechanik
I print with 50mm/s and my steps/mm is 80 with feedrate 500mm/s and max acceleration 1000mm/s².von pelo13 - CoreXY Machines
Hallo Zusamen! Ich habe gleiche Probleme aber mit Letzte Marlin Firmware .. bis jetzt ich habe keine Lösung gefunden. Gruß Kostasvon pelo13 - Mechanik
Hallo There! Finally after almost a year i manage to finish my CoreXY printer (the second design) but i am facing a problem that i can't resolve and i can't find any valid solution on the net. As you can see in the pictures below the round objects don't printed correct i was facing exactly the same problem with my first design, my second design is more solid more precise and all the parts worksvon pelo13 - CoreXY Machines
No .. ok i find the solution .. it was just some wrong settings to repetier host.. all good now , now i am struggling with the settings .. i don't know why but when i slice a part and put it for print i see it from the right direction on the screen but printed in the opposite direction..upside downvon pelo13 - CoreXY Machines
another problem occurred .. after i homing the printer i didn't get any further moves from my printer ... any ideas?von pelo13 - CoreXY Machines
Yap!!!!! that was the problem!!! i just change the pololu and working fine!!von pelo13 - CoreXY Machines
Is there any possibility the problem come from the endstops? can anyone give any configuration file to compare with mine?von pelo13 - CoreXY Machines
yes i have enable corexy ... i try to invert the position of the motor with any lack ...von pelo13 - CoreXY Machines
Hello There! After a year with a prusa i3 i decide to make a corexy printer from scratch .. but i stuck in a problem .. I use marlin firmware with repetier host and Ramps 1.4 board, i try to move the x & y axis but only the one motor moved .. the left one .. the right one didn't make any move at all ... i change motor , microstepper with any luck . Any suggestions ??von pelo13 - CoreXY Machines
New batch! Link: Strong Blackvon pelo13 - Plastic RepRap Parts for Sale
Για χαρά παιδιά στην RepRap παρέα και από εμένα! Σε περίπτωση που κάποιος ενδιαφέρεται για σετ πλαστικών απο ABS για Prusa i3 κομπλέ με βίδες ρουλεμαν Hobbed Bolt κτλ. μπορεί να δει λεπτομέρειες ΕΔΩ . Ζω στην Γερμανία και αποστέλλω με DHL Courier. Εαν θέλετε κάποιο σετ πλαστικών για άλλον εκτυπωτή ή διαφορετικά χρώματα μπορώ επίσης να τα εκτυπώσω για εσάς. Οτιδήποτε ερωτήσεις - απορίες είμαι δvon pelo13 - Greek RepRap User Group, ελληνική ομάδα χρηστών
Link: Atomic Green Link: Strong Black Prusa i3 (Rework) plastic part kit from 100% ABS. Printed with 0.4mm nozzle, 0.30 Layer high, 50% infill and with 3 solid layer high. All the parts printed direct to glass for the best optic result. The ABS filament is made in Holland and is the best in the market right now. I have replace the stock extruder gear with the famous Herringbone gear for bettvon pelo13 - Plastic RepRap Parts for Sale
I am new too .. We have similar settings as i can see .. try to raise up a little you retract speed Have you make calibration to your E- steps? if not this is a very good guidevon pelo13 - Printing
Yes The printer i build it my self ... and i see that i haven't done almost anything from the calibration tips that you have suggested ... my bearing is lubricated proper but i haven't check my smooth rods alignment or if my x and y axis they moved so smooth as you suggested.. yes my motors is the same and i have the felling that is total crap Chinese staff ... i can't find anywhere in the netvon pelo13 - Printing
Yes this file print's from other people and printers correct .. no this files is not my creations but and with the files i create ..in certain files i have the same problem.. This annoying 'Tak Tak' comes direct from the motors 100% i have noticed very well ..my axis is tight and calibrated and the problem is that comes from both axis X and Y but in particular movements .. Explain me please whatvon pelo13 - Printing
Yes ok but why they make it in certain parts and not in all parts i print ??von pelo13 - Printing
Try Retraction ...In Printer Setting ..extruder ... retractionvon pelo13 - Printing
Here...von pelo13 - Printing
I have this problem long time now and drives me crazy ... I can't find any solution .. i have change different versions of slic3r i have tweak the setting in marlin firmware but the problem still remains always in the same parts always in the same spots.. as you can hear in THIS video in the straight lines the printer makes small rapid moves ('tak' 'tak') and ruin the print As you can see frvon pelo13 - Printing
Quotestahlsau maybe one of the pulleys is slipping on the axle of the motor. Try putting a drop of cyanacrylat (glue) on them, and mark the position with an edding or something. Then you can see if it has slipped a bit. Ill try that .. QuoteProtoprinter What Acceleration do you have for X/Y? The Marlin Standard of 9000 was way to high for me, actually I am using Acc. of 800. Manu Ill try thvon pelo13 - Printing
i have done it all .. no is not appears on long prints .. appears randomly .. maybe in the first 10 min maybe after 2-3 hours and maybe at allvon pelo13 - Printing
Hello there! as i post here i have problem losing steps in my x and y axis randomly .. i notice that happens when my printer prints tight corners or small cycles .. the motors wobbling and tremble This is my setting .. i thing i have wrong values but i don't know where ... any suggestions it would be appreciated #define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT {5.03,5.03,250,43.09} #define DEFAULT_MAX_FEvon pelo13 - Printing