Das ist doch kein Heatbreak mehr! Der Sinn des Heatbreaks ist es, dass der Übergang von der warmen zur kalten Zone mit möglichst wenig Material (dünnwandig) gefertigt wird. Das sieht mann bei der Version von ganz oben aus VA. Dazu kommt dass das Material an der besagten Stelle möglichst schlecht Wärme leiten sollte. (VA beim Original) Deswegen auch der Name: Heat- Break, der Wärmefluss vom Hotevon Yellobello - Extruder, Hotends & verschiedene Materialien
Quotebrazenrain Wait a second, the MarkForged's config still requires both motors to move purely in Y Off course, but the "X" motor only turns to clear space to allow the Y movement to happen. I don´t like the design either. woo already said enough. the prototype has very expensive linear rails to compensate for this "off centric" momentum - ladden movements.von Yellobello - General New Machines Topics
The pots seem to work for my understanding... they behave quite linear from 3,3V down to 0V.. then for some degrees 2V and then 3,3V again and so on.von Yellobello - Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, DC Motors
huhu! Ich würde es mit einem zweiten Arduino machen, schau mal hier: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/installing-an-arduino-bootloadervon Yellobello - Software
Ist das nur bei mir so? Heute ist es ganz besonders schlimm.. geht nur in gefühlt in 1/50 der Zeit wo ich hier probiere.von Yellobello - Offtopic
Hi! I am having trouble with my 8825´s because I can´t get them to work properly with my stepper motors. I have 5 clones and 1 original one with the Vref on the via. Before I checked the voltage, I found out that by trimming the motors, there is only a very thin slice on the pot dial which makes my motor working instead of ticking loud. So, I decided to use my multimeter and see whats going onvon Yellobello - Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, DC Motors
Hi! Any news on this topic? I find it quite interesting what the drivers are capable of. I just ordered one to play around. Also the AZSMZ board is OS now. The AZSMZ is a very simple design / ripp-off of the smoothie-board...I think I would be able to design a modified version of the board with AMIS-30543, however I would not be able to write the code nor modify the smoothie ware.von Yellobello - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
Haallo! Die Firma, die anscheinend hinter MC steckt vertreibt ein Android-Tablet mit MC drauf, womit mann den Drucker direkt ansteuern kann. Ziemlich interessante Sache, da ich zufällig noch ein unbenutztes 7" Tablet hier rumliegen habe... Jetzt zur Frage: In irgend einem anderen Thread hat jemand geschrieben dass mann MC für Android aus Githut selbst kompilieren muss wenn mann es möchte. Es givon Yellobello - Software
OK, scheint doch ein komplexeres Problemchen zu sein.. ich hatte schon Angst dass ich wegen stellen ner trivialen Frage eins auf die Nase zu kriegen :-) Also, nur was für Kossel und Co?von Yellobello - Software
So, reducing the Amax together with loosening a little belt tension helped to get rid of most of my "dents" . However from time to time another dent occurs during huge prints. It could well be that my Y-belt might be grinding on the pulley. Need to fix this as well. Thanks for the help!von Yellobello - Prusa i3 and variants
Hallo! Ich verstehe gerade nicht wirklich warum es DEFAULT_ACCELERATION und DEFAULT_MAX_ACCELERATION gibt. In meiner Logik ist es doch ziemlich unnötig ein maximum anzugeben, wenn es eine standard-Einstellung gibt die sowieso immer genommen wird. Oder gibt es Fälle, in denen DEFAULT_ACCELERATION überschritten werden kann?von Yellobello - Software
Bitteschön, hier eine genaue Anleitung: http://lyulyulyulyu.tumblr.com/post/58167412805/how-to-change-glcd-initial-screenvon Yellobello - Software
Hi! I just checked my Z-rods which are Tr8x8 and they are perfectly straight (rolled them over a flat surface). I also checked my acceleration of x and y and they were 5000 mm/s^2 which was the marlin standard setting. Lowered it to 2000 and uploaded the firmware again. When I have the whole thing assembled again I will update. Thanks so far!!von Yellobello - Prusa i3 and variants
This can come from two issues: 1: Check if your corresponding axis has some resistance (mechanical) 2: Check if your stepper driver is calibrated correctly, either the stepper motor does not get enough current to drive the axis or the stepper driver overheats. do you cool your drivers?von Yellobello - Prusa i3 and variants
Hi! I have an acrylic frame i3 which I finished* today. The prints come out quite good, except one little thing: This looks wobbly, I know. But since this misalignment only occurs in Y-direction, I guess this is Y-wobbling?? ( I only knew z-wobbling until today, which looks different.) take a look at the other side: This looks way better! I think that in X-direction and Z everything isvon Yellobello - Prusa i3 and variants
mich darfst du auch nerven!von Yellobello - Allgemeines
Quoten.glasson As Enif has noted earlier, the side facing encoder has an illogical response depending on if you are scrolling menus or changing numeric values. If you set the encoder rotation in firmware to suit the menus (rolling the thumbwheel downwards at the front to scroll downwards), then when you reach a screen where you change a numeric value the same downwards rotation increases the nuvon Yellobello - Controllers
Oh sorry.. that was a typo.. I actually meant SSD1309von Yellobello - Controllers
@bianchifan: Why don´t you use the current marlin version from Git? In the 1.0.3 development branch, there´s even support for the 1309 I2C displays already implementedvon Yellobello - Controllers
FYI, Something like this: cheap step-down convertervon Yellobello - Controllers
FU** SPI ! I don´t want to bother with this stuff anymore. Re-soldering the display´s resistors is also out of option since at least 4 of the smd resistors are packed in one resistor chip. I should have double checked when ordering it.. I thought that by counting the number of pins that the display is I2C and SPI in one. (still don´t know what the two non-SPI pins are used for) I´ll use the disvon Yellobello - Controllers
Other questiion: When I would use Machinekit togehther with the BBB.. will it be realtime linux pulsing the stepper drivers straight with the CPU´s I/O or is it using the separate microcontrollers for this task?von Yellobello - Controllers
Hey Charles, I like your work and I´d love to use your CRAMPs board, but the problem is known: It´s unavailable :-) So, I read about the option of using the RAMPS-FD board and directly wire it to the BBB. What do you think about this? I know that the RAMPS-FD is flawed and that the flaws won´t go away by using a BBB but I think I could live with the known problems... there´s even a fix for movon Yellobello - Controllers
Hi, I have a hard time wiring the SPI display up... no datasheet for the sainsmart display seems to be available. The connectors are called CS,RST,DC,SCLK,SDIN,GND and 3,3V. SCLK is the clearest one and does not need any explanation, SDIN seems to be MOSI, CS seems to be SS. However, I have no clue what RST (Reset ? what does that have to do with SPI?) and DC are. MISO should not be needed, sinvon Yellobello - Controllers
enif, I would like to change the board layout in order to use the spi display. I can´t find the source files.. did you use kicad or eagle?von Yellobello - Controllers
I have the oled display here in the spi version, not the i2c version as used in this project. Since the SD reader is using the spi bus anyways, could I also use the SPI display instead of the i2c?von Yellobello - Controllers
thejollygrimreaper: If cxandy would re-think his position and release all sources maybe you would allow him to be on the wiki again? Dejay: That´s what I also thought. I already learned a bit to use kicad and I have redrawn the schematics. I´d love to use this board as a base for a cool improvement project. First, I´d change the position of the USB port in the layout since it is positioned invon Yellobello - Controllers
I contacted the creator of the board and asked why he did not put the board under a proper OS license. Sadly he does not seem to understand the point of open sourcing it at all and is afraid of someone copying his design. He said that by releasing the schematics that would be suficient for studying the design. Even though smoothie is a fine ecosystem and this is the only board with replaceable dvon Yellobello - Controllers
Hallo! Ich habe hier 2x 1kg Spulen 1.75er PLA Filament , eine weiß mit noch 90% drauf und eine schwarz mit noch gut 60% drauf. Würde mich über einen Tausch freuen wenn mir jemand weißes PLA 3mm dafür bieten würde. Habe mich schon seit längerem auf 3mm festgelegt und brauche das 1.75er daher nicht mehr. Grußvon Yellobello - Schwarzes Brett
Oh, soory, I just brealized that the AMIS-30543 pololu boards are exactly just that pololu2.0 boards! HOW FINE! Now we just need a smoothie-compatible board where the new drivers would fit into.. something like an open source version of the azsmz with the new pololusvon Yellobello - Next Wave Electronics Working Group