Why not take the idea of improving the stepstick design to the next level and implementing error sensing to the driver boards (the ics do already have it) imagine correcting lost steps...von Yellobello - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
I have the same leadscrew.see sunhokey i3 printervon Yellobello - Mechanics
Sorry my fault! Just another fancy namy hiccup on my list! the UDOO is not the UDOO-neo, off course!! How could I forget that? AND I have to adidmit that I already came as far as figuring out that the board should not be able to fit, but then thought "voodoo!"von Yellobello - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
Hi! Can someone please tell me how far the two x-axis rods from an prusa i3 are apart from each other?von Yellobello - Prusa i3 and variants
Have you seen that the RADDS is being sold bundeled with the UDOO-Neo? I wonder how the software solution looks like for it. Can´t be that complicated, but how does the Linux platform connect to the integrated arduino due? Virtual USB?von Yellobello - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
The main reason why the prints out of an e3d hotend come out so good are because of its very short transition zone, meaning the zone inbetween solid and molten polymer is very short. Less jamming issues and less blobby prints are the result of this short transition zone achieved by the thin walled steel "heatbreak" followed by the huge air-cooled aluminium cooler e3d uses. Using water cooling thivon Yellobello - General
Wie siehts denn damit eigentlich mittlerweile aus?:von Yellobello - Allgemeines
Quotethe_digital_dentist Keep in mind when you go to higher microstepping ratios torque goes down I know.. there has been a graph somewhere here on the reprap site showing this fact (x-axis torque, y-axis microstepping setting) do you know where to find this graph? Quotethe_digital_dentist Increasing microstepping ratio above 16 in a 200 step per rev motor does not increase resolution, only svon Yellobello - Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, DC Motors
If I understood correctly, the TMC2100 is actually a hybrid between 16 and 256µSteps/Step. When even 8-Bit electronics give out 1 step as set with the M1,M2,M3 Jumpers to 1/16th microstepping the driver internally gives out 16 µSteps at 1/256th resolution at once. This is the said mix between 1/16th and 1/256th, since the controller and firmware assumes that the driver can only do 1/16th microstevon Yellobello - Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, DC Motors
One would think different, but i definitaley see the difference between 32 and 16 microsteps in terms of print quality. When looking at a flat wall my extruder (BulldogXL/E3D V6) has much less "ripples" which come from the pulsing of my extruder stepper. the watterodt trinamic TMC2100 drivers have "256th" microstepping which is essentially 16th microstepping multiplied by factor of 16 to give 25von Yellobello - Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, DC Motors
QuoteSrek The Bulldog uses a standard NEMA 17 motor. Well.. the NEMA shaft has the center planetary gear in it. And to me it looks like it´s not removable.. is it?von Yellobello - General
And it should be a 3.2mm or better 3.5mm hole since some filaments are more than 3mm.. that won´t work well inside an m4 thread.. you are right. That would be 100microns wall thickness But generally speaking.. why does the original e3d 3mm bowden hotend have a PTFE liner? The direct one does not have this "feature" or better said anti-feature since the idea is an all-metal hotend. @ggherbaz:von Yellobello - General
Hi! I was just tempted to buy an e3d spare part for my 3mm direct hotend to convert it into a bowden hotend. Just the heatsink is required for this. After some thinking and having some bowden snap-fits here I came to the conclusion that it would be very easy to cut a m4 thred into the e3d direct hotend´s heatsink and put the snap-fit on it. This way I could use it as a bowden hotend and I don´von Yellobello - General
bump -) ..ist das eigentlich hier erlaubt?von Yellobello - Mechanik
Hallo! Kann mir bitte jemand eine Bezugsquelle für die snap-in Schlauchanschlüsse nenen, die mann für Bowdenextruder hernimmt? Ich glaube das sind Druckluftanschlüsse wie man sie für Pneumatikanwendungen nimmt, oder? danke!!!von Yellobello - Mechanik
Yep,the printer came with a bowden extruder for 1.75, 2mm inner diameter PTFE tubing and the 1.75mm "E3D" fake hotend. So all in all a setup that should be useable. However, the extruder was shit for several reasons, and I have an unused Bulldog XL extruder lying arround, and the choice was obvious that i´ll use the bulldog instead. However the bulldog came with two sets of PTFE tubing, 6mm outevon Yellobello - Mechanics
Hi! I have no experience at all with bowden setups so I can´t figure out whether my current print problem has anything to do with the bowden setup. I have a bulldog XL extruder with the thin PTFE tubing (5mm outer diameter) and unfortunately a fake e3d hotend (which I don´t like) but that came with the printer I am testing at the moment. My real e3d is direct driven 3mm and this printer came wivon Yellobello - Mechanics
Hi! I have built the sunhokey printer and I am generally quite happy. There is some chance that one of the acrylic parts may turn up broken when It did all the way from shenzen, as it happened to my printer, but with some cyanoacrylate glue or, even better UV curing PMMA glue (Evonik genuine plexiglas glue ) I fixed it within a minute. Also the sender agreed to reship the broken part directly. Tvon Yellobello - General
Welche Spindeldimensionen nutzt Ihr denn? Von den "normalen" Maßen die mann so bei Aliexpress findet sind 12mm Spindeln die günstigsten. wenns kleiner sein soll, also 10 und 8mm dann fällt das unter "miniature ball screw" und is gleich wieder superteuer. Hat jemand einen Tip für eine prusa-i3-kompatible Kugelumlaufspindel von Aliexpress?von Yellobello - Mechanik
Mal so ne Idee am Rande (Geht aber nur wenn die Riemen aus Gummi sind): Wie wärs denn mit vulkanisieren/Fahrradreparaturset? Oder sind die Riemen aus PU?von Yellobello - Mechanik
further research of this site made me wonder even more.. o*ycodone , and "transformers" - mdma?? . You are sure that it´s about vitamins? But still, the idea to 3d-print drugs and medicines is something we could discuss here..von Yellobello - General New Machines Topics
What kind of seller is that????? They sell "XANA* pill presses" ... let´s fake some pills or what? Moraly questionabilty 100%!!!von Yellobello - General New Machines Topics
Hi! loco war so nett und hat mir seinen LJC18A3-H-Z/BY vermacht. Es Ist ein kapazitiver NPN-NO Sensor. Ich hab mich jetzt durch den Thread gewühlt und auf die Gefahr hin dass es das gefühlt 1000ste mal ist: Ich möchte den Sensor am RAMPS ohne Opto und Widerstand betreiben. Das müsste gehn, da der NPN von nichts auf Masse umschaltet, richtig? D.h. wenn ich den Sensor mit den normalen 12v betreivon Yellobello - Projekte
It´s been a while... any updates on this one since?von Yellobello - Controllers
vr looks like ref. voltage, but go ahead with a multimeter and try for yourself. Keep in mind to have enough amps for heatbed and so on...von Yellobello - Experimental and Hobby
I am just inspecting your code..very cool! You are using really basic line drawing stuff,, bresenham´s.. sutherland.. It´s cool to see those CG pearls on an arduino :-) Aside from the fact that your whole project is cool (inkjet powder printing) people would really love to have this gadget on their fdm-printer, I believe. So let´s have a 2nd arduino mini that gets gcode from marlin that is currevon Yellobello - RAMPS Electronics
Wow, that is awesome! So, basically you feed this device gcode that would be fed to the printer anyway and instead of printing, it draws lines on the tft to show the print progress? Looks great! I´ll be following this!von Yellobello - RAMPS Electronics
Hi! have you seen the 4DLCD project? It´s based on the same design, i.e. a 32bit cpu to control the display and serial connection to ramps, controlled by a mo dified marlin.von Yellobello - Controllers
Hallo! Ich habe bei mir eine Glasdruckplatte und darunter das "normale" pcb-heatbed von prusa. Geht damit ein induktiver Sensor? Falls ein kapazitiver Sensor besser wäre, hat jemand zufällig einen übrig? Wenn ich mir einen ich China bestelle dauert´s mir zu lange:-)von Yellobello - Projekte
Hi, as far as I am aware, Erik is developping this for Ultimaker. That's what I fond out from what he said, so I am not speaking on his behalf ;-) They (ultimaker) wish to dustribute the electronics first when Erik releases it, in turn they compensate for development cost. Erik doesn't have a problem with open sourcing it, but since noone has the hardware yet, he does not see a reason why he shvon Yellobello - Controllers