Ich hab gerade von 16er HTD pulleys von mädler auf 10er umgestellt und muss sagen dass es ganz schön was gebracht hat. Vorher konnte ich meine Achsen noch von Hand festhalten, jetzt ist dazu richtig kraft nötig. Ich hab auch seitdem nie wieder einen Schritt verloren, wenn z.B. mal das Filament irgendwo geklemmt hat. Die Auflösung ist auch nochmal ordentlich gestiegen, woei ich aber sagen muss dasvon Yellobello - Mechanik
Ich muss schon sagen, dass ich immer noch ein wenig skeptisch war.... Aber ich hab grad mal ein bissl gerechnet: eine m8 Unterlegscheibe hat eine Fläche von ca. 40mm² , also 0,4cm², (reell bedeutend weniger, da die Mutter nicht überall auf der Unterlegscheibe aufliegt), bei einer maximalen Zugfestigkeit des Klebers von 148kg/cm² sind das immerhin 60 kg, die ich im äußersten Fall auf eine Muttervon Yellobello - Mechanik
Hab ne Spezialkonstruktion.... Es liegt wirklich meine komplette stählerne x-Achse inkl. Extruder auf den Bünden der beiden Muttern auf. Die X-Achse bewegt sich ja über die z-Gewindestangen in z-Richtung rauf und runter. Damit ich zum Arbeiten am Extruder oder an der Achse die Möglichkeit habe, die Achse hochzuheben liegt sie mit möglichst wenig Spiel auf den Bünden auf. Wäre kein Bund da, würdevon Yellobello - Mechanik
Hallo! Wären verchromte wellen auch eine Alternativen zu den gehärteten? Die oberflächenhärte von Cr ist auf jeden Fall noch einen Tick besser als die indktionsgehärteten Wellen. Bliebe nur die Frage wie dick die Chromschicht ist, oder?von Yellobello - Mechanik
Hallo! Hat jemand ne idee wo ich eine TR8x1,5 Sechskantmutter mit Bund herbekomme? Ich finde nur normale Sechskantmuttern ohne Bund. Leider liegt im aktuellen Design meine x-achse auf dem Bund auf, so kann ich zum arbeiten einfach die Achse hochschieben. Anschweißen wäre nur ne notlösung, da sich evtl. was verziehen könnte und der Bund sehr gerade sein muss, sonst bekomm ich z-wobbling. Jemandvon Yellobello - Mechanik
Hallo! Ich habe ein 3mm Hotend von Electronic things über, mit 0.35er Nozzle. Wirklich günstig abzugeben. Wer interesse hat: Sieht natürlich benutzt aus, aber funktioniert prima!von Yellobello - Schwarzes Brett
WOW, besides my name is Philipp too, this printer is awesome! One word: sleek! Is the photo without any cables attached, or did you hide the cables so good?von Yellobello - Extruded Aluminum Frames
As you said, It is a solvent. Think of the polymer chains like fresh cooked spaghetti, they curl and wind and hook to each other physically, not chemically. (Actually some of them really stick to each other in an organized way, which is called semi-crystalline zones, you can observe that with spaghetti too, but its not too important here) If you add lots of water (solvent) and stir a little,thevon Yellobello - Polymer Working Group
OK, I found out that it really is just the pins.h problem. My opinion is that pins.h is VERY confusing because of the many un-sorted ifdefs that are stacked and not very well organized. Since I just replaced EVERY #define TEMP_0_PIN X with #define TEMP_0_PIN 3 in the whole file and after that, it worked it could only be this issue. However I still have not found which #define TEMP_0_PIN it realvon Yellobello - RAMPS Electronics
There could be several reasons for this. I can only talk about my own experience, I had a similar problem that was caused by a defective stepper driver. Unplug your stepper drivers and check if the problem still exists...von Yellobello - RAMPS Electronics
Quotechris33 he 5v needs to be joined to the vcc wire i use a switch on those wires I don get that onevon Yellobello - RAMPS Electronics
See, mine doesn't work... I also got blended by reading on it on all corners, including marlin has settings for it and so on... so I thought it's good to go with a standard up-to-date printer, which includes a heated bed imho. Result was the psu switching to red every time I printed ABS with it... however I only used the 12v rail. Possible that when applying load to the 5V rail the 12V get morvon Yellobello - RAMPS Electronics
Hi! I bought a reprap world thermocouple K type from E3D for my shiny new e3D hotend and hooked it up to my ramps board. Unfortunately the temperature shown is 500°C, sometimes 499°C. I think that I connected everything proper, the thermocouple V1.0 Board gets its 5V and GND, the analog pin I used is Pin 3 , as shown here: http://reprap.org/wiki/ExtThermoCouple_1.0 Marlin-Wise i changed the fvon Yellobello - RAMPS Electronics
Hi angelo! Why do you want to include just 3 stepper drivers? typo?von Yellobello - Controllers
It´s official Marlin, latest. And I checked the pins.. on marlin i´ts: #define E0_STEP_PIN 26 #define E0_DIR_PIN 28 #define E0_ENABLE_PIN 24 #define E1_STEP_PIN 36 #define E1_DIR_PIN 34 #define E1_ENABLE_PIN 30 And on Repetier, it´s: #define ORIG_E0_STEP_PIN 26 #define ORIG_E0_DIR_PIN 28 #define ORIG_E0_ENABLEvon Yellobello - Controllers
Take a look, this guy has the same problem: Youtube link Even though he did not complain about it, It seems that this is a common issue. I just found it on a ABL video in YTvon Yellobello - Controllers
I had this idea for mendel extruders, dont´t know if deltabot extruders are any different, since i am lacking deltabot knowledge: Usually you drive your filament between the hobbed bolt/wheel/whatever-drives-the-filament and a bearing. The bearing only rotates when filament actually is transported. Bright marks on the bearing can easily be detected as moving with a photodiode/resistor.von Yellobello - Developers
That was the first thing I tried, but then i ran into trouble homing, since there was no endstop where the bed homed to. So I had to connect my endstop to y max and do everything else software-wise. A bit messy. To make confusion worse, Y and X axis were swapped name-wise in the beginning on my printer... Autobedleveling made homing even more confusing and this is why I decided to do it proper. Ivon Yellobello - Mechanics
I really think that tip geometry DOES matter. So does tip roughness. Remember that the extrudate is not only put in place by the nozzle, it should ideally be squezed by 30-40% of its diameter by the tip in order to produce the optimum shape of extrudate and better layer adhesion. (Thats how we achieve layer heights < nozzle diameter)... So, yes it does matter. Take a look at E3D´s nozzles, Ivon Yellobello - Mechanics
Hi, my self-built printer needs the endstops to be put in place. Basically it´s a little like the latest prusa, but made of lasered steel for maximum rigidity and a LOT of modifications. Here´s a quick drawing: The print bed can move 400mm in Y direction so it does not matter in which direction the print is made, mechanically. At the moment I have just MIN endstops, which should be enough, bvon Yellobello - Mechanics
Ok, this brings me back to my first assumption, that step size might be involved: I just tried repetier firmware instead of marlin, and E0 works fine with the drv8825.... Even more strange???von Yellobello - Controllers
It's just a test because I am running out of ideas.... This is such a strange issue... I can hear the stepper making a sound while trimming the pot but no movement on E0... I tried lots of drv8825s and lots of stepper motors. They all work on xyz but refuse to work on e.... When i use a random 4988 it works everytime, even on e0. Strange, right?von Yellobello - Controllers
I have not yet found a solution for this. But I have an idea. I'd like to swap the E0 driver to E1 and tell marlin to use extruder #1 instead of #0....maybe that fixes it... I somehow assume that RAMPS is the source of the trouble. Do you think it's a big deal to tell marlin to use E1 instead of E0 everytime?von Yellobello - Controllers
you had the same kind of trouble? I am thinking now that this is some RAMPS related issue since it is very well possible that the servo lanes are too close to the stepper lanes on the board, causing interference... RAMPS has so many issues, a 1.5 would be a really good thing. I had trouble with the PTC fuses, the MOSFETs get too hot and some other minor issues. Since RAMPS is a very commonly usevon Yellobello - Controllers
Ok, in the indiegogo page i fond the axis steps per unit to be 495 for the bulldog extruder. But they did not say whether thats for 3 or 1.75mm filament, which microstepping and how fast it can go.von Yellobello - General
Hi! I am just wondering if I could use someone's settings for this combination as a base for my own settings. Also, what would be the maximum speed people had successful prints with? Btw, I finally managed to fit the hotend to the extruder carrier together with the extruder... Did you also have a hard time to assemble it because the E3d hotend is so big? Thanks, Philvon Yellobello - General
Check the schematics of soldering stations, there even are open Hardware designs, they are also opto/triac/555/opamp driven I'd also say that's the way you should go.. Btw, cool idea with the food printer... Is it for a commercial project? Sounds linke you open up a cool foodstore ;-)von Yellobello - Controllers
Hi, I bought pla, phb.polyglyc and pcl from lakeshore and they only had granules at the time i bought it. It came in a cooled box and delivery was quite fast. If you need to know more about medical grade polymers just ask.von Yellobello - Tissue Engineering
This sounds related to my DRV8825 problem..von Yellobello - Controllers
If your thoghts were Ramps or Sanguinolou, you'd should stick to ramps for the sake of expandability.. once the spirit hit you, there's no way out.... ;-)von Yellobello - Controllers