Liegt nicht am Autolevel - da wäre kein Knick am ende des ersten Objekts. Da fehlen ganz klar Schritte. Da die Firmware selbst korrekt zählt vermute ich das hier der Motortreiber die Schritte anders interpretiert. Das kann je nach anforderung an das Timing für Richtungswechsel und Schritte durchaus passieren. Da es vorher ging, ist die Frage was sich in der Firmware sonst noch geändert hat als dvon repetier - Allgemeines
1600 byte free ram is more then enough. Apart from this I'm also confused. Firmware does the same after reset as a while later. If something only happens after a while it is often thermal introduced hardware problems like hot drivers/FET, ....von repetier - Repetier
I think your analysis is correctl. You have no cooler fan set, so that is not the problem. As I understand you fan is only working if a) Fan is switched on and b) you are extruding. Firmware has no such condition and normally these are not dependent. So question is if your compilation leads to this strange problem or if you have a weired hardware problem by a shorted lane. So I suggest writinvon repetier - Repetier
Maybe you have assigned 2 fans to the same pin. You can have a extruder cooling fan and a filament cooling fan. If both use the same pin this might happens since fan would only turn on when both are on otherwise one will toggle signal off while other toggles it on so not sure who wins here. So check the in config the cooler fan is not set to same fan pin.von repetier - Repetier
When changing baud rate in configuration.h you need to change EEPROM_MODE to copy it or it will still use the old baud rate.von repetier - Repetier
Host/server always try to reset on connect so the setting is not there any more. The problem is that the native port does not support reset. So depending on how you stopped last time it might be in a resend loop when you reconnect.von repetier - Repetier
Maybe longer cables need a terminator at lcd shield. Only software solution I could think of is using slower spi speed.von repetier - Repetier
Check ram usage. If your ram usage exceeds ram you start to swap out memory you get really slow. Also avoid crossing perimeters seems to have great impact on speed for slic3r.von repetier - Repetier
Who crashes and what software is connected with what?von repetier - Repetier
Since you print using host use the host pause feature. Add ;@pause change filament where you want the pause. Does not work with sd print.von repetier - Repetier
While I can not anything against kernel crashes I want to give some hint so at least prints are not affected by host crashes. The host can send/connect through Repetier-Server which is not affected by the kernel bug problem. So if you install the server and set in printer settings connector to repetier-server it will use the server for printing instead, which means even if host crashes the servervon repetier - Repetier
For RAPS128 you do not need higher delays. Here a delay of 0 is enough. The problem are DRV... chips requiring 1.7us high signal to detect a step. Wie due and even with avr for core we are faster so they do not get recogniced and it looks like you are loosing steps.von repetier - Repetier
One thing you could do is disable lcd time preview. Some Marlin versions can not cope with the : in the time strings. Showing layer only would solve it if the problem comes from this in combination maybe with a com error.von repetier - Repetier
Logging was meant for server - firmware can not log. Server has in printer context menu a log function to enable logging for prints.von repetier - Repetier
Your max. speed in much too high. Deltas can not compute 40000 steps per second. Think more like 20000 steps per second a sa realistic speed with AVR board. Use Due based boards for higher speeds. Also make sure to have enough free ram. Deltas on avr use every byte and you need 900-1000 bytes ram to not crash firmware or do unexpected things. Arduino compiler shows ram usage or firmware on connevon repetier - Repetier
Positions are send in absolute coordinates. So even with missed lines the position would not shift and I have personally not seen such shifts with server. So the question is what causes the shift. Is it a command causing printer to loose steps (which should normally be prevented by firmware) e.g. with a communication error causing wrong moves hitting end of printer, some coordinate shift (G92 butvon repetier - Repetier
Don't do it in slicer. That is error prone. In Repetier-Firmware you can set select/deselect commands for extruders. Do it there then T0/T1 will do what is needed - no extra code required and all software can be used as with any other dual extruder.von repetier - Repetier
That is no repetier firmware. We have no file ConfigurationStore.cppvon repetier - Repetier
Check docs folder on github. There is a file describing it a bit.von repetier - Repetier
Use stop print and not emergency stop to stop. Some firmwares go into infinite loop and with a board without reset on connect feature like printrboard you can not reconnect again until you reset the printer manually, e.g. by unplugging/repowering. In such a case it is better to configure firmware to reset on emergency stop M112.von repetier - Repetier
Try latest dev version. The jam detector can also be used as out of filament sensor. With latest dev this hopefully now works in that case also correct.von repetier - Repetier
6000 mm/min is ok for most. 12000 works also on most.von repetier - Repetier
Printer Settings->Printer->Travel Feed Rate directly at the top.von repetier - Repetier
In host you also have start/end gcode scripts which get added on print. Maybe your move is there.von repetier - Repetier
That error happens when the session was not yet created. Second download always worked. Should be solved by now also for first download.von repetier - Repetier
Make sure to use the cu port, not the tty version. Seems to make a difference. Also try a reboot but normally a power loss does not change any settings so it should keep working if you did not do something else.von repetier - Repetier
No need to stop this. It is the ok message with line number. So it looks like printerface has not send any line numbers so far. This is for better error correction during print. If you are 100% sure you do not need error correction, you can disable sending line in configuration.h.von repetier - Repetier
To move z you should know where you are. The if condition is something like that. If you homed to z max (as you should with z probe) you z might be too high and it will lower z probe for faster probing. On the other side if you enable printer you have z = 0 also you are not sure what z really is. If z is near top going up might be a problem. In your case you also have a problem if you are too lovon repetier - Repetier
G30 will never move start position height. It is only for probing just where you are plus running start/end probe script depending on P parameter. Some printer configuration smove z before doing G32 probes. NO idea why it moves up instead of down when starting lower, also I guess you meant something different. It should turn at z hit and go back to start z height. Can you be more procise what exvon repetier - Repetier
You can still use y axis socket for E2 instead. Loosing a step every now and then is not so critical for extruders.von repetier - Repetier