Did you observe the polarity of the signal cable going from RAMPS D8 to the MOSFET board? (It seems the cable wires are coded with dashes and dots...)von enif - RAMPS Electronics
Und wenn du das Heizbett während des Aufheizvorgangs auch noch von oben mit einem dicken Stück Wellkarton abdeckst, dann geht es nochmals wesentlich schneller...von enif - Druck- und Heizbetten
Could this be that the setting of your serial connection is wrong, so that the Pi interprets the parity bit of the arriving byte to be the 8th data bit? (That could explain why the "k" is received correctly and the "o" not - the 2 characters have different parity.)von enif - Firmware - Marlin
After having changed the steps/mm in the firmware, have reset the values to the (new) defaults and stored them into EEPROM? This can be done via display menu or by sending manually the gcodes M502 followed by M500. As for the micro stepping changes not having any effect, note that there are some RAMPS boards around which have the jumper pins shorted on the PCB, so that the jumper settings havevon enif - Firmware - Marlin
Have you checked that the wiring of the cable is the same on both types of steppers? Wrong wiring will cause the kind of problem you experience. Check the wire pairs which correspond to each coil - if you short them, and turn the motor by hand, you will that it needs more force. If the coils are not on the same wire pairs, you will need to change the cable.von enif - Controllers
Are you sure that your stepper cables are wired correctly? Wrong stepper cabling may cause the same symptoms you experience...von enif - RAMPS Electronics
Did you see that the documentation says that this OLED is for "3.3Volts only"? Do you have a printer controller board which generates 3.3V signals? Or have you found in the documentation something saying that the signal inputs are 5V tolerant?von enif - Firmware - Marlin
If your SSD1309 uses I2C communication, this thread using SSD1306 (which seems to be compatible with SSD1309) might be helpful.von enif - Firmware - Marlin
Hermanelfino, have you checked the Wiki page about maximum step rates? IMHO you are simply trying to operate the M8 Y-axis at a step rate which is way to high for the Marlin/Mega setup you have. With 2048 steps/mm you will reach the safe limit of 10000steps/sec at about 5mm/sec - so I wouldn't even trust the 8mm/sec you are using. This has nothing to do with the stepper motors you use, it's thevon enif - Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, DC Motors
Please explain us the mechanical setup of your axis. What belts/pulleys resp threaded rods are you using on which axes? How is your setting of STEPS/mm for the axes in Marlin's Configuration.h?von enif - Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, DC Motors
From your video it looks as if your printer does not use pulleys and belts, but uses standard threaded rods (M8?) for the X/Y linear movements... If so, have you calculated the actual step rates Marlin must generate to reach your desired speed and compared this with the limits of your controller setup? According to the table on the step rates page of the RapRap Wiki, using an M8 thread with Marvon enif - Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, DC Motors
Könnte es evtl. Überextrusion sein?von enif - Software
Maybe you could solve the problem by enabling your extruder stepper externally with a constant signal and then use an external gate to combine the E_ENABLE and E0_DIR signals generated by Marlin for activating your relay. To do this, you would need to set DISABLE_E to true in your Configuration.h, so that the generated E_ENABLE signal shows the active/idling state of the extruder.von enif - Firmware - Marlin
Kannst du nicht einfach manuell einen Befehl "M92 X... Y..." ausführen und dann die geänderten Werte mit "M500" im EEPROM speichern?von enif - Software
As-tu aussi verifie que ton chariot X n'a pas de jeu vertical, c.a.d peut vaciller autour de la perpendiculaire? Si oui, ca pourrait bien causer le jeu en horizontal, et --comme l'a deja dit forange1-- c'est alors les LM8UUs qu'il faudrait probablement echanger.von enif - RepRap Groupe d'Utilisateurs Francophone
Was passiert denn, wenn du eine niedrigere Temperatur, z.B. 50 (40,30,...) Grad einstellst? Pendelt sich der Drucker dann auf eine niedrigere Temperatur ein? Oder heizt er trotzdem endlos weiter bis es anfängt zu rauchen?von enif - Extruder, Hotends & verschiedene Materialien
Hast du mit den neuen Hotends den alten Thermistor verwendet? Wenn ja, hat er guten Kontakt (Wärmeleitpaste?) zum Hotend? Wenn nein, bist du sicher, dass der Thermistor vom genau gleichen Typ ist? Wenn nicht, dann musst den Thermistor in der Firmware neu konfigurieren.von enif - Extruder, Hotends & verschiedene Materialien
Biensur on peut reprogrammer X_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER comme une variable. Mais il faudrait alors aussi reprogrammer tous les autres macros qui derivent de X_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER - et il y en a plein... Donc je ne dis pas que ce n'est pas possible, mais que ce n'est probablement pas simple et qu'il y a des problemes bien plus difficiles a resoudre que juste d'ajouter un item dans le menuvon enif - RepRap Groupe d'Utilisateurs Francophone
Desole, mais je doute que ce que tu veux faire soit aussi simple que tu penses... X_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER n'est pas une variable qu'on peux changer lors de l'execution de Marlin, mais plutot un macro au niveau du programme qui est compile directement dans le code. Donc meme si tu sais comment ajouter un item dans le menu LCD, ca ne te permettrait pas de modifier la valeur de X_PROBE_OFFSvon enif - RepRap Groupe d'Utilisateurs Francophone
Du musst noch die U8glib Bibliothek von z.B. runterladen und in deinem sketchbook/libraries Verzeichnis installieren.von enif - Software
Assuming that your 35oz actually means 35um (which is 1oz/ft2) the circuitcalculator.com gives indeed about 0.5 Ohm at 100C. At 20C however the resistance is 0.39 Ohm, which at 12V comes to an wattage of 12V*12V/0.39Ohm = 369W - which i quite near the value 388W that you measured with your power meter.von enif - Controllers
Since you suspect the slicer, did you check if the problem is visible in the generated gcode?von enif - Slic3r
No, I don't think OLED_PANEL_TINYBOY2 will work correctly, AFAIK it's not exactly the same. The OLED dislpay will work, but I don't think that the rest will all work. But you can try it.von enif - Controllers
I now downloaded the current version 1.1.9 of Marlin and configured it for my TINYOLED on RAMPS. I needed to change the files Configuration.h, Conditionals_LCD.h and pins_RAMPS.h as follows: diff Configuration.h.ori Configuration.h *** Configuration.h.ori 2018-09-23 15:49:49.410579191 +0200 --- Configuration.h 2018-09-23 15:51:19.728792937 +0200 *************** *** 1531,1536 **** --- 1531,1540von enif - Controllers
Quotemdg1 latest version of marlin 1.8.5 Are you sure 1.8.5 is your version of Marlin? I coudn't find it. Might 1.8.5 be the version of the Arduino software you are using?von enif - Controllers
What kind of "1.3 inch oled display" do you have? Unfortunately you don't give any more details on that part - which is the crucial one to answer your question.... Did you really build the "Tiny OLED I2C" controller which this thread is about? If yes, which version of the PCB and which version of the OLED? (Some I2C OLEDs have different pinouts...) If no, what exactly do you mean when you sayvon enif - Controllers
Please give us more details (and maybe pictures) of what hardware you actually have (display controller, 3D printer controller) and which version of Marlin you are trying to patch.von enif - Controllers
Ich brauch nicht die allerneueste Version von Marlin, aber bei allen Versionen, die ich kenne, bedeutet HEATER_x_MAXTEMP nicht die höchste Temperatur mit welcher gearbeitet werden kann, sondern das absolute Maximum, welches nie überschritten werden darf. Die höchste einstellbare Arbeitstemperatur liegt normalerweise 15 Grad unter dem angegebenen Wert.von enif - Extruder, Hotends & verschiedene Materialien
Am einfachsten baust du die Vorgabewerte direkt in die Parameterdefinition des module Befehls ein: module platte(x=4,y=5,z=0.5,d=0.05){...} Wenn du im Programm selbst explizit auf undefinierte Werte testen willst, dann z.B. so: z=(z==undef)?0.5:z; y=(y==undef)?5:y; x=(x==undef)?4:x; d=(d==undef)?0.05:d; Die "if(!x){x=...} Befehle funktionieren nicht, da Zuweisungen innerhalb einesvon enif - Software