When you moved the X and extruder motor to the Y-driver, did you then also use the (known to be good) Y-stepper cable? Often, the problem is in the cables...von enif - RAMPS Electronics
Ce n'est pas facile de t'aider sans savoir comment tu as configure l'axe Y de ton Marlin. Mais en admettant que tout est bien configure, la premiere chose que tu pourrais verifier, est si le micro-stepping de ton driver du moteur Y est bien ce que ca devrait etre. Une indication d'un mauvais setting du micro-stepping est que le facteur d'erreur dans la distance parcourue (comparee ce que ca devrvon enif - RepRap Groupe d'Utilisateurs Francophone
Ändert ein verkleinerter Retract etwas am Problem?von enif - Extruder, Hotends & verschiedene Materialien
Knackt der Extruder-Motor beim Drucken? Wenn du das gleiche Objekt mit halber Geschwindigkeit druckst, sieht es dann besser aus?von enif - Extruder, Hotends & verschiedene Materialien
No, you can leave the diode D1 in, as long as you do not also connect power to the DC-jack of the Arduino Mega. The Mega has a special circuit built-in to arbitrate between the 5V coming from USB and its own (weak!) 5V regulator.von enif - RAMPS Electronics
Wenns nur um die 12V-Anschlüsse geht, so kannst du ohne Probleme je zwei Kabel an die freien 0V und 12V Anschlüsse klemmen. Die Minus- resp. Plus-Anschlüsse sind innen miteinander verbunden - solange du die Maximalleistung deines Netzgeräts nicht überschreitest, kannst du da so viele Kabel anschliessen, wie du willst. PS: Achtung Hochspannung! Dein Netzgerät hat nicht wie du schreibst 9 sondernvon enif - Elektrik & Elektronik
Quotespeerwerfer Über USB fällt die Spannung also weniger stark ab. Hmm, ich bin kein Elektroniker. Woran kann das liegen. USB ist doch eher nicht so kräftig. Das Problem ist nicht die 12V Versorgung via Rundstecker, sondern der schwachbrüstige 5V Spannungsregler (AMS1117) auf dem Arduino Mega: Du kannst von Glück reden, dass dir der Spannungsregler noch nicht abgeraucht ist, wie so manch andevon enif - Elektrik & Elektronik
Have you made recently any kind of changes in your house regarding the electrical installations? Such as changing lights or appliances? I ask this because I remember having had this kind of problems with my first printer. It turned out that the problem occurred every time someone switched of a fluorescent lamp in a room that was attached to the same fuse. I changed the lamps to LED lamps andvon enif - Firmware - Marlin
If you go beyond 260ºC you must make sure that you don't have any PTFE (Teflon) liners in your hotend. 260ºC is the max. temperature for PTFE - if it gets too hot, it starts melting and can produce toxic gases.von enif - Firmware - Marlin
Ich würde nach dem Befehl M502 (auf Firmware-Werte zurücksetzen) noch ein M500 (aktuelle Werte im EEPROM speichern) geben, damit die neuen Werte auch im EEPROM gespeichert werden - sonst hast du nach jedem Reset wieder die alten Werte.von enif - Elektrik & Elektronik
As for the "blinking" menu and the not working KILL and RESET: Are you sure that your EXP2 cable is not somehow rotated 180 degrees on one or the other side? Are the two 10-pin cables identical with regards to the position of the connector locks? There are different versions of cables, controllers and adapters, as to the position of the connector locks, so that a wrong 180 deg rotation of thevon enif - RAMPS Electronics
Have you checked with an Ohm-meter that there is no short circuit between 12V and GND rails? This might happen sometimes due to solder blobs or badly edged PCBs.von enif - RAMPS Electronics
Did you put a jumper to connect the Vcc and 5V pins on the other side of the reset switch? If not, the "5V" rail on the servo pins have no voltage.von enif - RAMPS Electronics
Flashing the firmware does not automatically reset the EEPROM to the new values. You'll need to send the G-codes "M502" (reset values to values in firmware) and then "M500" (save current values to EEPROM).von enif - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Yes, the idea of combining the shell from outer hexagons seems nice... As for your code itself, I admit that I have not tried understand it completely. I do like the idea with the drawHoles() iterator. However, do you know that if you use variables starting with $ (e.g. $col, $row)they can be accessed by the children(). This would allow you to make a much leaner iterator and access e.g. the cevon enif - OpenSCAD
As far as I understand there is no such thing as a "concave hull", as this would degenerate essentially to the union with a tiny connection tree between the loose parts. But maybe what you could use is the union of the convex hulls of smaller subsets, e.g. of the straight rows of cylinders, in order to get a closer "shell" around the cells.von enif - OpenSCAD
Quoteemaayanisn't the projection involves creating external files first? No, it will project whatever object follows, so e.g. "projection()cylinder(r=10,h=5);" will create a circle.von enif - OpenSCAD
Quoteemaayan it certainly does , now if i could just offset, but i'm guessing i'm gonna have to re-do the function that creates the cells, to use circles and not cylinders so the hull would be 2d.. You could also use projection() to project the hull into a 2D-polygon.von enif - OpenSCAD
Jetzt hab ich mich noch ein wenig schlau gemacht und hab wahrscheinlich die Seite gefunden, nach welcher du Marlin-1.1.x modifiziert hast: https://forums.adafruit.com/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=63974 Diese Seite würde zumindest erklären, warum die deg...() Aufrufe mit Version 1.1.x nicht funktioniert haben: Die Seite ist von 2014 und damals war Marlin noch Version 1.0.0 oder so, jedenfalls war davon enif - Elektrik & Elektronik
Nein, nur in im unteren Teil von Marlin_main.cpp, den du (wahrscheinlich?) selbst geschrieben hast.von enif - Elektrik & Elektronik
QuoteHast du auch Led´s am laufen ? Nein. Ich hab die Kompilation auch nur als "Trockenübung" gemacht, d.h. auf meinem Büro-PC und nicht in der Werkstatt, wo die Drucker stehen.von enif - Elektrik & Elektronik
Hast du überhaupt Spannung am "+" Heizbettausgang? Wenn nicht, sind auch beide RAMPS-Eingänge am 12V Netzteil angeschlossen?von enif - Druck- und Heizbetten
Ich hab mal schnell versucht deine Version zu kompilieren... Die Fehlermeldungen kommen offensichtlich davon, dass du die deg...() Funktionen wie globale Funktionen verwendest, sie sind aber Funktionen der Klasse Temperature. Du musst deshalb vor jeden Aufruf von deg...() durch thermalManager.deg...() ersetzen (thermalManager ist das Objekt der Klasse Temperature). Damit konnte ich deine Versivon enif - Elektrik & Elektronik
You can go to the "Edit/Preferences/Advanced" menu and increased the maximum allowed number of elements (and probably the cache sizes as well).von enif - OpenSCAD
I tried to understand what exactly you are trying to build... Is it something like this? If so, I built it as the intersection of a cube with the difference of 2 cylinders as follows: module cylbezel( l, // length h, // height w, // thickness a // arch rise (y-offset in center, >0) ){ //compute radius from arch rise r=l*l/(8*a)+a/2; intersection(){ translate(von enif - OpenSCAD
Si jamais tu a active COREXY dans ta configuration, mais ton imprimante n'est pas de ce type (ou vice versa...), les axes vont bouger en diagonal au lieu de horizontal ou vertical.von enif - RepRap Groupe d'Utilisateurs Francophone
Have you also tried to reduce the motor current? I recently had a similar problem and it turned out that the driver chip got too hot. So it was the chip's thermal protection that shut the motor off for short moments, thus causing the layer shifts. I reduced the current ... and (...so far...) I have no more layer shifts.von enif - RAMPS Electronics
The SCAD file is commented - but I am sorry, no other explanations for it are available. And I admit that the technique I used here is somewhat untypical for OpenScad: Essentially, each object consists just of two arrays of blocks, the first one are additive blocks, the second one cavities that are to be cut out. A normal "cube" type block consists just of two entries: the origin point and tvon enif - Controllers
As the 2.42" OLED is much bigger and has the pins on the side instead of at the top, I guess modifying the 1.3"/0.96" desing of the display cover is likely to be more difficult than redesigning a fitting cover from scratch. If you want to follow the same pattern I used for the smaller OLED, you can take the same SCAD file and just rewrite the following arrays: blocks, cavities, rearblocks and rvon enif - Controllers