Yes, it works on any other axis like x or y.von Viper-666 - Firmware - Marlin
Hello, I dared to bulid my first DIY 3D printer. Unfortunately, I despair a little with the settings in Marlin. I use a 1.4 Ramps Board with Pololu drivers and the latest firmware Marlin Marlin RC 1.1.0 RC7. I want to use auto-Bed-Levering so I have mounted an inductive sensor adjacent to the Hotend for Z min. The homing for the Z-axis and the auto-bed-leveling function works. But I would stillvon Viper-666 - Firmware - Marlin
Hello, I'm going to take my DIY 3D printers in operation. It is based on a 1.4 Ramps Board with Pololu drivers. The X-Y and Z-axis are moving but how they motor of the extruder will not move. I have set the required voltage for my motors calculated by using the potentiometer and multimeter. The extruder is a direct drive, and currently have no Fillament. When I after heating the Hotend say in Prvon Viper-666 - Firmware - Marlin