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Printing issues ...
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Is there any news as to where this project went? I would like a kit as I want to experiment printing small parts with tiny nozzles. Any info would be appreciated.
Its really the V2 version I want as the mechanism looks much better.
Tiny Boy 2
Tinyboy2 thingiverse
Did the project become the Turnigy machine from hobby king? They seem to have messed up an otherwise good design.
hobby king link
I would not worry about releasing a design derived from the GUS Simpson as the design and development was discussed openly on a public forum from 2013 onwards.
Gus Simpson Development
This means that the design is in the public domain and therefore is not a closed design with reserved rights by the author. In addition contributions to the design were made by other forum members, so the design
It should be mentioned here that many Reprap designs are released under the GNU General Public license. I would recommend you do the same. This and many others are "Copy Left", which basically means that derived works must also be released under the same license (ie open and the designs freely available). Bre Pettis take note!
This may seem like a small point but it can have big effects. Adria
This is an excellent design. Is the 3D printed prototype open sourced as I would love to contribute to its development?
Because of the very narrow profile of the main upright, this machine seems the ideal configuration for a dual head. By extending the X axis by the width of the head, you could easily have dual print heads which are independant of each other.
I am not a big fan of moving the p
General New Machines Topics
It is difficult to advise exactly as the products that will go through the cell are so varied. We also have no idea of the quantity of each item you are to produce.
I assume that you will be using the robot for small batch work or one off work.
The standard format for a robot cell is to have the conveyor passing in front of the robot, with the robot arm behind. Parts come in on a pallet on a co
An interesting idea to have many SCARA arms together. It seems that you may be confused as to what you want to achieve as you are discussing two very alternative approaches.
1) 4 SCARAs in one build area. This will require a bit more programming for collision detection, but this would be quite interesting to do. The only advantage you are really getting is reduced build time. If you want a large
Polar Machines, SCARA, Robot Arms
I don't know whether this is possible, but you could produce a continuously rotating device and switch the laser on / off. It works for laser signwriters (You see these at concerts writing across dry ice smoke ) Perhaps just doing this to replace one mirror may make the mechanical hardware much simpler. After all electronic circuits / software are generally much cheaper than hardware.
Could you
Polar Machines, SCARA, Robot Arms
These are quite interesting concepts. How about a layer of perforated support gauze material, that you print on / through and after you have built it up, you dissolve it away.
The reason I asked the question was that I'm sure a larger nozzle size would result in less extrusion pressure which could only be a good thing for reliability and easier printing of the first layer.
My J type nozzle has just become all blocked up and I have ordered a new one, so I was thinking I could modify the old one whilst cleaning it up to a larger size. Its going to be quite hard to drill
Has anyone tried printing with a larger nozzle size, say 0.8 or 1mm?
I usually go for functional parts only and If I could print a more robust part that would be a bonus. Also my printer sits for long periods and I really want a printer that I can just turn on and print with minimal tuning.
There are two main reasons why idler bearings can be trouble. The first is that the threaded bar is never straight and when you constrain it even further with an idler the Z wobble becomes worse as it cannot float about. It was a major failing of my early delta robot and a reason why the Rostock with belt drive performed so much better.
In addition, if you measure the major diameter of the 10mm
Thinking out aloud here, but LOM tends to be very wasteful of material, so I was thinking of whether there would be a way to produce thin strips of plastic sheet (sort of like a pasta machine through rollers). The machine could then recycle its left over material back into useful sheet.
My first thoughts are a three stage machine, one that produces a sheet feeding across to a cutting head and th
I think you guys are talking about Laminated Object Manufacturing. It was one of the first rapid prototype methods developed.
I am very surprised that no one has thought of taking the 3D model of Bre Pettis's head and grafting a large male member on the forehead. We could then all re post it back on Thingiverse. It just seems the logical next progression to me and much more creative than posting cubes on there.
.....I welcome other suggestions of how to show our disapproval.
I always suspected as much...."Bre Pettis is a Wankel!"
Is there any way you can dope polystyrene or similar material with something to make it hard and strong?
I am thinking you could cut a reprap frame on one of those and then paint it or dip it in something to make it hard and rigid. Perhaps a more open structure foam (Like Oasis floral foam) would be more suitable as this would take a strengthening resin more easily.
This would make mass produc
CNC Routers, Mills, and Hybrid RepRapping
How about using it for the joints in a delta or SCARA printer. This would be particularly useful if you could print it between or attached to a harder ABS or PLA mounting
You don't need a Rotary table and a SCARA arm to get full 3D motion. The SCARA arm doesn't need an elbow.
This is a good idea to develop one of these machines, particularly if it was capable of cutting steel as well as PCB. Your design is probably not the best configuration for a milling machine though. The part bed should be fixed and the head move in all axes. There are several benefits for this.
1) The machine footprint is much smaller for the same sized workpiece.
2) You get natural damping when
CNC Routers, Mills, and Hybrid RepRapping
Every single .stl file I pull from thingiverse doesn't load correctly into any CAD package I own. There is a scaling error (metric / imperial) and also there are many non manifold surfaces.
I take the .stl file and load it into Blender 3D then export it back out as .stl. This overcomes the binary/ascii issue. I then use a piece of software stl to igs and then import it to my CAD system. Its a r
General Mendel Topics
Traumflug Wrote:
> it's faster with more numberchrunching-capability
> How does that help? The steppers are still served
> from the Arduino. It has become quiet around the
> Raspberry Pi. Probably, because the Pi can
> essentially be used as a beefed up Ethernet-USB
> converter, only. And I expect this board to be of
Yes just spotted this myself. Its basically an arduino with the ability to run linux / android and and a full hdmi screen like a raspberry pi. A reprap with this power, you could just send it your cad file and it could print it directly.
The only thing is they seem to be putting too much in and hence the price might put some people off. It needs to be about £50 all in.
The form1 machine would be capable of producing an Eiffel tower. Its a stereo lithography machine. It could easily be produced in two parts.
Kickstarter rules forbid renders or photoshop images to advertise a product. You must demonstrate a working version of the item doing what you claim. It seems that Japica didn't even read kickstarter rules.
I guess Kickstarter got "Japicad" as well!
Perhaps in memory of this complete fiasco of a design we should create a new verb or noun to help us describe projects in the reprap community.
To japica - A verb to describe when something is not as it seems or fails miserably.
Japica - an object which does not come up to expectations.
I began my print at 8.30, it ran for 2 hours then completely japicad on me.
The car I bought las
1) It will be difficult for you to get your Z axis to be as accurate as a conventional vertical linear rail. Two concentric bearing interfaces are not as accurate as one. This is just basic physics. Using 3D printed components for these parts makes things even worse. The part you claim to have printed (The Eiffel Tower) is a hard print to pull off with such a clean print as you have shown with no
I have been wanting to create a carbon bike frame for a while now and have been looking for a way to utilize my reprap to save foam sanding. Trouble is I only want one bike not a production run, so making a mould is not really necessary. I think it could be used for RC planes. Use expanded foam over a carbon fibre centre spar.
I imagine this technique could also be useful for large items built f
Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
Sorry to raise an old post, but thinking it through further there may be a way to produce light structures more simply.
1) Print a mould (mold) using a reprap. You could do this in sections for a large item such as a wing or airship hull and bolt them together or mount them to a wooden board. You could also position spars and reinforcement such as cardboard tube in the mould or smaller reprapped
Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
The bike pedal is nice. Many like me were unconvinced of the strength of printed parts. I think this is mainly because we tend to print them with reduced % infill.
I printed a pair of adapter brackets for my rear bike carriage. 100% infill makes very strong functional parts. They haven't failed yet after 8 months.
You should check the rules of kickstarter before posting an idea up there. Kickstarter is not a source of development funding for an idea.
You have to show a working prototype of your design before asking for money. See the following guideline lifted from their site.
"In addition, Design and Technology projects that are developing new hardware or products must show on their project pages a func
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