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Printing issues ...
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exactly a year since my op and this project is nearing 'completion' if these things are ever really complete. been printing with it for a few weeks with some very nice results.
ive uploaded some more pictures here:
ive had to return my duet 2 due to a bad solder joint and am currently witing for a replacement which should be here in a few days. theres a whole list of things i'll be improving
CoreXY Machines
With the XY stage built on a plate mounted on top of the verticals, and another plate on the bottom, the lengths of the verticals better be well matched or the XY stage is liable to twist.
All milled to length by myself one of the perks of working for a university and having access to the machine shop.
CoreXY Machines
It looks nicely built, except I agree with prototypical- standing the pulleys on posts is not a great way to go. We'll see how the cantilevered bed behaves when the X axis is flying back and forth on the Y axis rails. They have a tendency to bounce, but if the construction is solid enough, it may not be an issue.
Where will you be mounting the electronics?
The idlers ar
CoreXY Machines
Finaly getting this thing put together after covid meant it was sat at my work for 8 months untouched.
Link to some images :
sorry picture quality isnt the best.
Just waiting on the bottom Alu plate to arrive then its on to wiring. Happy with everything so far, both the core xy gantry and the bed seem super rigid.
I'll share more pictures as it comes together.
CoreXY Machines
Fair enough, I spent a long time debating the bed arrangement. I know that a cantilevered design is inherently not as robust as other methods. but I had a few really nice linear rails lying arround that are (at least in theory) way over spec for something like this. And given that when printing the dynamic loads on the bed will be small, as it's not going to move quickly. It might take another re
CoreXY Machines
I started the thread because i thought you might have something constructive to say about it, clearly that was a mistake. I have read a lot of material on the forum that has informed my decision making along the way. I would be genuinely interested what the 'same mistakes' are that you think i have made, but it seems your more comfortable making vaguely personal negative com
CoreXY Machines
I started the thread because i thought you might have something constructive to say about it, clearly that was a mistake. I have read a lot of material on the forum that has informed my decision making along the way. I would be genuinely interested what the 'same mistakes' are that you think i have made, but it seems your more comfortable making vaguely personal negative comments than addressing
CoreXY Machines
Thanks for the feedback. how much tension are you putting on your belts?! I cant belive a few Kg of belt tension is going to bow 8mm aluminium tooling plate. Three sides of the machine will be clad in polycarbonate sheet bolted to the uprights which will provide some bracing. Bed wobble was a concern when i was designing it, the bed is supported on 2 horizontal sections of the same 8mm tooling pl
CoreXY Machines
For the last couple of months i've been designing a Core XY 'dream machine' based roughly on the E3D tool changer. I'm now at the point of ordering alu plates to be waterjet cut. The idea is to create a super stable machine that can be easily modified in the future. to begin with it will just be running a single extruder but i think that will change in the near future.
Like the E3d machine all t
CoreXY Machines
Anyone any ideas on this? i cant work out why it would work fine and then appear to short out of nowhere, i noticed that the voltage controller is getting a bit warm when its working before it turns off, is this normal? then gets realy hot when it 'shorts'... ive tried it with 2 arduinos now and the same thing happens
RAMPS Electronics
Ive recently completed my first reprap, and after a couple of weeks of getting some really nice results out of it I stupidly shorted the RAMPS board around the end stop terminals while the printer was on... DOH!. since then i am still able to turn the printer on and it will behave normally for a while, then usually after about 10-15 minuets everything looses power, and the voltage controller on
RAMPS Electronics
Just tried that, the line was there under custom gcode in slic3r, i deleted it and reexported but the problem continues :/
Thanks, i'll check that
I've just finished assembling my first reprap (i3 kit from 3dprinter czar) , I have the printer set up and roughly calibrated. I can move all the axis and heat the hot end and the bed, all of the end stops seem to be working when I home each of the axis. The trouble I'm having Is when i try to start a print the z axis finds its home before it moves up slightly and then lowers the hot end into the