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Printing issues ...
I've printed with white PLA several times over, was my first color I printed in. I can definitely tell you that lower temps are better, my blue has almost the same sensitivity. I print my PLA at 162 on my Solidoodle. Sometimes 158.
My plans for my 3D printer build include making it interchangeable with CNC heads. I'm using the Megatronics V3.0 board, what do I do to program it to take both? Or is it GCode generator side? I assume with the two different types of signals for extruder vs constant speed machining head that it will have to be wired/programmed differently? Could it be possible to attain constant, high enough spee
This is where I'm going to post progress on building my printer. Why Prometheus? Because we have found our method of creation and it seems the government is iffy about it, as though we stole something .
So in the end this is going to be an almost all metal printer, for sturdy, reliable structure. I've ordered most of my internal parts and have most of a design. I thought I would post it here fo
Sadly, I have already ordered my parts based on 8mm rails, including the rails themselves. Maybe that will be a future upgrade as I add heavier duty heads on my interchangable design .
My own design. I don't even know what the basis of Prusa/Mendel and others even are. I've just looked up random built 3D printers, home and production, and used my mechanical niche to decide for myself what's best since not much is proven science. People built H-bots, I assume just to do it because I find an H-bot to be against sense in 3D printing quality and accuracy. So I've had to engineer mo
I just thought I'd mention here an excellent article that will dispel rumors and lies.
Edit: Apparently links don't work?
Thanks for answering! Even just those few have been helpful.
What about the thermisters? Just one and hope it heats up evenly? Same pad would mean that they stay pretty much the same, right?
And yes, I am using an 850W PSU.
Is there anywhere else I can go to ask difficult questions or am I going to have to be one of those people that finds out and tells others?
For the Y axis movement, is there a benefit to belts being place above the rails? Is it just easier to build? Could there be benefits to have them below the rails since the weight of the X axis is below? What about inside/outside? What about the positioning of the Z axis threads? Inside/outside/between rods? Would bead-blasted aluminum stick better/equal with painter's tape because of it's uneve
I was thinking about building my own printer for a while and what pushed me over the line was my Solidoodle 3rd Gen getting completely destroyed. White Lithium grease and ABS printed parts apparently don't mix. So I'm going to build one. But what got me on the idea originally was wanting a printer that could do what I wanted it to do and reliably, all while not costing all but one limb and a rib.