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Is there nobody out there who would like to set up a RepRap presence at SteamySteves show?
I was rather hoping that we could have a group get together and plan some good things to print as demo pieces.
Alas with no responses, and very little of my own time to devote to design work, it doesn't look as though its a runner.
Sorry, I don't mind helping but I'm afraid I have no desire to be a sole ev
Core Storage
West of England RUG
'Evening all,
Thanks SteamySteve for the suggestions.
I am happy with all three dates probably earlier is better.
I am heavily involved in the set up of our village flower show around Saturday 19 July, so I would prefer it wasn't the Thursday but I will be there when ever,
Core Storage
West of England RUG
Good Morning all
There seem to be quite a few local RepRappers involved on this topic, if not all that recent.
Hopefully some are still alerted to new posts. So how about a get together at the Bristol Model Engineering and Hobbies Exhibition at Thornbury.
in August.2014
If anyone's interested then please have a look at the topic RepRap presence at Bristol Model Engineering and Hobbies Exhibition
Core Storage
West of England RUG
Is there anybody who would like to join in with a proposed RepRap presence at the Bristol Model Engineering and Hobbies Exhibition
Friday to Sunday 15th to 17th August 2014 at Thornbury,- North of Bristol?
Hi. Hope you enjoyed the show Paul. I am the Exhibition Manager for the Bristol Model Engineering and Hobbies Exhibition and I am particularly interested in getting some 3
Core Storage
West of England RUG
Hi Guys
Thank you Steve for the exhibition flyer, I will be there.
I am happy to take my RepRap Tricolour Mendel along and help on a stand, although I'm not really sure what things we should attempt to print by way of a demo during the show.
I would think they need to be items that will print reasonably quickly and that will hopefully strike a chord with the model engineering types that will be t
Core Storage
West of England RUG
Hi Tinkering,
There doesn't seem to be much group activity in the Bristol area, or indeed any at all !
I have a RepRapPro 3 colour Legacy Mendel just upgraded to a tricolour Mendel, and live just outside South Bristol.
I would be happy to meet up with you, and talk 3D.
Maybe we could get something going to support Steamy Steve at the Bristol Engineering and Hobbies show.
Send me a Private message
Core Storage
West of England RUG
Hi Rich,
Sounds great, I have booked tickets, and time off work for the two days,my wife is going too, she's an ethusiastic supporter, if a little intolerant any fettling at the dinner table!
I would like to help with making something for the show if I can, and / or be on the stand offering limited advice or perhaps sympathy.
I have a RepRap Mendel Pro, bought as a kit just before Christmas.
Core Storage
RepRap magazine
I finally got the time to try again.
I didn't want to close up the gaps in the name Documents and settings so. I installed the whole lot again in a new directory path with no spaces.
At least I now have all the latest versions. The new quick Windows installer, seems to only be for Win7 at the moment, and I am on XP.
Alas it still didn't work, well not quite - I got the new slicer screen surrou
Core Storage
Thanks Mattcad,
That sounds pretty comprehensive, I will try it out.
After my original post I dropped my investigations, as there were plenty of other skills to learn with using my new Mendel pro, but it's probably time to set about getting the 3 head upgrade. I did not respond to our friend with the big number, as I too felt it was a little suspicious, and indeed if you look at his other posts y
Core Storage
Thanks Knimrod, just having a senior moment
Core Storage
That's a very good point, Series connection would actually need a higher voltage drive, It's easy to loose sight of what did and didn't work previously. if changing from parallel to series made no difference, then put it back. You may well have done something else since that would make a difference.
Core Storage
Slic3r version 0.9.7 had a check box to enable generation of verbose G-code.
I can't find it in ver 0.9.8. It is useful if you are trying to tinker with the code to print multi colour bits on a mendel.
Is it still there somewhere?
Yes it is there, found it for myself , and probably where it always was under Output options. If I could have deleted this whole post I would have.
Core Storage
Well I would agree with you - that's really strange.
If the two motors are the same and they are wired in series, then they really ought to behave in the same way.
I don't really have any answer. Looking at a schematic I found of the Ramps 1.4 controller, the outputs to the two Z steppers are wired pin to pin, so there would seem to be no way that a different command is being sent to the two mot
Core Storage
doh !! Sorry 115 celsius
Core Storage
Thanks Ttsalo and Konwiddak
That worked a treat, I couldn't find the self adhesive stuff you spoke of, so I used double sided carpet sticky tape, bubble wrap and silver foil. Now I can get it up to 215 and the abs sticks very well.
I had wanted to get it hotter than 100 because when printing multiple small objects the print head would often clip previously printed items whilst passing across th
Core Storage
Wiring the motors is not difficult to do, for a very good diagram have a look at
Then scroll down to. "The_Z_motor_wires"
This is for the Melzi controller which only has one terminal block for both motors, it is suggested they are wired in series.
You will need just two single connector blocks, to join the motors together, or better still, do it as suggeste
Core Storage
I had a similar problem, and it turned out to be just lack of lubrication of the Z axis screws, bit of oil and all ok.
My Z axis motors are wired in series, Marlin.
Core Storage
I don't have any experience with the Ramps board, but you mentioned earlier that you had three terminals to wire your limit switch to.
This suggests that the switch can be wired to switch the input high or low when you press it.
Now, with a two wire switch, which is perfectly acceptable, you are switching the signal line lets say high when you push the button, but not necessarily low when
Core Storage
Hi, The resistance as measured at the pcb terminals is 1.6 ohms cold rising to 2 ohms at 70 deg. Voltage is not 11.9 I got that wrong, it's 11.4V on the pcb and 11.2 on the bed terminals. It falls another 0.2V with the hot end on. It draws 8.8 amps, so that's around 100 Watts which seems a bit low to me, for heating that sort of area.
The heater plate doesn't have any ratings written on it. And
Core Storage
RepRap Pro Mendel
Does anybody know what temperature the bed should be able to reach.
I can only just make 100degrees, which seems barely hot enough to stick ABS.
The power is delivered through the thick, probably around 2.5mm cable supplied with the Mendel pro kit
with a board terminal block voltage of 11.9v which should be high enough - I will check on the bed terminal end.
The ambient temper
Core Storage
Hi Terrykid
I have found the same as you, having completed my Mendel pro just before Christmas. Initially no problems at all with sticking to glass base heated to 85 PLA extruded 205 Then all of a sudden it started curling up behind the head, no chance of laying any plastic down at all. I had been using isopropyl alcohol, which Seemed to work ok until thent. I tried acetone, but that seems e
Core Storage
Problem installing the Beta release of the RepRapPro Slicer programme
I am eager to try out the new beta version of Reprap pro slicer, but am having problems installing it.
I have downloaded the ZIP folder from
After running Reprap.bat file in a command window, the text produced looks ok for the 1st of around 4 screen fulls then is the line -
If Not exist reprap-wv.stl cd “c:\\program
Core Storage