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Bump - Is the fact that the bed temp has dropped a clue ??? Is the "thermal runaway" detector seeing a temp "drop" as a fault ??
Hi, I have been running Marlin v2.0.x for some time without problems using PLA+
Recently, I switched to ABS and have printed several pieces without problem (they have all been about 20mm high) but now I am trying to print something 35mm high and it keeps reporting "bed thermal runaway" at various stages all about 15-20mm above the bed.
The piece is a simple 50% fill cylinder 20mm diameter and 3
I used two of the ports - one driving a vac pump the other a solonoid valve.
The two loads had a fast diode across the pins the protect from back emf.
It worked very well.
RAMPS Electronics
That did the trick but on my ATMEGA2560 based printer it left 742 bytes of RAM - so I reduced "SDSORT_LIMIT" from 40 to 20 as I dont keep many files on the SDCard, that gave me 1564 bytes of RAM.
Thanks for the help.
[email protected]
It may be reading the SD card each time you click which will noticeably slow things down.
Try enabling the following. The directory gets moved into RA
Firmware - Marlin
That sounds more promising - I'll give that a try.
Firmware - Marlin
Hmmm, I'll give it a try but I suspect that will affect all the other menus as well.
It is only one menu that is slow - when brousing the SD card for a file to print - the rest are OK.
Firmware - Marlin
When controlling my printer from the LCD encoder I find that in all of the menus (bar one) the movement of the highlighted line
is responsive.
However, in the "file to print" menu it is a lot slower and that is with only 3 file entries on the SD card --- to the extent that it feels
like I didnt move the encoder knob and do it again only to find it moves on twice, it's just slow.
Is there anywa
Firmware - Marlin
I have a "Geetech i3 Pro C" fitted with a "FYSETC_MINI_12864_2_1" control panel.
I have enabled the "NEOPIXEL_STARTUP_TEST" option and it correctly cycles through the colors at bootup.
I have also enabled the "LED_CONTROL_MENU" option and the "lights" menus correctly appear --- but while the menus run they do not change the LEDs at all.
What am I missing ??
My config files are attached.
Firmware - Marlin
I have a Geeetech i3 Pro C (acrylic) - and yes I have a 3dtouch rather than a bltouch, but it has proved to produce consistant measurements YMMV.
However, I have been struggling for a long time to get bilinear leveling to work.
There is no detectable twist in the x-axis and the 3dtouch has zero y axis offset to the nozzle, the bed is reasonably level by the "paper" test, and the printer prints
Firmware - Marlin
Hi, I gather that there is a feature to allow compensation for a twist in the "X" axis in the latest release of Marlin ...
Is there any documentation on using this especially regarding the "Wizard" ???
How well does it work?? I am rather loath to upgrade to this version unless the mechanism is effective as otherwise my printer is working well.
I am very keen to try this but so far all I have f
Firmware - Marlin
Hi, I have an application for a RAMPS 1.4 board to which it seems idealy suited.
One part of the project has a need to control a small DC vacuum pump and I was thinking about using a relay driven from an IO pin, but I wondered if one of the heater ports could be used.
The motor only takes about 0.5A and being an inductive load would need a couple of clamping diodes to limit the back EMF spikes.
RAMPS Electronics
I have found a number of projects that I would like to print from "thingiverse" but "Repetier Host" complains that some of the STL files are non-manifold and when I try to slice with Slic3r the preview has holes and gaps in it.
I have tried repairing with Slic3r and various online services but often without success :-(
Other people dont seem to have problems printing these files - so why do so
Yes, I checked that ... it is set to "1" ... but surely I only need ONE level because the M32 calls are not nested one within another ... just multiple M32 calls within the top level .GCO file ???
Firmware - Marlin
Further to THIS TOPIC I can now add the following to the "end of job" gcode in Slic3r :-
and it happily plays the music file :-)
If, however I put 2 or more in sequence Marlin throws an error "Exceeded subxxx call" and halts without playing anything.
According to the documentation the '#' flag is supposed to stop Marlin from going any further until the M32 has finis
Firmware - Marlin
Hi, thanks for the reply - a speaker IS fitted, and the file music.gco DOES play with :-
but just not at the end of a print job.
After further research I have discovered that the way to play a .GCO file from within a .GCO file is to use the following command :-
and it works very well.
Thanks all,
Firmware - Marlin
Hi, I need to buy some (4) new 8MM smooth rods of up to 500mm in length.
Can someone please suggest somewhere I can buy reasonable quality ones at a reasonable price and shipping (I'm in the UK).
Best regards,
I want to be able to play a song over the speaker fitted to my MK3 I3 at the end of a print job and repeat it until I come and stop it.
With the music on the SDCard I can play it via the serial connection with :-
and I can repeat it by reentering the same commands :-)
However, when I add this to the end of job gcode (in SLIC3R's setup) the job completes OK and the control
Firmware - Marlin
How would you do this in the PC ??
I usually print from the SDCard, but I could revert if necessary.
Firmware - Marlin
Does Marlin support conditionals (as implemented in Slic3r) ??
I want to be able to pause a print at a specific layer or height to insert a nut or magnet without manually editing the GCODE - the scope for getting it wrong is huge.
Also what about "while" loops and "goto" or "branch" ??
Perhaps there are other ways to achieve this ??
Firmware - Marlin
I am rather deaf so I would like to play a sequence of short tones at the end of a print job and have it continue until I hear the tones.
At the moment I have a fairly long sequence of tones encoded and it works a treat but as far as I can see the only way to get a continuous output (without a ridiculously long script) is to specify "p0" which gives a continuous single tone.
Unfortunately, the
That achieves nothing except re-enabling M106/7.
What I need is for E0_AUTO_FAN_PIN to work on PIN 7 with it under GCode control as well.
that the fan to be constantly ON at say 10% when the extruder is not in use and under GCode control when the extruder is in use.
I dont mind which.
Firmware - Marlin
My printer is a "Geeetech i3 Pro C" with a "GT2560_RevA+" controller board and both the controller fan and the fan that cools the extruder/extruder stepper are wired between 12v and ground and are NOT controllable at all and are permenantly on.
PIN7 is connected to the PWM fan that I am using to cool the "part" (work piece).
So, how do I control the "part" fan in the way I need ??
Firmware - Marlin
I am running 2.0.5 bugfix and want the part cooling fan to come on when the extruder temp is >50.
So, in configuration_adv I have defined the following :-
#undef FAN_PIN
#define FAN_PIN -1
#define E0_AUTO_FAN_PIN 7
#define E1_AUTO_FAN_PIN -1
#define E2_AUTO_FAN_PIN -1
#define E3_AUTO_FAN_PIN -1
#define E4_AUTO_FAN_PIN -1
Firmware - Marlin
I have a Prusa I3 Pro fitted with a FYSETC Mini 12864 graphics control board and I find the rotary encode is rather erratic (NB I saw the same issue with the original LCD panel) - can someone please point me to the code that handles and debounces the rotary encoder ?
I've been searching through the code but cannot nail it down :-(
Prusa i3 and variants
Many thanks for that!!
Strewth, someone obviously spent a lot of time on this issue :-)
Getting the x-axis rods exactly parrallel will be a challenge!
At the moment my bltouch is mounted behind the nozzle at about 50mm, so any twist will cause a significant error :-(
I guess making sure the bed is level wont help very much since the twist is still there?
It sounds like the best solution for
Firmware - Marlin
Hi, I have a Geetech Pruse I3 Pro C (Acrylic) with a BLTouch sensor and a plate glass bed - I know the bed is not level (it is low on the right - x axis).
I am using Marlin 2.0.5 and it is configured to use "bilinear" leveling with a 3x3 probing matrix and "extrapolate_beyond_grid" defined.
I also have PIDTEMP and PIDTEMPBED defined.
The problem I am seeing is that the extruder is not being low
Firmware - Marlin
It's a direct drive extruder. I bought a plastic and a metal replacement, the plastic one just dropped in so that is what I am currently using. I would prefer the metal one but it needs a little "bodging" to fit it so I'll do that at some point.
I cleaned the nozzle with the "cold atomic" method and then cleaned the thing out with an needle (the ones for sale on eby are actually accupuncture nee
Prusa i3 and variants
I'm tearing my hair out over a problem with a replacement MK8 extruder.
I had the beast running quite well but then the tacky plastic extruder arm broke.
:-( I gather it's a common problem with these printers.
So I bought a replacement arm but now the prints are rather "blobby" on the outside and it oozes for a LONG time after a 50mm manual feed (10-15 seconds) and quite a lot of filament.
Prusa i3 and variants
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