I love using Repetier Host. The one thing that does not work right is the printing time estimate. I understand it would be very hard to get very accurate but it's so far off it might as well not be there. For my past 30 prints it's been between 50% to 300% off. If it says a print will take 1 hour I can be pretty sure it will be closer to 2 hours. Even when near done like tonight it said it had 5by tmorris9 - Repetier
Mine moves out of the way (x home) and the ooze is not ruining any prints. I just wanted to at least slow it down as I end up with a little spring shaped pile under the nozzle and just thought if I did a small retract it would be much less. Just trying to fine tune things not solve a real issue.by tmorris9 - General
Here you go. Download Netfab basic (free) it's great at quickly fixing issues with stl files.by tmorris9 - Slic3r
So is it the G1 E-2 that retracts? and if so is the -2 =2mm? My extruder already goes to x home, so not sure what the G92 E0 would do. Sorry new to G code so don't all the commands.by tmorris9 - General
I want to add a small retract to the end of my prints since my machine ends up spitting out a bit of material after the end of prints. I figure a 1-3mm retract at the end would prevent this. Thanks!by tmorris9 - General
Could you provide a g-code file that does this? 0.7.2b is the most stable version though it's missing a few frills. You can look at the g-code at the bottom on make sure the command is thereby tmorris9 - Slic3r
Well I got in an order of ABS from 3D Ink (2lb roll) and it did not unspool on it's own. It's very tight to the roll but a bit stiffer than my usual supplier. I am printing right now and so far it's good. Not unrolling by itself or anything. Diameter seems to be consistent at 2.94 -2.96mm. Just thought I would mention it. I did get some PTFE tubing but have not installed it yet but I will eithby tmorris9 - General
So is it this way with all ABS or just certain dealers? I thought about heating to relax it but I did not want to guess at time and temperatures. Last thing I want to do ruin the roll or get abs all in my ovenby tmorris9 - General
I have been buying all my ABS from 3Dprinterstuff.com so far. One issue I have is that as soon as I open the roll of material the filament wants to unwind off the spool like a wound up spring gone mad. The filament is like a giant coiled spring. Is this normal for all suppliers? or is there a material that pretty much stays on the spool without wildly unwinding? Their prices and diameter consistby tmorris9 - General
Well, my method worked pretty well. In the photo you can see the in the yellow circle the slight blob left from the paused head.by tmorris9 - General
I am curious what people do if they start printing a large item only to realize say half way through that the roll of abs will not be enough to finish? I am printing right now and while I thought I would have enough left, I now realize I will run out before the print finishes. I plan on trying to pause the print during infill and adding another roll. I know it will leave a bit of a crater whereby tmorris9 - General
If you decide you want a metal lathe that is not an arm and a leg, try Harbor freight On sale for $500 right now.by tmorris9 - General
I would try version 0.7.2b it's known to have the most stable infill. It's not as polished a version but seems to be the most stable and especially for infill issues.by tmorris9 - Slic3r
Sliced OK for me using Slic3r 0.7.2b All of the newer Slic3r versions have issues. I have heard over and over that 0.7.2b is the most reliable.by tmorris9 - Slic3r
Sounds like you don't have the power on wire grounded. Normally it's green on the large connector. This is a soft on / off that normally would be controlled by the computer main board.by tmorris9 - General
Dirty Steve Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Solution > > A: Make ANYTHING you want to > > B: DON'T SELL IT OR POST IT ONLINE............. That will work :-)by tmorris9 - General
I do work in the advertising industry and need to know quite a bit about the laws (but not everything). One thing I do know is that when a company becomes aware of someone breaking their patent, copyright or IP rights, you MUST take legal action (even a simple cease and desist letter) or they may actually lose the rights to their work all together. That is why many companies seem to have a "kneeby tmorris9 - General
The coating on resistors is paper thin, if you file beyond the coating you will expose the resistive material (wire, carbon...) and this would then contact the aluminum block and possibly cause bad things to happen. Also if you cut through any of the resistive material you will change the value of the resistor and it's ability to do the job right. Don't do it. Electronic repair tech of 30+ yearby tmorris9 - General
I have a very open printer and have been having issues with printing tall thin items. I assume due to heat differential as you point out. So I decided to make a cover from PVC pipe and some heavy plastic sheeting. I don't have a door on the front yet, I plan using a clear one so I can watch the print but a towel works for testing right now. I am doing my first tests today so I don't know how welby tmorris9 - General
Thank you. Can you tell me what was wrong and how you fixed it? I need to learn for future problems. Thanks!by tmorris9 - Slic3r
So I have an object I made in Lightwave 3D and it says it's manifold. I load it into meshlab and it says it has zero non manifold edges or vertices, yet slicer (0.7.2 & 0.9.5) say it's non manifold and end up slicing it wrong. It's a box with holes on all 6 sides but slicer fills in the sides and only leaves the top and bottom open. I will attach the stl and jpg of what the model should lookby tmorris9 - Slic3r
While 0.9.5 has issues with 'some' filling, I have not seen the issue you show. Mine fills in the layers perfectly on the bottom 3. Maybe you should post your INI file and STL so we can see what's wrong. My first guess would be you have the nozzle diameter or filament diameter set wrong.by tmorris9 - Slic3r
ttsalo Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I would set all the temperatures in Slic3r to zero > and let the printing program (repetier-host, > pronterface, or whatever) handle them instead. > Just activate the heaters, watch the temperatures > rise and start the print when the printer is hot > enough. Wouldn’t the g-code override the host program? Iby tmorris9 - General
It sounds like you got a bad resistor. I would get it replaced rather than messing up the aluminum block. The better the contact between the resistor and the block the quicker and more even your heat will be. So you don't want to be enlarging the hole to the point that there is an air gap around the resistor or the heat will take longer to transfer into the aluminum block.by tmorris9 - General
Which version of Slic3r are you using? I noticed that different versions have their strengths and weaknesses. I swap back and forth between 0.7.2b and 0.9.5 0.7.2b can do some infills better than the newer versions for some reason.by tmorris9 - Slic3r
Never mind. Figured it out. Needed to uncheck "Go to dispose after job/kill job".by tmorris9 - Repetier
I switched from Pronterface to Repetier and have not looked back. One issue I have though is that at the end of the print the hotend goes to the center of the build plate, in Pronterface it went all the way to X home so as to be out of the way. I have had a few models ruined with plastic dripping onto them or the head (still hot) meting a hole in them if the top of the model is centered. Now theby tmorris9 - Repetier
I asked one of the conductive abs suppliers about plating but apparently the stuff they make for 3d printing has too high resistance for plating. You can plate just about any plastic though if you first paint it with opper filled paint, it's not easy to find and pretty expensive these days. Once you get your part conductive you can get a home plating kit, it's pretty easy to do from there.by tmorris9 - General
Every version has some issues. That being said, I have been using the latest 0.9.5 for a few days and have not found any issues yet. One person said it was taking longer and creating larger files but I can't confirm that.by tmorris9 - Slic3r