The endstops all work correctly now I have a picture here of how the filament looks when the extruder jams and I cut off the 'weird' part I'm really done with this machine now. I know it's not me that is messing it up, I feel like the guy I bought the parts from just tried to make money fast with shitty cheap components. Also from my last reaction: The voltage on the resistor reads: 9.26by Ohmarinus - General
The voltage on the resistor reads: 9.26 Volt I think my Multimeter only goes to max 10 Amps? It has a warning on the meter saying '10Amax - Unfused' I can't find any multimeters that have more than 10 amps measuring capability? Am I doing something wrong? I checked them all the way up to the 90 euros range, and didn't see any, I can't spend that much on a multimeter now, I already spend all myby Ohmarinus - General
I have finally managed to get everything done Not yet with all programming, but at least it's running now as it is. I will do the firmware upgrade tomorrow. Question: When I start a print, my hotend starts cooling down, and nothing comes out, but the extruder wheel is turning, and when I click extrude manually, that silky thread of ABS just comes out normally, but when I give my printer a priby Ohmarinus - General
Great, thanks for your help so far! I'm currently wiring up the heatbed also, the seller told me there has to be a relais between the sanguino and the heatbed, or if I didn't use the relais, I would have to hook up the MOSFET with a heatsink. (damn, tested it, there is no way I can hook up the heatsink with the MOSFET) So I am totally confused about wiring up with the relais, so I have decidedby Ohmarinus - General
True true, I already have the arduino program installed because I have an arduino board also, not using it for this printer, but just for playing around. So, is it a lot of work to install new firmware on a Sanguino? What kind of data do I need to configure the firmware? Since the seller isn't giving out much info I don't have anything like hardware information. uGen Wrote: ---------------by Ohmarinus - General
Hi I'm using a sanguino with 4 stepsticks, so no RAMPS. But if it can't do any harm to just turn around the connector, then I will do that. Are you sure it wont do any harm? I have a picture here of my setup, I'm afraid I might have put the X-axis bar the wrong way around, the stepper-motor is on the left side of it and I see both ways in different images on the web, shouldn't it be on the rigby Ohmarinus - Controllers
That is a very good question. The seller is very unclear about answering my questions. . Since he preloaded it for me and told me it should be fine as it is now... I have no idea exactly. But he did send me the firmware, but it's just an arduino installer and is also a windows exe, so I can't open that on my mac. He told me something about: Kliment Sprinter does that ring a bell? uGen Wroby Ohmarinus - General
Hi everyone, I have finally put my RepRap Air 2 XL together. I am totally new to 3D printing, the machine works, extruding works etc, but the endstops don't. Also I am starting to doubt I might have put my X-axis the wrong way around, or doesn't it matter? I have highlighted the placements of my endstops (orange) and X-axis stepper motor (green) in the attached picture. Can it be that the X-axiby Ohmarinus - General
Just by hand-tuning them I managed to get them all working on their lowest possible energy level. The only thing I find weird about the machine is that my extruder stepper makes a pretty annoying high sound, while all the others are all perfectly silent. Also another weird thing is that the stepper motors seem to move the wrong way from what is shown in the pronterface menu and when my motors hiby Ohmarinus - Controllers
Hey, thanks for your reply, I still haven't gotten things running. I also asked the seller of the equipment, he says that just turning up the meter slowly until the motors work as intended... Not sure if this is such a good idea, I have asked a friend who has put Vref at 0,7 and he says it works well. I have added heatsinks to the stepper drivers, and made sure the cooling walls on the heatsinkby Ohmarinus - Controllers
I received a new Sanguino board with new stepsticks. Working on everything now, currently stuck at the point of configuring my Stepsticks.. Which I have no idea how to work the formula I found on the wiki. The steppermotors I use are: Manufacturer Wantai Holding Torque 4.8 kg/cm 47.1 N-cm As 5mm Voltage rating 3.1 Stepping angle 1.8 degrees Current rating 2.5A Nr. of leads 4 (30 cm) Type 42BYGHby Ohmarinus - Controllers
Okay, I managed to re-do my wiring for the hot-end. The hardware stores here in the Netherlands suck ass, none of them sell any good crimps and now that I found nice crimps, they don't sell the pliers for it. I'm so done with this country in terms of equipment knowledge. I am almost ready to start testing, but I can't figure out my Pololu settings for my stepper motors so will figure that out nby Ohmarinus - General
Apparently all the other stepsticks were also burned. According to the seller who is checking my board now. Weird, because with those three stepsticks my board worked fine, it only didn't work with the one broken one. So apparently the other three were also broken but the sanguino would still turn on with those stepsticks in place. I am getting a weird feeling about this. Update: Hahaha ok, apby Ohmarinus - Controllers
Great! To be honest I think adding two aluminium plates at the point where the crimp goes, will also function as a heatsink. I have bought a few small aluminium coolers that I can connect there, the only difficulty is making sure these coolers don't short-circuit the machine, so I would have to add some sort of isolation. My hotend is also covered in black thermal paste, I think the seller didby Ohmarinus - General
Ai, good thing you say this, you see I have always worked with just a soldering iron, led lamps, small transistors, resistors and just fussing around with my Arduino... I have no knowledge of all these other requirements. The seller that I bought my parts from told me I could use the flatcables to hook up my stepper motors, but I understand it's not enough? I will surely replace the wiring on mby Ohmarinus - General
Replace Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Orca v4x in De Ronde Venen > > Grt Thomas > P.s beter een extra P in het subject zetten :-) Hahaha ja dacht ik ook al aan Alhoewel sommige mensen de reprap wel een beetje verkrachten hoor... Hoe bevalt je orca? Ik ben nog niet happy met mijn Reprap Air, nu is de Sanguino weer stuk en heb hem nog niet eens kuby Ohmarinus - Dutch User Group - Archive
Great topic, I started to wonder if my way of connecting everything would be safe.. Guess I better use crimp connectors instead. Also, the wires on my stepper motors are rather short, I have been soldering them neatly onto 3M flatcable, but now I found this: 〈=NL Looks like a great way of connecting my steppers to the flatcable. I was imagining my flatcable to also have one of those cable-endsby Ohmarinus - General
For now the 7805 is replaced and the firmware is loaded again. It all seems to work, will receive the Sanguino back in a few days I Ohmarinus - Controllers
I know someone would say that, but I notice it goes wrong a lot and well I miss some kind of 'version control' on 'improved' items. Example: When I click on the tag 'air' I get all kinds of weird stuff that I don't want to see. When I click on the tag 'air' I expect to get everything in the context of the RepRap Air2 since thats from where I came. Do you understand what I mean? But hey, sinceby Ohmarinus - Object repositories
What I don't like about thingiverse is that there is for example not a group for 'RepRap Air 2'. If there were groups like that, I could just click the group and see all prints that are connected with the Air 2 and see if there are any updated parts available. For now thats the only thing that I am missing in Thingiverse. I am still new though, so might spot other things. In Thingiverse it isby Ohmarinus - Object repositories
Yes, I will tell the seller that that might be the case! Thanks NoobMan Btw, is it just recent that the forum keeps being inaccessible? Since today it seems better again, but the last few weeks have been very bad for me, especially since I really 'needed' the forum to see how to build my RepRap Air 2 Ohmarinus - Controllers
Hey, it's not getting any clearer. I can't seem to find much wrong here.. I have emailed the seller and we agreed on me sending to him the power supply, the sanguino and the stepsticks so he can check it all out. Thanks for everything so far, I will update what was wrong when we find out!by Ohmarinus - Controllers
I replaced the stepper that was broken on the Sanguinololu board, I turned on the device without the USB cable in. Immediately the stepstick that I replaced started to heat up like crazy while all the others were still at room temperature. It is the stepstick closest to the PSU input on the Sanguino board. Can it be *hypothetically speaking* that the person I bought the Sanguino board from madeby Ohmarinus - Controllers
Yep I think you are right. But I'm still having the same issue, my USB cable fries when I turn on the power (correctly set-up this time). I just fried my second USB cable. It just melts the F* down when I turn on my power supply. Also the Sanguino can be accessed through USB, but when I turn on the power supply (which neatly gives me 12v) everything just starts heating up without any apparent rby Ohmarinus - Controllers
Woon in Haarlem en studeer in Amsterdam hier Heb sinds een paar weken een Air 2 XL, maar heb hem nog niet helemaal aan de Ohmarinus - Dutch User Group - Archive
Actually it turned out my Multimeter was malfunctioning and the polarity was working correctly in the first case. Now after I switched the polarity I probably broke the Sanguino. Anyone knows what can be broken on the Sanguino when you connect polarity the wrong way? :'( This is so bad I have nowhere near the money to replace it now. Update: 1 Stepstick is broken, the other three are justby Ohmarinus - Controllers
New problem: LED doesn't turn on anymore, Sanguino broken now? Ok turned out the polarity of the power supply wasn't right. So I turned it around and everything worked without overheating USB cable. I could connect with the Sanguinololu board but couldn't move the motors. After some 20 minutes of looking what I could've done wrong I decided to turn off the power supply and see if I could conneby Ohmarinus - Controllers
Hi guys, so I have just finished my first build of a Reprap Air 2 XL version using Sanguinololu. Connected: - Steppers - Hotend - Stepsticks - Hotend temp sensor I didn't connect the Heatbed MKII and the Endstops yet. So I thought: lets connect this puppy and see what is does! What happens: Connect USB: Yellow Led on Sanguinololu turns on Plug in the power supply 12v supplied by reseller: USBby Ohmarinus - Controllers
Hi, got this Sanguinololu, and now I am told that if I put a relais between the sanguino and the heatbed MKII, it is not necessary to put a cooler on the heatbed mosfet. I'm also told that if I don't use the relais, I really have to put a cooler on the mosfet of the heatbed, located on the Sanguino board. Is this true? The wiring diagram I got is added to this messageby Ohmarinus - Sanguino(lolu)
Okay, I'm still missing some parts.. This is getting kind of frustrating now, I like how the seller managed to add the missing parts but the new package was lacking parts aswell, I ordered some more nuts, bolts and screws at another shop because I'm not gonna order another package that might not contain everything I need. Oh and also ordered some cable-management things and some nice printercableby Ohmarinus - General