Meanwhile I received my Kapton tape yesterday. I must admit.. It works so good. ABS glue.. Goodbye! The only thing with Kapton is that you need to get the print height exactly right, too high and it won't stick, curl up and your printhead WILL pry your print off at the third or fourth layer. Too low, and the first layer will stick so good to the tape you really need to pry it off but it's stillby Ohmarinus - Printing
Since all those webshops mentioned above with the Budaschnozzle and the J-head are sold out... Will this be a nice alternative?by Ohmarinus - General
Hey sorry for asking, I was watching on my mobile phone and hadn't noticed you already posted the STL's in your reply! Thanks for all this! I am having serious Z-axis problems, I hope moving my steppers from up- to down will help solve the issue a bit. I will check out those X-ends, for I am kind of done with the printed parts that the vendor has gotten me. Do you live in Germany? And would I mby Ohmarinus - General
I am now suddenly having the same issue. I fixed my hotend issue (it was not attached well enough in my extruder) and now I get a nice line profile all of a sudden. Which I didn't have before! What!? Ohmarinus - Printing
Ah, dus zo zit dat Ik dacht al, meer gewicht, en zelfde prijs/gewicht. Ja duidelijk hoor, dankjewel voor je antwoord. Ik heb binnenkort wel tijd om een rol op- te komen halen. Dat is voor mij erg handig want ik woon in Haarlem en dat is dus niet zo ver weg en dan kan ik meteen de kleur met het blote oog beoordelen Ergens in de komende twee weken zal ik even via mail aankondigen wanneer ik langby Ohmarinus - Dutch User Group - Archive
Even though I probably won't buy this soon, there might be a lot of development possibilities in this for later open source 3D printers. Great initiative!by Ohmarinus - General
Eerlijk gezegd vond ik de foto's op Formfutura toch echt van een veel hogere kwaliteit dan wat je gemiddeld tegenkomt. De witbalans lijkt redelijk in orde en de foto's zijn scherp en niet verhullend. En dat vind ik Ohmarinus - Dutch User Group - Archive
I would actually think of using IR lamps instead of those bulky things. Or something that radiates heat on a surface, instead of just heating air. Has it been done? Anyway, nice you found a solution, but I think building an enclosing for your printer might also work a bit? Thats what I did and it solved most of my Ohmarinus - Printing
I bought Kapton last week, got it yesterday, started printing last night.. Man, I'm hooked. But beware, make sure your printbed is at correct height. If you squash the layers too much in the first layer, you will end up with a print being stuck to the Kaptonby Ohmarinus - Printing
Yes I am having that topic open in a special tab for the last days already Thanks for mentioning it though. I currently sport a 1mm aluminum plate on top of the PCB, but I think I am going to invest in a 2mm aluminum construction with a PCB that 'hangs' against it and floats freely and isn't attached in a fixed mechanical way at all. Also thinking of keeping the MDF bottom plate out of the desiby Ohmarinus - Printing
Wow Ben, this is awesome work!!! Thanks a lot for your post, I will also tell 'Veimox' from Thingiverse, since he was also working on a similar solution. I have a Air 2 XL frame without the grooves in the lower part and as far as I can see your solution should work on my system! Absolutely don't mind drilling holes, but I do think I have to be careful drilling in acrylic material. We could excby Ohmarinus - General
Heya, ja ik heb dus wat dingen geprint voor de X-carriage, maar het is nu teveel werk om alles uit elkaar te halen, dus ik heb twee metalen vulringen geplaatst tussen de hotend en de extruder, er zat namelijk ruimte aan de bovenkant van de hotend, hij kwam niet helemaal in het gat van de extruder en dus had speling in de hoogte. Nu zit hij redelijk goed vast maar ik moet eigenlijk gewoon een andby Ohmarinus - Dutch User Group - Archive
Hi, de verkoper van mijn machine, en het ABS, heeft me dus ook de kabels geleverd bij de kit, deze waren alleen lang en breed niet voldoende, had ik nog niet eens 1 stappenmotor mee kunnen aansluiten. Bij de kit zaten losse stekkertjes en losse crimp-contacten die in die stekkertjes moeten. Dit had ik nog nooit gedaan maar ik dacht dat het 'normaal' was. Dus ik zo'n dure crimptang gekocht omdatby Ohmarinus - Dutch User Group - Archive
I have discovered my Hotend isn't firmly in place, the clamp mechanism that 'should' hold it in place doesn't do it's job well enough. After my current print I will force it to be fixed in height. Now whenever the extruder retracts, it moves the hotend up and down. Edit: And my extruder loses grip sometimes. That hobbed bolt is so shitty... Gonna order a new one from ebay or something. Edit 2by Ohmarinus - Printing
Hey, volgensmij zijn de prijzen van rond de 24 naar iets boven de 26e gegaan per spoel Klopt dat?by Ohmarinus - Dutch User Group - Archive
No problem, but we have a different view. I would use the community after I encounter a problem. Not before I encounter a problem I like to first try by myself. But I am not saying you are doing anything wrong, just let us know how it worked out ok?by Ohmarinus - Printing
Actually I have the heatbed connected through a relay directly on the 12v psu, so I don't think it's such a good idea to use the PID PWM. Any thoughts on this?by Ohmarinus - Printing
Hi, die Hotend die ik nu heb besteld bevalt me tot- nu toe erg goed hoor Kapton tape is vandaag binnen gekomen, net als een set met snoertjes, hele fijne snoertjes dus ik ga dit weekend mijn bedrading opnieuw aanleggen omdat ik niet vind dat het nu netjes is en als er een probleem ontstaat in de electronica kan ik het nu gewoon echt never nooit niet ontdekken en oplossen. Het werkt wel super nuby Ohmarinus - Dutch User Group - Archive
Hey thanks, it kind of confirms my findings. However, my heatbed is connected with screws that have springs under them, so there should be enough room for expansion as they are not tightly fixed to the bottom plate that holds the Y-carriage to the smooth rods with LM8UU bearings. I will surely try PID PWM heating for the heatbed. Also I have some kind of insulation material underneath the bed nby Ohmarinus - Printing
I noticed it almost disappeared after turning off the heated bed. What can I do to prevent the heatbed PCB to move up and down by heating? The temperature doesn't fluctuate. It stays around 110º constantly. Currently sporting an MDF bottom plate, maybe I should replace it for a 2mm aluminum bottom plate? I don't trust wood and Ohmarinus - Printing
Hi guys, I'm facing a case of very bad layer smash, it has been around the past few days and gradually getting worse. Now today I tried printing my extruder again, and now the extruder I am printing with is becoming SO hot again during printing, I notice the smashed layers are getting far worse now that my all the parts above my my hotend are getting ridiculously hot. Can a too hot extruder caby Ohmarinus - Printing
I have the opposite problem, and therefor have decided to order me some Kapton tape a roll of 33m long and 100mm wide.. However, as Fl0yd points out, adding acetone will work making it weaker. Before I decided the ABS glue was 'not for me' I have been trying out different things, and I certainly discovered that a lower solution of ABS in the acetone makes the mixture spread out nicer, but also mby Ohmarinus - Printing
To be honest.. Why did you buy a 3D printer in the first place? Explore! And if it goes wrong, you learn more from it than if it would go right in the first tryby Ohmarinus - Printing
Heel erg leuk initiatief Suus! Helaas te ver weg voor mij.. Ik hoop dat er mensen zijn die wél kunnen de 20e! Enjoyby Ohmarinus - Dutch User Group - Archive
HI, dat klinkt goed zeg, ik ben nu op zoek naar PLA denk ik, ik wil nieuwe ervaringen en heb nu alleen maar met ABS geprint. Gister een rol Kapton besteld, eerst even kijken hoe dat bevalt, mijn printjes blijven nu nooit op mijn printbed plakken, zelfs niet met een volledig ontvette printbed en ABS lijm. Even kijken hoe die kapton bevalt en als het goed werkt, blijf ik voorlopig bij ABS printenby Ohmarinus - Dutch User Group - Archive
Check the pictorial guide, exactly this problem is described in there. Also good for other Ohmarinus - Printing
ABS 3mm but not because I chose to. It was just what was easiest to get here and what I could get most info about. I am secretly fantasizing about going to PLA because it has better adhesive qualities than ABS when it comes to Ohmarinus - General
Heb vandaag nog extra bekabeling besteld en toch maar Kapton tape omdat ik helemaal leip word van die ABS glue.... Verkoper reageerde niet echt op mijn mailtje.. Ik denk dat ik daar maar niks meer ga bestellen. Als ik een verkoper zou zijn van ABS en zo'n mailtje zou krijgen dan zou ik echt meteen de rol Ohmarinus - Dutch User Group - Archive
Does the temperature drop when it positions and moves ready to print? I used to have that problem, the firmware was waiting for proper printing temp, but it was hard to reach so it was just waiting for the correct Ohmarinus - General
Hi guys, I am wondering is there have been others that have moved their Z-axis from the top to the bottom of the machine. I expect this to make the machine more stable, and the Z-threaded rods possibly more stable height wise. Have done a few searches on the subject, but couldn't find much about it. I thought, maybe someone might have seen something like this around somewhere? - Marinusby Ohmarinus - General