is most certainly the original creator/designer of the J-Head. I always buy direct from NewPerfection - Printing
Yep, I somehow missed that he was going to use aluminum parts. I would still think that wear would be a NewPerfection - Mechanics
It should work. Only problem I can see it that standard threaded rod is somewhat rough, and would wear out the plastic threads relatively NewPerfection - Mechanics
Is that 1.75mm filament? If so, the gap between the drive wheel and the hot end entrance is much to big. Even the slightest resistance in the hot end would cause the filament to buckle like NewPerfection - Printing
Both of those are talking about Skienforge, so unless you use that, the recommendations are unlikely to help. If your printer is calibrated correctly, changing the perimeter width in your slicer shouldn't change the final dimensions of your printed NewPerfection - Reprappers
Steps/mm for the extruder should remain reasonably constant regardless of filament. Theoretically it will change slightly depending on how much the drive wheel compresses the filament, but I haven't found that to be significant. The only thing you should have to change between rolls is the filament diameter setting in your NewPerfection - Reprappers
Quotemrkaras white filament, I got it from techzone. I am running 215 degrees unless replagcatorg/skeinforge changed it I have problems that my electronics don't seem to recognise some commands and what I have been doing is getting the hotend up to temperature and in position using repsnaper then switching to replicatorg. replagcatorg/skeinforge is set to 225 degrees. 0.4mm nose with 3mm filamenby NewPerfection - General
QuoteOhmarinus jermac17 and Doug1 seem to be the same persons, both bought on 10th of Dec etc. Besides that, I agree, it's smelling of someone trying to make them look bad. They do at least have different IP addresses. Posts from brand new users do need to be taken with a grain of salt, but baseless accusations aren't helpful NewPerfection - General
Most RepRap firmwares are not compatible with the Due. Take a look at RepRapPro's firmware:by NewPerfection - CNC Routers, Mills, and Hybrid RepRapping
With good hot ends and proper settings, oozing isn't a huge deal on multi-extruder parts. See this two-color octopus I printed a while back: . Support for more than two extruders is highly experimental at this point, although it is being worked on. See the 4 nozzle Kraken hot end for NewPerfection - Reprappers
Quotetjb1 So everyone doing these multicolor prints are just manually modifying extruder used at X layer? I had an idea for my next printer that I would pair ABS with that NinjaFlex to make some things like hinges and stuff but without knowing if they will bond I had come up with an idea that would constrain one inside the other but it would require printing both materials on the same layer. Maby NewPerfection - Reprappers
Looks like dioxane is available on Amazon for $70/2.5L. A bit expensive, but not too bad if you aren't using too much of it. Seems like it might be a good way to finish PLA parts. Does it harm ABS? If not, it could be used to dissolve PLA supports on ABS parts without having to use NewPerfection - General
Quotetjb1 Kiss is dead as far as everyone is concerned, Yep. I'm kinda wishing I hadn't paid for it, although it is still a good program. Quotetjb1 But in either one I have never seen much for the ability to choose colors per area of the same model so how is this done? I know both of them support using the second extruder for support I believe but beyond that I don't recall much. The only waby NewPerfection - Reprappers
First off, the Ormerod is the new printer from RepRapPro. See: Second, that gcode file opens just fine. Open it in any text editor. Third, this topic is best for the Ormerod forum. Moving it there NewPerfection - Ormerod
You need to home with T0 selected both times, then switch to T1 or stay with T0. If you home with T0 selected one time, then home with T1 selected the next time, you will see an offset equal to your extruder offset. Also: Cura support for dual extruders is pretty good. Make sure you have all your settings correct (dual extrusion retract set fairly high, etc.) then import an STL file for each eby NewPerfection - Reprappers
Quoteohioplastics So, It's kind of like how the Nazi's used the Jews to make all there stuff in WWII. Don't support Chinese death camps! Careful. Comments like that can lead to a NewPerfection - General
Most people have no issues with RepRapDiscount. I had only one problem with an order from them (out of four or five orders), and they corrected it NewPerfection - General
There are a few things with the gcode that you posted that make it incompatible with Marlin. Comments need to be prefaced with a semicolon (not parentheses). Every line that isn't a comment needs to start with a command, such as a Gnn, Mnn, or Tnn. Another issue is that the dwell command (G4) that Marlin expects is in milliseconds, where it appears that the gcode has it in NewPerfection - CNC Routers, Mills, and Hybrid RepRapping
Just select the support extruder for the interface, and your regular extruder for the NewPerfection - General
Look at . They import from Diamond Age in New Zealand, probably some of the best PLA you can get. Followed by them, I would recommend , then .by NewPerfection - General
QuoteMrBaz Since i'm replacing the 17 tooth pulleys with 16 tooth pulleys, I need to change the steps per mm in the firmware somewhere. I'm mainly using ReplicatorG for the Thing-o-Matic. Does anyone know how I can change the stepspermm? What firmware are you running?by NewPerfection - Reprappers
No standard whatsoever. Seems like every supplier has spools of different widths and hole sizes and outer NewPerfection - Reprappers
This is implemented in KISSlicer, it would be nice to see it implemented in other softwares as NewPerfection - General
Quotecabbage_breath Oh, and I found an open source SSR which might save you some money since the SSR's i've come across that can switch ~20A AC with a 12v signal are at least $20... or or That open source SSR is neat, though looks like NewPerfection - Reprappers
Quotekingoddball If the site needs admin/mod to help keep it clean and clear, I'm happy to help. Had mod work on 3 other forums (active on 2). I think we've got it, some changes behind the scenes would be good to help prevent spam in the first place NewPerfection - General
Quotecozmicray Nautilus Gear set I concur. I have one of these on my desk at work, and people come by and fiddle with it all the NewPerfection - General
Some discussion here:by NewPerfection - General
What does this have to do with RepRap?by NewPerfection - Developers
I always use ABS mounts for JHeads. Works perfectly fine. Even with an aluminum mounting plate you would most likely still need a fan for printing with NewPerfection - Reprappers