Taking your cue about +Z on Pronterface meaning the table goes down, I flipped the connection for the z-axis motor on the RAMPS board. Now the table moves up when I hit the "z-axis home" button. The endstop now seems to respond as it should by signalling when the bed has reached the hot end. Thanks for the tip SkyArcher! I guess I was over-complicating it Nickby Nick101 - Tantillus
Still working on getting my printer off of the ground. Most everything is working (yay!) but I'm having some weird issues with my endstop. First of all, I wired the C contact on the momentary switch to GROUND and the NC contact to S. When I open Pronterface and send M119, I always get z_min:L regardless of where the print bed is. Now when I send the print bed up and hit the endstop while itby Nick101 - Tantillus
Just an update... I was able to figure out my wiring issues using Sublimes suggestion of employing a multimeter to find the pairs and now the motors are functioning like they should. Yay! I think I'm finally ready for a test print...by Nick101 - Tantillus
Thanks a ton Sublime! After looking at the wiring again, I suspected that but I'm quite new to this so I wasn't sure... EDIT: Works great now, backlight and all.by Nick101 - Tantillus
So... I realized that my ground and 5v wires were flipped on the connector to the RAMPS so I switched those to what they should be and now the display is somewhat working. I can see text but unfortunately no backlight. The trimpot nearest D4, D5, D6 and D7 doesn't change anything when I turn it. My wiring looks like this: The white wire in the center is the 5v leading to the left foot of thby Nick101 - Tantillus
Thanks maik! I'll take a picture of mine and post it tonight as well to compare.by Nick101 - Tantillus
I'm having a weird problem with my LCD as well. I wired it up according to the forum post referenced previously but when I plug in the four pin connector to LCD 1 (aux 2 on RAMPS) and plug USB cable in, the arduino does not power up. I simply unplug this four pin connector, leaving everything else alone, and plug USB in and arduino powers up normally. Could this be the result of a short somewhby Nick101 - Tantillus
Thanks for the quick response Sublime. I suspect that the wiring might be incorrect then as they seem to just buzz and vibrate. Like I mentioned in the original post, I used the wiring suggested in a previous post to wire mine up, specifically using: tony's wiring pinout PIN1 / WHT = COMMON PIN2 / ORG = B- PIN3 / BLUE= B PIN4 / YL = A- PIN5 / RED = A PIN6 / BLK = COMMON wiring from motoby Nick101 - Tantillus
So I've finally put most of my Tantillus together (everything except the LCD and rotary switch) and when I test the motors using Pronterface, all I get is a buzzing noise coming from the motors with a duration dependent on the distance I click in each direction (i.e. when I click -100 y, it buzzes for longer than if I click -10 y). Along with the buzzing, I notice that the XY gears shutter slighby Nick101 - Tantillus
I too purchased the motors referenced above from tony34306 and I was wondering if anyone could help me with the re-wiring of the connectors between the motors and the RAMPS. The motors came with a six wire connector and tony provided this pinout: NEMA 17 Sanyo Denki STEPPER MOTOR, 1.8 deg 200 steps/rev when full-stepping PIN5 / RED = A PIN3 / BLUE= B PIN4 / YL = A- PIN2 / ORG = B- PIN1by Nick101 - Tantillus
Thanks for the help Sublime. Tightened things up and it's much more responsive now.by Nick101 - Tantillus
Should their be any slack at all in the tensed cables? I'm noticing that I turn the axis gear approximately ten degrees before the carriage starts moving when changing movement directions.by Nick101 - Tantillus
Thanks for the tip about moving the entire axis! Worked perfectly. I'll keep an eye on the crack on the XY end and hopefully be able to print a couple of spares before it gives outby Nick101 - Tantillus
Hi everybody! I've been working on my Tantillus build and have hit a snag when trying to square and tension the X/Y cables. After positioning the XY carriage in the front left corner, I pull the loose end tight and then slide the carriage forward and back a couple times and repeat. The second time I try to tighten the loose end, I end up with so much slack I end up pulling the knotted end rightby Nick101 - Tantillus
So would it be better to use a Mk4 like this one if we are following the build guide on Tantillus.org?by Nick101 - Tantillus
Has anyone gone with a Chinese J-Head off eBay? I'd like to get mine from hotends.com but they are out of stock and I haven't found many other options.by Nick101 - Tantillus
Hi Everyone, I'm new to the forums and am currently tracking down parts to build a Tantillus. One thing that I've having trouble finding, however, is an appropriate hobbed bolt. Can anyone suggest a good place to get one? Thanks for the help! Nickby Nick101 - Tantillus