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I have this in my prints as well, running 1.8 degree motors at 1/16th micro steps.
I'm running a TB6560 driver board and Mach3, completely different setup than yours, and I get this patterning from Skeinforge, Slic3r, and KISSlicer.
I'm gonna guess that it shows more when printing at higher speeds, and shows up much more on curved surfaces and diagonal faces than it does on a flat x or y vertic
Dirty Steve
General Mendel Topics
That still looks way way too hot, I'd check the actual hot end temperature with an IR Thermometer.
I had a hot end thermocouple fail on mine, but my temperature dropped from thermocouple value.
If your hot end is hotter than what the thermocouple is outputting you could be over melting previous layers from the following layer pass and pulling material up from the bed.
I only see burning/scorch
Dirty Steve
From the side wall warping it looks like you are printing too hot. Print surface, bed temp, and extruder temp on this print? I'm running ABS at 220-230c with a bed temp of 110c directly on glass build platform.
Corner blobs can come from laying down too much material overall, or from too much retraction. When retracting too much, it causes a longer pause in the XY movement and the nozzle will ac
Dirty Steve
Been a month, can't reproduce the 0 Z output. Switched to Skeinforge.
I probably cross corrupted Slic3r releases because at the time I was runnning my STL's thru every release.
Dirty Steve
Check for swelled or leaking capacitors, swelling can be minimal. I had a bad squeal coming from mine, but not the power up problem you have.
I replaced 3 capacitors and that fixed the squealing. I've had it on almost 24/7 for a couple months now without a problem. Probably only cost effective if you have spare caps, or something to salvage them from. I pulled my from a dead PSU.
Dirty Steve
Eliminated most of the retractions with minimum travel after retraction, but still getting jumping passes.
Would like to elimate non-retraction extruder moves from my gcode and the extra Z values, which I think better infill continuity would eliminate.
G1 X96.098 Y85.588 Z3.9 F1000.002 A1025.8705
G1 X96.153 Y85.826 A1025.8748
G1 X98.135 Y83.843 A1025.9234
G1 F30000.0 A1025.9234
G1 X98.213 Y84.0
Dirty Steve
I've had to manually enter the default extrusion width under print settings/advanced. You may need to reconfigure your extruder flow rate as well.
Your gcode should have the extrusion width in the header comments. With a 0.25 mm nozzle, Slic3r 0.7.2b was autocalculating an extrusion width of 0.26mm. This calculation was changed in later releases and was giving me a a value of 0.33 mm resulting i
Dirty Steve
How can I get my solid infill to be a more continuous pass?
Infill in a cube is fine with generally 2 continuous paths, but I'm getting alot of retractions and jumping around in the gcode for this gear I'm trying to print. i.e. passing right to left, it will retract, jump over several extrusion paths, infill some, then come back to the paths the were skipped, instead of just filling left to righ
Dirty Steve
I'm printing with trimmer line, I've found out that even 60 C makes the fiberglass panel too soft and the nylon warps the panel. Now printing without bed heat.
What ever the composition of the trimmer line I'm using, it kind of burns/scorches a any temp much higher than 220 C. Even at 200 C, the tiny amount of printed material that gets picked up by the edge of my nozzle will scorch a
Dirty Steve
ok, the Z height issue was a nozzle blow out, but I am not imagining gaps between infill and perimeters, or internal holes being too small, plenty of other post about these issues.
When I run a 20x20 cube thru slic3r 0.9.3, the y axis top edge of the cube gcode is 96.825, with extrusion width set at .25mm. Bed center is x75 y87. Y87 + 10mm -(1/2 extrusion width)=96.875, which is what Skeinforge
Dirty Steve
Not changing nozzle size, meant extrusion width.
0.7.2b auto calculated an extrusion width of .26mm while 0.9.2 calculated .33mm, resulting in sparse infill of solid layers, manually entering an extrusion width of .26 into Sli3r 0.9.2 corrected that.
With a layer height of .15mm, and first layer set to 60%, the gcode shows a Z value of 0.00 for the first layer when it should be .09mm.
From all
Dirty Steve
I'm getting really good results printing onto FRP (fiberglass reinforced paneling). It's formed with a polyester resin. Available at most hardware stores. Had some in the shop so I thought I'd try it out last night.
It's a sacraficial build surface as the nozzle semi melts the first layer into the FRP.
Running the nylon at 200C, and the bed at 60C.
First layer adhesion is really good, with no
Dirty Steve
Looks like you are extruding too much material. Check your extruder steps and your flow rate in your slicing software.
When you start getting into high retraction values, you start getting ooze and print deformation at the retraction point from the nozzle sitting in one location too long while the filament retracts.
Dirty Steve
Switch to Skeinforge, takes a bit of time to calibrate but has eliminated all the problems I was having with Slic3r releases such as Slic3r incorrectly calculating extrusion width (contributes to sparse solid layers), and instead of modifing axis steps/mm or modifing the model mesh you can tweek the external and internal perimeters to get your dimensional accuracy with Skeinforge.
My machine ste
Dirty Steve
Got the ooze cleaned up some, any thoughts on nozzle tip?
Dirty Steve
I'm seeing during printing that infills are not correctly overlapping interior perimiters/holes. In the final print, extenal perimeters are correct, with internal perimeters about 92% scale. Worked for awhile getting infill perfect but could not get correct overlap to interior perimeters. Correct internal perimeters would correct the infill overlap.
Z height is out too at about 85% of stl height
Dirty Steve
Does anyone have a good ratio between the nozzle diameter and the width of the tip? I'm running a 0.25mm nozzle with the width of the tip at 1mm. The tip is flat without rounded edges. Printing ABS at 0.15 layer, extruder at 240, bed at 110.
It's a Wildseyed hot end variation that's working pretty well except that I am getting what almost looks like micro-spheres on perimeter crossing, and now a
Dirty Steve
Re-imported into Max, .stl faces are getting flipped on export, but display as out-facing in Max scene file. Only shows up on re-import into Max. Import into Rhino displayed outfacing normals. Looks like export-import-flip-export-fix.
Dirty Steve
It does slice in 0.7.2b. Using 3ds Max 2010, tried output from Rhino, same result. Will try a few other things.
Dirty Steve
I'm getting the same error on good geometry. Trying to print out a spool holder, Slic3r will process the left arm but not the right.
The right arm is the EXACT same geometry, mirrored from the left arm file.
Dirty Steve
Currently using 0.7.0, will download 0.7.2b.
Haven't read anything particulary good in the later versions.
Stupid me, THINKING the latest version would be better.........
Dirty Steve
First problem in 0.9.2, first layer is set to 0 instead of the 60% first layer I select.
Second problem, layers do not solid infill, even with dropping down the nozzle diameter.
No problems that I've run into yet with 0.7 (today is my third day of printing on my new machine), start and end layers are solid filled and the first layer is the correct height from the bad. No fudging nozzle diameter
Dirty Steve
I took apart my y-axis motor and gave it a good cleaning. Now working properly. I got my steppers used on ebay and had taken them all apart, cleaned and re-assembled them. There must have been debris in there of some kind. Didn't see anything, but it works!
Thanks for the help!!
hopefully i'll get my hot end bits in the mail soon!
Dirty Steve
Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, DC Motors
A TB6560 board does not have firmware. Here are a couple of pics of what I'm getting durring a code run.
I know there is some backlash going on as well, but the missed steps are being addressed first. Doesn't seem to miss steps when manually jogging axis, or manual position input. Bad gcode maybe, going to test some other gcode software.
I'm thinking it may be my microstep settings or decay mod
Dirty Steve
Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, DC Motors
Using G1 X0 Y0 Z0. I'm running soft limits, have not set up home switches yet.
I would think that if I'm running gcode with 100 circles, and each circle drops a step, at the end of the run, my y axis should be off from 0 position by 100 steps, but it's not.
Dirty Steve
Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, DC Motors
I'm troublshooting a 4 axis TB6560 setup.
I am running a code that is 50 concentric circles that have an increasing diameter of 2 mm.
When running the gcode, the y axis dropping a step in each circle, which i can see as the motors turn, and there is a flat spot created in the circles.
Shouldn't dropped steps offset the zeroed home position after a code run? Machine always comes back to the cor
Dirty Steve
Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, DC Motors
Switched out to a 15amp power supply, motors now running between 60 and 65 celsius.
Dirty Steve
Was going by what they are using for a SeeMeCNC H1 printer. No complaints about the driver board that Ive run into yet.
Dirty Steve
Attached is a pic of the board I have. No pots, dip switches set to 50% on a 12V 25A supply. I dropped the motors down to 25% and there is barely any holding torque and steppers are jittery.
(from board documentation)
*Ampertage Selection:
Output current of the power supply can be calculated by the following expressions:
Output current = Rated current of your stepper motors * quantity + 2A
Dirty Steve
Going to try a different power supply with lower amps, currently using a 450w PSU rated at 25 amps.
Dirty Steve