Hi Guys Please can you give me some tips and advice of how you judge your best Temperature of the filament when printing for example PLA. I know the recommended temperature temp of PLA and that's what I would set my filament , but while printing and looking at your print, what do you look for to turn your Temp up or down. What are the indicators that you use to judge your print etc Like to see yby scubi - General
I did not really get it going so going to dump it and just use Sli3r and Repetier host. Thanksby scubi - General
Apologizes , 1. PLA 2. Temp 210 3. Speed 90 4. Bed temp 60 5. layer height 0.3 Strange thing is when printing 25mm test cube , the layer came out perfectly . Not sure what other info i can giveby scubi - General
Hi Guys, Please can you tell me what is wrong that I have gaps between my layers on the vase. I have attached a photo. Thanksby scubi - General
Hi Found the files , what software do i edit it with etc or do I just rename one to Mendel90 ?by scubi - General
Hi Do you know if you can use the new version of Cura for mendel90. I downloaded it and ran the setup file and it does not allow you to select other printers. If you can how do you go about setting it up for a Reprap printer ? Thanksby scubi - General
Hi I use Marlin as my Firmware and Pronterface or Repetier Host as the host software.by scubi - Reprappers
Anyone out there that would change the STL files to accommodate the 30mm x 30mm profiles. Have no clue how I would be able to change the file once I have it in 123D autodesk. I can create basic shapes etc . Thanks Vaughanby scubi - Delta Machines
Hi Guys Thanks for the advice, I am using a E3D v6 so the fan is attached to the hotend. I remove the auto cooling when I print ABS and only use it when I print PLA. Maybe the connections for hotend are not good, need to reconnect and see if the power dips again. Thanksby scubi - General
Hi While printing my bed fan comes on and the extruder tempreature starts to drop. Only when I switch off the fan does the hotend tempreture come back on. I bought a 29amp power supply and thought that would be enough to power everthing.by scubi - General
Hi I am trying out 1.75mm ABS metal hotend tonight. Do you use Auto Fan for your prints like in PLA or must there be no fan for printing ABS. I know for bridges etc yes there should be, also know that the Hotend fan must run all the time. So do you use a fan for ABS ? Thanksby scubi - General
Hi That means I have to import the items , therefore I may as well import the 20mm x 20mm. I hoping someone has the STL files so I can print them or tell me how I can change the existing stl files for the Kossel. Thanks anywayby scubi - Delta Machines
Hi I am looking for the STL files ( Printed Parts ) for Kossel or Cherry Pi which would fit 30mm x 30mm alumnium T slots. The 20mm x 20mm is not available to me or I would have to import them. If not how would one be able to change the STL file to fit the profile. Is there anyone that could change the STL files for me if they not available. Thanks Vaughanby scubi - Delta Machines
Hi Very true, I like to see the advantages of a better board. The problem is which one to get, Ramo, Smoothieboard, Duet etc. So lets hear you comments on the board that you like. Thanksby scubi - General
Hi I was thinking that don't have to adjust the stepper drivers manually and also like to have two hotends etc.by scubi - General
Hi Is there anyone else that could give there recommendations on controller boards. An upgrade from the Ramps 1.4 ?by scubi - General
Hi I have now used some Blue Painter Tape. It works great but I have a problem now, I can not get the print off the glass. I sticks like crazy, I am scared I am going to break the glass. How do you guys get the PLA off the Painter tape ? Thanksby scubi - General
Hi I have been printing with two other PLA colors with success, however my RED PLA will not stick properly. Its does the skirt fine ( 3x Times ) but as soon as it start to print the part it just forms a ball under and around the Nozel. I notice it happens when its starts printing short strokes that the PLA does not stick. Its the short movement back and forth, that it happens , so I don't thinkby scubi - General
Hi Which extruder setup is most people going for lately if you have a metal hotend ? I was thinking of changing my Mendel90 extruder setup or is this the best that this setup can do ? I know that the type of printer plays a big part, however I would appreciate your comments. Your comments & recommendations would be great. Thanksby scubi - General
Hi Stephan, Thanks for the Help , but I was looking for one that uses the End Stop switch as I do not have aluminium bed. I use glass bed. Thanks Vaughanby scubi - General
Hi Thanks sorted it out, the problem was the distance from the part. I made the distance further, now I can see it is prining the skirt now. Thanksby scubi - General
Hi I am using Repetier Host & Cura. I am trying to print a skirt at the begining of my print to prime my Hotend , however the Skirt will NOT print. I set the Skirt line count to 3 and the Minimum to 150mm. Why will Cura not print the Skirt ? Thanks Vaughanby scubi - General
Hi Guys Trying to understand the relationship between the 3 software that you use to print an object. First you add all the printers info ( size etc ) into Marlin, Then you enter the same info into slicer and again into your Host software like Pronterface ? So now why do you add the same info again when your host & slicer when your Marlin firmware has it already. When you slice and object aby scubi - General
Thanks Tim, I have a look under the Start G-code and see if I can add the speed.by scubi - General
Hi I am using Repetier Host & the Cura software, after slicing the print, my x carriage move to the Top of my printer and homes. Then it move down to the bed to print. The problem I am having and don't know what setting to change is that when the X carriage move down to the bed it moves very slowly. Printing and moving up are quick enough but the move down just before it starts pring takes foby scubi - General
Hi I add 3mm to the Z Offset under printer settings of Slic3r, however nothing changes in the height from the bed when I print in Pronterface. What am I doing wrong.by scubi - General
Thanks, is it near the extruder driver and does not have pins, need a pin adaptor to connect to it ? Just making sureby scubi - General
Hi Please can you tell me where do I can connect the Fan that cools your prints as you print on the Ramps 1.4. If i connect to the power supply, then the fan runs at 100% all the time. Where do you connect where the software controls the fan. Thanksby scubi - General
Hi Two Of my failed prints because while printing suddenly the printer start to print approximately 1mm from the edge on the y axis plain. The left and right side layers are aligned however the back & front edges are not aligned by about 1mm. Its like the piece move forward but it did not move at all because the piece is firmly stuck to the bed. I checked the Y axis belt , it seems fine.by scubi - General