Ah, and another question. Do you have any idea how copyright and license issues apply to the case of the SolidWorks configurations? For example consider the case that someone contributes a model file that is licensed under GPL. Now someone creates a larger model or a assembly that contains configurations derived from the GPL model file. Does he have to license the larger model or assembly underby jreinhardt - 3D Design tools
Hi again, I did not manage to finish the SolidWorks Backend last week, a bit of refactoring turned out to take longer than expected. But now I think I got most of the exporter done. To setup a table for generation, one needs a model file (lets call this one nut.model for the sake of this explanation) and a base file (the manifest) and put it into the folder corresponding to the collection fromby jreinhardt - 3D Design tools
If you want to, you can maintain a set of separate manifest files and recreate the design tables, all the tools are/will be on github.by jreinhardt - 3D Design tools
QuoteDale Dunn Some metadata, especially pitch, will be necessary for minimum functionality across all platforms, I think. Especially for users who can't free themselves from inch hardware, where multiple pitches of a nominal size are much more commonly used. This is something that has to (and can) go into the blt file. I life in metric land, so I never had to deal with multiple pitches. QuoteDby jreinhardt - 3D Design tools
Very nice! What remains to be done until we got a complete "BOLTS for SolidWorks": * I need to think of a file format for the manifest file (".base file"), so that the parameter names for design tables can be easily configured * I need to write a backend for BOLTS that generates the Excel design tables in a controllable and robust way from the backend independent data that BOLTS contains (in tby jreinhardt - 3D Design tools
Hi, thank you for the example spreadsheets, they were helpful. I hacked together a proof of concept script that writes an excel file using the excellent xlwt library from . I attach the one resulting from the BOLTS data on DIN934. Could you please check whether this works. If this works than it is very easy to export the BOLTS data to Design Tables automatically, the proof of concept was onlyby jreinhardt - 3D Design tools
I had a stab on STEP export yesterday, and came surprisingly far. I think I will try to get this ready. As the roadblocks are similar for SolidWorks support, we could try to do see what we can do, if you want. If I understand correctly, the first step would be to generate Excel Spreadsheets from the BOLTS data in a form that SW understand. If you can tell me how such a spreadsheet should look orby jreinhardt - 3D Design tools
You raise a lot of interesting points. Thank you for your input. I will try to summarize how I understand the SolidWorks situation: The user would download a set of SolidWorks files with the parametrized geometry (one for each class of files) and a set of corresponding spreadsheets. The user would put all of them in a folder called e.g. BOLTS0.3. To get a certain part (e.g. a M4 washer DIN125A),by jreinhardt - 3D Design tools
I would like to have the general process as automated as possible, and also as upstream oriented as possible. The reason for the first is that this allows to handle large amounts of data, avoids neglected and forgotten stuff and makes frequent releases painless. The reason for the second one is that I want information to flow back as much as possible. If someone is adding some data to a configuraby jreinhardt - 3D Design tools
So it seems that these configurations are the way to go for SolidWorks. If I understand correctly, someone would need to model the geometry in a parametric way, and we need to get the data from BOLTS YAML files into the spreadsheats in SolidWorks. It seems SW can read excel files, so I think there should be a way. I handle non-standardized sizes by letting the user specify it freely. This is obvby jreinhardt - 3D Design tools
I do not know SolidWorks, so I do not know how BOLTS could be best integrated. But is there no standard parts library in SolidWorks? I thought the commercial packages usually have that. One possibility (that would also benefit other CAD packages) is to create STEP files for all parts. This results in a huge number of files as e.g. a simple bolt has a length and a diameter, and one would need toby jreinhardt - 3D Design tools
The data (dimension tables, ...) is stored in YAML files, so I see no problems that would prevent one to write a interface to your CAD application in the language of your choice. The particular geometries of the parts however are not specified, so it would be necessary to add parametric representations of the parts to the mix in a form that the CAD application understands. BOM functionality is dby jreinhardt - 3D Design tools
Hi everybody, in the last few months I worked on a standard parts library for open source CAD tools. The idea is that much of the data you need to create a standard part are things like dimension tables and standard names. The idea of BOLTS is to collect this information in a human and machine readable format and reuse it to easily create standard part libraries for different CAD tools with. Youby jreinhardt - 3D Design tools
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