I would like to sound an alarm when the Gcode executes the @Pause command that puts Repetier Host in Pause modus. Is there a way to achieve that by triggering an external switch somehow, either through the Ramps or something nice ? The Printer as well as the controlling host laptop are in my garage, the external alarm (by long wire) in the living room :-) Any thoughts on this implementation woby Replace - Repetier
I have (multiple) objects where I would like to raise the nozzle a bit for long fast moves crossing perimeters that have cooled already a bit due to long layer print time. Sometimes the nozzle will hit the object in the same layer where already printed. I was wandering if this is what the "Lift Z" function does while retract is triggered ? So I can define a travel for which Z is raised (build pby Replace - Slic3r
Staat wel gaaf, zo'n acryl opstelling en dan van de zijkant belichten met een blauwe led strip ofzo......by Replace - Algemeen
Ik wil binnenkort mijn eerste printje met Taulman nylon gaan doen. Normaal print ik op glas met 3Dlac..... gaat dat goed met nylon ? Thomasby Replace - Extruder, Hotend en Filament
Ja, het loopt sindsdien prima.by Replace - Extruder, Hotend en Filament
Yes, I am in desparate need for this too. Thomasby Replace - Repetier
Ok, ik begrijp de route, maar die gaat helaas mijn pet te boven qua uitvoering. Aangezien ik het liefst de Host-controller software gebruik, moet een trigger daar ook gezien worden zodat ik de geforceerde pause weer met de host kan resumen. Wellicht kan ik op mijn manier zelfs een macro actieren die ook de kop weghaalt tegen drooping. Maar dat staat of valt met hoe de muisklik wordt gezien. Aby Replace - Algemeen
Het uitgangspunt is... dat ik er niet ben. Ik lig te slapen ofzo, of ben even boodscappen doen. een beetje print van mij draait tegenwoordig zo rond de 10 á 15 ur. En intussen raakt de filament op.by Replace - Algemeen
Ik ken geen ingang die de host software een pause laat genereren. Ik heb het vandaag getest en heb een fout in de aannames ontdekt: een muisklik in windows is pas een muisklik als je hem weer los laat. De switch blijft permanent gesloten dus de muis permanent ingedrukt. Dan ziet windows c.q. de pause knop hem niet :-( Ik moet dus een puls gaan genereren die weer 'loslaat'by Replace - Algemeen
Ik zit te denken aan het volgende: Een 'getunnelde' microswitch waarlangs de filament wordt geleid, zodat de switch in open positie kom als er filament in zit. Een oude muis, waarvan ik de linker muis knop 'hotwire' in die zin, dat de microswitch de linker muis knop wordt. Nu start ik een print en positioneer de muisaanwijzer precies boven de pauzeknop van mijn controller (Repetie Host) Als deby Replace - Algemeen
Just an idea: Hotwire a old mouse, to close the left mouse button switch with the filament detector. Now, after starting the print, position the mouse above the pause button of your controller.... see what happens :-) Thomasby Replace - Duet
Yesterday I ran a modified Gcode with M226 at the required level. It never paused. It just ran all the way to the end. I posted a question in the Repetier forum, maybe there is the solution, as it is a repetier issue in my case :-) I am not running from SD, but from the repetier host on Windows10 So you mean I can put the string @pause in the Gcode ?by Replace - Slic3r
I want to insert a Gcode to pause the print, so I can change filament. I want the extruder to stay heated, as well as the bed. Maybe home the X, to avoid droop on the object.... My Machine runs on RAMPS on Arduino, with Repetier firmware and Repetier Host a controller In the reprapwiki on Gcode, I find M226 However, it states repetier not supported. Should I do something else ? Thomasby Replace - Repetier
I am running Repetier firmware on repetier host. Can't find a repetier supported pause command in the reprapwiki on Gcodeby Replace - Slic3r
Thanks for the elaborattion. This will improve my designer life a lot :-)by Replace - Slic3r
QuoteMikk36 No, Ahh, that seems a nice way to act. However, in the example.... 2 questions: ...why is the cube that is loaded not printed? ...Should the cube contain the negative piece as a hole ? Or just be at the right position ?by Replace - Slic3r
Yes, that is the alternative, but last time I tried, the pause was called and resume was immediately called too..So I did miss the moment. So what went wrong ? I will try again.by Replace - Slic3r
Do you mean cutting the object in pieces and slice one piece (the top one) with different options ? I have no idea how to do that or how to stack objects on each other ... if that is ment.by Replace - Slic3r
So, this could become a feature request .. maybe ?by Replace - Slic3r
Can I insert a PAUSE in the Gcode at certain levels? For instance, by making the pause conditional in the 'after layer' section ? (f.i. "if layer equals 23: PAUSE" ) or by other means, not editing the gcode after slicing.... Thomasby Replace - Slic3r
I often have prints that do not need much infill, except when the print comes to the top. 2 examples: A sphere shape, in which increased infill will support the overhang beter An object that has friction when in use, so increased infill will function as a wear layer. So when starting with f.i. an 15% infill, I would like to gradually increase that to 80 % from certain height upwards. Printingby Replace - Slic3r
Nou, die mk8 extruder met e3d is een geweldige modificatie. De extrusie temperatuur is terug naar 190 graden (was ruim 230) en dat geeft veel mooiere prints zonder droop. Op die lagere temperatuur kreeg ik in Camiel's extruder te veel slip. Zelfs flex PLA komt er doorheen zonder te lussen onder het tandwiel... Ik heb er nu zo'n 50 uur mee geprint en ik durf ook steeds langere prints te lancereby Replace - Extruder, Hotend en Filament
So... why not just one configurable popup with confirmation button on first detection ? f.i. with a tickbox 'dont warn me again' This makes sure it was an intended recursion..... Often you can configure a 'detetion confirmation' in a lot of software.by Replace - OpenSCAD
This is funny: I sliced 2 objects in one run. During print, the carriage now homes the x, after each layer of EACH object. Should it not treat the combi as one object ?by Replace - Slic3r
I am running Repetier Host on the host and Repetier in the firmware. I will check the separation.by Replace - Slic3r
Or, you download OpenScad , import the .STL and scale it according the axis" you want. Thomasby Replace - Slic3r
I did put the command: G28 X Y in the after each layer. Now, the carriage moves to x=0 from where the layer ended and it resumes at the right spot. However, it does not go to y=0 in between. Did I miss something ? Thomasby Replace - Slic3r
Yes, I am refering to a switch based home operation, after which all will start from the 'absolute' zero. I experience a missed step every now and then (not able to diagnose and very not systematically), so this might 'repair'the print after every layer that a step potential has been missed. I agree fixing the problem is better, but untill then .... I was not aware of any custom code áfter laby Replace - Slic3r