Hast Post!von PCR - Schwarzes Brett
Moin, Ich suche ein Projekt für den Winter. Da mich das Delta Fieber gepackt hat suche ich nun einen Delta. Eventuell hat ja jemand noch ein Projekt im Keller? Grüßevon PCR - Schwarzes Brett
Yep. This is the Guy. But no new Information yet ;(von PCR - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
@likha3d A STM32 Port would.be great Bestvon PCR - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
@gloomyandy can confirm works now (The M122 command) !von PCR - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
M122 at the 3.1.1-6 works via a USB terminal. The Webinterface restarts like bcmob saidvon PCR - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Are you using the bigtreetech TFT?von PCR - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
https://rosspeter.org/connecting-a-paneldue-to-a-skr-with-rffvon PCR - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
@gloomyandy. For the version not. I am looking for a method to supply IT from the main supply. I habe some ideas. Will Work on that this week! Bestvon PCR - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Yesvon PCR - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
FYI: I ordered some Pi to Skr Boards too. Only one 10 pin idc cable needed! Bestvon PCR - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
[3dprintbeginner.com] Bestvon PCR - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
I ordered some boards. Should be here next week. If someone needs onevon PCR - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Tested the new wifi and firmware M122 === Diagnostics === RepRapFirmware for LPC176x based Boards (biquskr_1.3) version 3.1.0 running on LPC176x at 100Mhz Used output buffers: 3 of 16 (10 max) === RTOS === Static ram: 3876 Dynamic Memory (RTOS Heap 5): 3008 free, 2984 never used Exception stack ram used: 304 Never used ram: 380 Tasks: NETWORK(ready,248) HEAT(blocked,1400) MAIN(running,1460) IDLvon PCR - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Will try it later. You can test it with a Hotspot on the Smartphone?von PCR - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
@ Jay delete all old entries in the Router! Bestvon PCR - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Thaaank you! Some questions. Is the WiFi Socket Version different from the one on gdrive? Is it possible to Update the WiFi Socket via DWC PS. Sorry for the Typovon PCR - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
dc42 released 3.01von PCR - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
So board is working! The footprint of the 8266 v3 was a 8266 v2... So it works with the v2.von PCR - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
ah sorry i just thought it was the same question which i had!von PCR - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Look some pages back. It is not possible! Bestvon PCR - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Youtube Video: Photovon PCR - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
2 Things. * My adapter boards works connecting is now easy! *Paneldue works on the SKR too! Already made a Splashscreen with the LPC Logovon PCR - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Have to rotatet the connectors 180° ? I have to do it in my skr Board with full Rep Display. You have to Cut away the notch on the cables.von PCR - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
ok what does you board.txt say?von PCR - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
So i am trying to get my BLTouch working on the SKR 1.3. I connected it via this schematic And then put in this commands M558 P9 C"zstop" H5 F100 T2000 M950 S0 C"servo" and the tested it with this M280 P0 S10 M280 P0 S90 and the Probe delpoys and retract Then i wanted to use the LPC config tool for this but i cannot choose "servo0" from the PMW Control Channel Bestvon PCR - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
@DrDitto have you put this in your config file: M918 P1 E-4 F2000000von PCR - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Berlin - Germany! Send me your adress via PM. When they come this week and they work i will send you one! Bestvon PCR - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future