It seems that I was much to familiar with setting the Z=0 (or 0.1) base parameter from the other side of the machine. Having the print nozzel that much closer to my head which was on a flat angle to the nozzel before. Using the method directly above by @ormerod168 I am now printing another stand, well past the danger zone of the second layer. So I managed to setup the Z home 7 times in a reasonaby monkeyiq - Ormerod
Yesterday I printed a stand for a tablet and all went well (thing: ). I had to rotate this STL in blender to print from the logical base up to the two longer prongs. I rotated with Blender and then sliced using the standard Ormerod 0.5 settings. That print took the 2 hours and went rather well. Then I decided to move the Ormerod. This was only a 0.5 meter movement with a 180 degree rotation (I hby monkeyiq - Ormerod