Here are two STL files for you to print. you may adjust the size if reprapprochina - Fisher
Adrian Bowyer [ PM ] Re: RepRapPro closing down January 16, 2016 04:42AM Admin I hope, in this post, to inform you about a number of things to do with RepRapPro Ltd: 1. What happened to RepRapPro Ltd? We were making a profit, but that had been falling. We decided to close while we still had some funds and no liabilities. The closure may be permanent, or it may not. There are other peopleby reprapprochina - Ormerod
Dear all: Closing-down of RRP-UK is a sad news for our customers and supporters ,it is also pity to RRP-China. As mentioned in, RRP-China will continue our business . We will announce which service could be provided to our customers outside of China in due course. Many thanks for your continuous support! (sorry for repeated message here)by reprapprochina - General
Dear all: Closing-down of RRP-UK is a sad news for our customers and supporters ,it is also pity to RRP-China. As mentioned in, RRP-China will continue our business . We will announce which service could be provided to our customers outside of China in due course. Many thanks for your continuous support! (sorry for repeated message here)by reprapprochina - Fisher
Dear All: Closing-down of RRP-UK is a sad news for our customers and supporters, certainly it is also pity to our RRP-China. As mentioned in, RRP-China will continue our business . We will announce which service could be provided to our customers outside of China in due course. Many thanks for your continuous support!by reprapprochina - Ormerod
our website is , sorry it is only in Chinese for the time reprapprochina - Fisher
Dear all: Closing-down of RRP-UK is a sad news for our customers and supporters ,it is also pity to RRP=China. As mentioned in, RRP-China will continue our business . We will announce which service could be provided to our customers outside of China in due course. Many thanks for your continuous support!by reprapprochina - Fisher
why not try this kitby reprapprochina - Tissue Engineering
RepRapPro UK is the distributor of eSun's filament , you can find the colour from . If there is not filament you are looking for in this webshop, please leave the message or email to me , I could find the supplier for you as I reprapprochina - Ormerod
Done! you can view it in , Just let you know youtube is not accessible in China. Thanks again!by reprapprochina - Fisher
Fisher 1.0 will be much easy to assemble. Nice video. I will re-upload it to Chinese video-web if you don't mind. This is lord_alan 's video in China ( ). Thanks!by reprapprochina - Fisher
Wow, so impressive video, I will upload it into Chinese video channel if you don't reprapprochina - Fisher
Dear Oyvinkg: It is one sensation work. After we briefly introduced this upgraded OM in Chinese via Wechat, we received lots of enquiry how to build one 5-axis 3D OM, can't wait for your releasing instruction. Well doneby reprapprochina - Ormerod
Hi, David: RRP UK just announced the news of the availability of multi-extruder upgrade kits for all Ormerod kits, as well as the recently launched Huxley Duo, the same question about PanelDue is whether or not compatible with new upgraded OM2. Thanks,by reprapprochina - Ormerod
Hi, David: One silly question is whether this PanelDue is compatible with Huxley Duo ? If not, which kind of work should be done for this purpose? Thanks!by reprapprochina - Ormerod
Hi, Everyone: Do you have any good idea to stabilize this PanelDue onto the assembled OM2? Is it good idea to install it against the side of Duet case like this photo shown? . I assume the PaneDue stands aside the OM2 in David's photos . I hope there are some ways to integrate PanelDue onto the body of OM2, then the whole printer can be easily carried. do you have any good idea? thanksby reprapprochina - Ormerod
Many thanks Dario, qianweikang and razzadazzas for your comments ! Yes, the assembled one may be one good option for the beginner. We certainly encourage more customers learn the 3D printing knowledge through assembling OM2 kit. This is the reason why RepRap was named reprapprochina - Ormerod
thanks James and Kim . The package is redesigned to ensure no any damaging in future. We shipped one in China, it is absolutely fine. One sample has been shipped to UK via air , the case of power supply has one dent. I hope new designed package will avoid any damaging. We haven't OM2 with ABS printed parts. however kits shipped after 28th October 2014 have a laser cut fan spacer, rather thby reprapprochina - Ormerod
Thanks Pyro, the extra cost in China is estimated between £ 50 to 75 for assembling fee and test, plus the shipment fee . The technical support is the same as normal reprapprochina - Ormerod
Hi, Everyone: Here is RepRapPro -China. We currently sell the assembled Ormerod 2 in China. This assembled OM2 will be shipped out with nice package and fully test. I wonder how many people are interested in buying the assembled OM2 in this forum. Your comment are highly appreciated! Many thanks! Merry Christmas !by reprapprochina - Ormerod
开源3D 打印RepRap隶属于创客群中最活跃的一个部落, 其中不乏一些大侠对我们的RepRapPro机型提出最新的改进。 每一步改进都极大的推动了我们新机型的发展, 从而更加把3D打印机从“高大尚”的概念级推向“平民化”, 加快造福于人们的日常生活和小型公司的发展。 具体来说,有一批专业创客对RepRapPro公司的Ormerod机型做出了有重大贡献。 从而使得该机型从一代到二代的跨越时间不超过一年。持续不断的更新还来不及整合到我们官方的Ormerod 2 机型里。 这儿我们介绍一位活跃在Ormerod英文论坛的知名发明家和创客David Crocker先生。 David在论坛中的注册名是DC42, 也是Escher Technologies Ltd.公司的创建人。 David对Ormerod的改进表现在一下几个方面: 1. 率先把单一喷嘴转化by reprapprochina - RepRap Ormerod China
赫胥黎Duo 是2014年11月份由英国RepRapPro公司推出的最新设计。赫胥黎机型作为RepRap 3D打印机的鼻祖, 最新改良的打印机保留前辈的优良特性, 小而精巧。 结合我们最新的主板Duet 0.6, 最新的赫胥黎有以下改良: 新型32位电子控制板可与Arduino兼容,并直接可以通过网络浏览器进行控制。 红外探测自动调节热床位置---不再需要进行手动调节 打印体积:138x140x95mm 总体体积:260x280x280mm 打印材料:ABS, PLA 1.75mm直径热塑塑料 打印平面:PCB加热热床,减少组装的复杂性并确保组装部件不会变形 计算机连接:USB连线,网络线 X轴承载:3个可调节的Z轴熔积头架,一个熔积头随一台打印机 标准喷头尺寸:0.5mm 精度:0.1mm 分辨率:0.0125mm 打印速度:1,800mm/分钟 移动速度:by reprapprochina - China + RepRap 用户组
RepRap发烧友,当你拥有一台RepRap 3D打印机后, 最大的梦想是把自己设计的3D图通过实物表现出来, 当然,最好也能够赚钱。 众所周知,RepRap是开源的, 与市场上大多3D打印机的区别是, 玩家需要极强的创造力和动手能力, RepRap套件的组装只是体现玩家动手能力的开端, 而你的创造力将会体现在打印机性能的改善和打印物件的完美性和艺术性。 让我们介绍一个英国玩家的故事。 在英国剑桥附近的Ipswich镇上的Dario 在2014年初购买了RepRapPro推出的Ormerod 1 3D 打印套件,很荣幸的他是第187名客户, 从而拥有RepRap创建人 Adrian Bowyer博士签名的证书(附件图一). 通过Dario的大胆改进, 他分别拥有了竹子和铝制制作X轴的Ormerod 1 打印机 。 他需要做的工作是, 使用第一台购买的OM1 打印各个塑料部件, 自己切by reprapprochina - China + RepRap 用户组
RepRap发烧友,当你拥有一台RepRap 3D打印机后, 最大的梦想是把自己设计的3D图通过实物表现出来, 当然,最好也能够赚钱。 众所周知,RepRap是开源的, 与市场上大多3D打印机的区别是, 玩家需要极强的创造力和动手能力, RepRap套件的组装只是体现玩家动手能力的开端, 而你的创造力将会体现在打印机性能的改善和打印物件的完美性和艺术性。 让我们介绍一个英国玩家的故事。 在英国剑桥附近的Ipswich镇上的Dario 在2014年初购买了RepRapPro推出的Ormerod 1 3D 打印套件,很荣幸的他是第187名客户, 从而拥有RepRap创建人 Adrian Bowyer博士签名的证书(附件图一). 通过Dario的大胆改进, 他分别拥有了竹子和铝制制作X轴的Ormerod 1 打印机 。 他需要做的工作是, 使用第一台购买的OM1 打印各个塑料部件, 自己切by reprapprochina - RepRap Ormerod China
各位用户: 我们已经注意到, 如果使用QQ账户或者163, 这些以数字为主的信箱注册该论坛账户时, 会经常遇到无法收到由Reprap Forum发送的账户激活链接。 导致客户无法正常进入论坛发帖。 这个问题我们已经反馈给Reprap 论坛管理员了, 希望能够尽快解决。 另外一种途径是, 你可以使用不带有数字的邮箱注册,比如 , 或者 hotmail, 这些信箱不存在这个问题。 祝好!by reprapprochina - RepRap Ormerod China
QuoteOrmerod187 Quotereprapprochina Dear Dario: I came across your photos file in dropbox, they are so impressive. It seems you have a small factory of OM 3D printers. May we use some photos for our website to show your printed items and demonstrate the potential capability of RepRapPro printers? Many thanks, Hi reprapprochina, feel free to use my photos. Regards Dario Many thanks, Dario, I wby reprapprochina - Ormerod
Dear Dario: I came across your photos file in dropbox, they are so impressive. It seems you have a small factory of OM 3D printers. May we use some photos for our website to show your printed items and demonstrate the potential capability of RepRapPro printers? Many thanks,by reprapprochina - Ormerod
看到英文论坛的帖子, 或许对你有帮助! 请参考 。by reprapprochina - RepRap Ormerod China
看到英文论坛的帖子, 或许对你有帮助! 请参考 。by reprapprochina - RepRap Ormerod China
尊敬的RepRapPro Ormerod客户: 感谢您选择RepRapPro 的产品。 我们RepRapPro团队致力于RepRap 3D打印社群的发展和壮大。RepRap 的宗旨是“ 灵感来自与大众, 产品服务于大众”, 我们诚挚期望您的反馈意见和持续不断的支持能够使得将来的RepRap 3D打印机更加完善。你可以把你的宝贵意见发表在我们的RepRapPro Ormerod 论坛, 除了英文论坛外, 我们开通了中文论坛 。 如果你乐意用中文交流,可以选择我们的中文论坛 ,我们的技术人员会定期在此和各位交流,来自于各位发烧友的宝贵意见和诀窍更有利于我们对Ormerod打印机的运用自如和不断完善!by reprapprochina - Ormerod