jim_blag Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I've updated the Wiki to reflect the various versions and the shipping dates. > JB I think that's about as comprehensive as it could possibly be! My microswitches are working fine, though mounting the Z-axis one is a pain to get right. I removed the lever for greater accuracy, but I doubt it will ever be perfect enoby droftarts - General
You might be better off posting this in one of the electronics support forums. And I'm a bit new to this to be able to help you much. However, have you tried demounting the extruder stepper and seeing if it works correctly without load? If not, it would imply a problem with the wiring; either it's not getting enough current (I don't know if Gen3 has trim pots to change the current), or there is aby droftarts - United Kingdom RepRap User Group
Takashi Utsumi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The mini filetador PET or mini shredder is able to cut a 2 liter PET bottle in a 50 meters long thread without heat. > You can see in our website how to make this device and how to use the PET thread. > Takashi > www.utsumi.com.br/pet From website above: That's really interesting, and their cutters goby droftarts - General
ludov6 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > was just wondering if right now a reprap machine would be able to print something like an alien > head like the Giger version for example in a good quality ??? > lot of things on www.thingiverse.com for sure but I believe there might be a lot of better printed > things out there and not the usual downloadable stufby droftarts - General
I went for/am still building a repstrap based on MrKimRobotics 1X2 compact and with the intention of doing a budget build. Though I'll never get it finished if I keep changing it! (Replaced bearing stacks with linear bearings recently.) I'm trying to build every part myself, including the hot end, and sourcing as much as possible locally, so it's all taking quite a time, but I am learning so muby droftarts - General
This is an excellent idea! Good work. I prefer leadscrews for accuracy, but they are very expensive for these class of machines, and direct drive belts always seem a bit overgeared. But this is a fantastic compromise. Though I'm sure there will be some who bemoan the expense of even longer belts!by droftarts - General
Hi, I'm just getting to the point in my build where I'm looking at this too - my extruder would limit movement far to much if mounted above the hot end. If you haven't seen it already, there is a wiki page here with some useful links: The Huxley reprap seems to employ a Bowden cable, and on the wiki page there is a link to the German Reprap foundation page selling PTFE tubing here: This is speby droftarts - General
loganhedin Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > 1.) C27 underrated (voltage/package size) (IRC forum member BenJackson reported C27 hot under operation) > 2.) Insufficient Bulk capacitance. > 3.) Clean Up noise on power Rails. > 4.) layout isolation is outside of industry Specification. > 5.) qualify FTDI bridge circuit. > 6.) Thermistor circuitby droftarts - Controllers
jim_blag Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I vaguely recall Camiel did mention he changed the style of end-stops now, so there are > two firmware versions a non-inverting and an inverting version. Found this in the downloads section of the mendel-parts website: 16-12-2010: Inverted x-dir (for new x-end-motor-bracket) and some small finetune settings and ourby droftarts - General
Hooray! Swapping wires to pins 3 and 5 works. Thanks for the help! In fact, the original instructions for microswitches on the wiki page were correct, too, and what I've ended up with, but greatly lacks in explanation. On one side of my microswitch I have C, NC and NO, which correspond to numbers printed on the other side of the microswitch 1, 2 and 3. On the wiki it says to connect 1 (C) to pinby droftarts - General
Finally, some progress! RS-online supplied various goodies today, so I wired up a microswitch and motor, attached them to the X-axis headers, found a power supply that didn't supply too many amps (it's an old external SCSI drive case, but I'm not sure exactly how many amps it's supplying, probably around 8A), plugged in, crossed fingers and.... a green light came on! With power to the board, theby droftarts - General
As I've just posted in the other thread about sculpture, take a look at www.thingiverse.com Lots of people making lots of different, useful, decorative or just plain bizarre (ref mashup) things. Some you could call art! If it's collaborative or distributed art you're interested in, loads of people seem to be printing the 'bucket o' octopi' but then, is it art?! I'm sure people will be happy to tby droftarts - General
Just look at www.thingiverse.com there are loads of 'little sculptures' being shared and printed there every day. And a whole load of other useful, and not so useful, things!by droftarts - General
Thanks James, I've edited my earlier post so it doesn't lead other people down the wrong path, now I realise I was thinking about it the wrong way around. I'll update once I've actually received and tested my microswitches! I told you I'm not very electronics savvy, didn't I?!by droftarts - General
@jim_blag - thanks for the advice. I read your blog, really good stuff, keep up the good work! I expect to be referring to it in the coming weeks... @jamesdanielv - The pin out for the gen6 is on the wiki, 1 - Emitter Cathode, 2 - Emitter Anode, 3 - Detector Ground, 4 - Detector Vo, 5 - Detector Vcc. On the microswitches I have ordered, the pins are marked 'C' (Common Ground) which goes to pin 3,by droftarts - General
owism8 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Could you give me a link for the arcol.hu hot > end?by droftarts - General
Thanks for the help, especially confirming that I don't need to add any resistors. I have looked at the Gen6 wiki page and think I understand how it should be wired up, but it is more that I am bewildered by the choice of microswitches when I look at RS-online or Farnells. What sort of amperage range should I be looking at (I assume 5A because the board runs on 12V DC from a 60W 'power brick')? Hby droftarts - General
Hi, I have just received my Gen6 electronics from Camiel at mendel-parts.com to be installed on my 1X2 repstrap. However, I'd like to use microswitches for endstops, but I'm not that au fait with electronics. What specification of microswitch can I use without having to add any extra resistors?by droftarts - General
yydoctt Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Why does nobody use misumi extrusions? It's so > cheap, strong and readily available.... They are! But then there is much less of your Reprap that can self replicate, which is one of the nice ideas behind it. The repraps don't need to be quite so heavy as something like a mill or router, as the tool head is generallyby droftarts - General
Hi all, I'm in Trowbridge, not too far from the spiritual home of reprap, Bath, though I'm selling up and will be moving to Amazingstoke ... sorry, Basingstoke by June. I'm building a MrKim 1X2 repstrap and , as much as possible locally sourced. Though I did end up buying a Gen6 board from mendel-parts.com, if they ever get more in stock and send me one...by droftarts - United Kingdom RepRap User Group