I had thought of using a Minkowski action, using a 2mm sphere rolled around the outside of the paraboloid - followed by subtracting the original paraboloid. My reasonably fast machine just sat there for ages with the progress bar pretty stationary - I abandoned that. Next attempt doesn't look too bad - generate a slightly larger paraboloid, and subtract the shape we actually want difference(){ tby GregL - Ormerod
Good find Bob (if I may call you that) Generate a cone, then take a slice through it - giving: ellipse or parabola or hyperbola. Gregby GregL - Ormerod
Exactly right Dave. Something like the existing Acrylic X rib could be mounted on the other side of the vertical extrusion (with an offset to allow for the Zrunner to pass by) It would be about 30mm displaced from the existing extruder position. Much more important when wanting to run multiple extruders. Your point Bob is important in that we need to look at the curvature change in the Bowden wiby GregL - Ormerod
No, but I just sent off for some! Thanks for giving the link Gregby GregL - Ormerod
@Polymath I guess they have simply run out. I ordered a reel soon after Matt's post, and quite a few of the colours had already run out. I selected Green PLA; it arrived quickly, and have finally got round to trying it yesterday. Results are good. Gregby GregL - Ormerod
I followed the instructions given by RepRapPro in the Ormerod documentation Gregby GregL - Ormerod
QuoteDavek0974 It's a powerful little program that's for sure It certainly is. I was struck by its ability to remember partial results from your previous F6 run. So, in a complex render, if all you do is to alter a couple of translation values - the results come back almost instantly. Gregby GregL - Ormerod
OK guys: Now explain Minkowski to me. I was unable to understand the OpenScad explanation... Gregby GregL - Ormerod
Quotejhkiom I wash thoroughly with either IPA or paraffin. The only IPA I know is India Pale Ale, and I'm not wasting that on my bearings! I use Graphite Lock Lube Gregby GregL - Ormerod
There is another supply for flexible filament - this one specifies its elasticity properties with a 'Shore' value (two different grades). Gregby GregL - Ormerod
Perhaps you should select 'Safely remove hardware' option in XP (or its equivalent in Win7 or 8), before pulling the plug Gregby GregL - Ormerod
Looks pretty good Dave. You say it is not well suited to a Bowden tube - so how did you feed it? Gregby GregL - Ormerod
Quotegroneorm Added 2 extra washer to large gear assembly just for good measure, although not seeing any wear from large gear rubbing off on extruder housing. . For me, the problems were: the small gear rubbing against the extruder body (you could see a 45 degree arc being worn), and the motor spindle rubbing against the extruder body. I filed the area around the spindle, pulled the small gearby GregL - Ormerod
When I tried Firefox, the little dustbins did not work. Works fine on Chrome Gregby GregL - Ormerod
@Radian I bought the Galactic Warehouse(as in that link) red in order to print the adjustable Z runner. At first glance, you would not notice the difference - a closer look reveals it to be slightly more red There it is in the top right Gregby GregL - Ormerod
Happy to use the more expensive transducer. Thanks DC Greg.by GregL - Ormerod
Thought I would see if I could make something fly The wings (~340mm span) are single wall, with some structure inside - but no infill wings 22g body 13g (at 2p per gram that is about 70p PlayDoh ballast 10g (don't tell the grandchildren) It flew slightly better than a 'lead ballon' - but not by much. Need a bigger wing area to cope with the weight - maybe a Vulcan like delta. Gregby GregL - Ormerod
The base support needs to be bigger (with some mounting holes) - it allows 1mm clearance below the sun gear. The bearing does not fit completely into the spool holder - another 1mm clearance, so the base and the spool holder will not rub against each other. The stl file is the one I printed, but it did not deal very well with the big overhang, and the change of diameter where the rim of the beaby GregL - Ormerod
I too had extrusion problems initially. They proved to be problems I should have spotted during assembly. 1. the hole in the extruder body for the motor spindle was not concentric, so the shaft was rubbing. 2. the motor spindle was not perfectly square with the extruder body, so the spur gear was rubbing (and wearing) an arc of about 45 degrees. The first problem was sorted with a bit of filing.by GregL - Ormerod
I made the Bearing with herringbone gears as a test piece some time ago. I have since thought of using it as a bearing for a spool mount (horizontal) - so I printed a base to fit through the sun gear (a bit too small diameter), and a spool holder to fit over the bearing The spool holder will take my big spools from Galactic Warehouse, as well as the one supplied with the kit (it fits in the fourby GregL - Ormerod
@Matt Found a failing when using Firefox: Cannot delete a file when in the 'Gcode files' section. The colour does not change to red when hovering over the 'rubbish bin', and when you click there, it tries to print the file. Gregby GregL - Ormerod
Next guess: High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS)by GregL - Ormerod
@Davek0974 It looks to me that the ends of the rods are all free (so can poke through 1 or 2mm), except the end covered by the Y idler bracket. I would drill that out, so the steel rod can extend through the acrylic end-plate Gregby GregL - Ormerod
My first guess is that it is standard filler foam - injected between two flat surfaces Gregby GregL - Ormerod
I had a print stop today - for the first time. Loaded a file to SD via Pronterface. I had the 'Watch' box checked. Started the print from SD, and it was going well before lunch. After lunch, the printer was halted and the PC screen had gone to sleep. Touching the mouse was enough to continue the print, and wake the screen. Print halted again about ten minutes later - well before the PC could gby GregL - Ormerod
You really can fit the supplied, round, ferrules into the square holes. Feed the lightly tinned wires into the ferrule - feed a little more solder into the open end Make sure the clamping screws are fully out of the way. Make sure the Duet is not fixed in position. Hold the ferrule with pliers and press firmly into the connector - with your other hand taking the pressure on the connector. Finby GregL - Ormerod
@Matt Not been able to connect using the web server for several days. Finally got round to updating to version 065 yesterday, and tried Firefox. Worked perfectly Thanks Matt Gregby GregL - Ormerod
I tinned the wires, then fitted the round ends - plus a little more solder. With a little careful force, the round ends WILL go into the terminal blocks. If they ever come out again, I guess they will be a little square! Gregby GregL - Ormerod
Last week I said "Yes please to a full board DC" Please make that a Kit 5 Gregby GregL - Ormerod
Looks like that Duet expansion board uses all of the ribbon connectors at the top of the Duet. The single sensor wire currently there will have to be relocated - I assume to the expansion board. Picture shows it stacked vertically above the Duet; doubling the height of the current Duet enclusire will give the Ormerod quite a different look. Gregby GregL - Ormerod