pantau, thank you for that Wireshark dump. I have addressed the underlying problem in my new firmware release, please feel free to give it a try and let me know if that fixes your problem. I tried to flash dc42's firmware using the web interface as well, but this actually resulted in the first 512 bytes of flash memory being erased. Unfortunately I don't have a good explanation for this yet, becaby chrishamm - Duet
pantau, could you try out this binary instead? I think I've found the cause for this, sorry for the trouble. Also, can you confirm you were using DWC v1.10 while the AJAX errors showed up? If you're still on an older version (pre-1.08), you can use FileZilla as well to update all web interface files. Just make sure you limit the number of concurrent connections to 1 if you try this. Anyway, toby chrishamm - Duet
QuoteOrmerod187 Done grain of sand in your account. Thanks, I really appreciate this! Quotepantau I get these errors a lot! But what is even more severe: Hot end temperature regulation is very unstable (+-5°C) and also PanelDue (no webend because of the errors) seems to report the wrong temperature in that case: My setpoint is 248°C for ABS, but even if it is reporting 248 unstable it is pby chrishamm - Duet
You have not applied dc42's Ardunio core patches yet. Overwrite the files in your Arduino hardware board first (C:\Arduino-1.5.8\...\sam\...) and try to recompile the chrishamm - Ormerod
Here you go: Thank you very much - if there is anything else I can do for you, just let me know!by chrishamm - Duet
Nice to see my work is appreciated! I implemented optional webcam surveillance in DWC v1.08, but it generated possibly faulty URLs which I fixed in v1.09. Seeby chrishamm - Duet
Did you mean these? In fact there are multiple ways to enter the bootloader, but until now you always had to connect a USB cable to flash a newer firmware: 1) Arduino implements a "hidden" feature to restart the board into bootloader mode when the USB port is opened at 1200bps and then closed again. On Linux I use this in my Makefile: stty -F $(DUET_PORT) 1200 -ixon -crtscts 2) Both dc42 and Iby chrishamm - Ormerod
Quotechrishamm In order to use the web interface for firmware updates, you have to upload a file called "iap.bin" once to the /sys directory. This file can be obtained here: After that, you can upload your RepRapFirmware*.bin file using the upload button on the Settings page and follow the instructions. Be aware that the web interface will show "Updating" for 15 seconds before it reconnects. I'by chrishamm - Duet
Very strange indeed. I have just tried to reproduce this with dc42's sensor board, but it's working as well on my setup. Can you confirm the red LED lights up when the sensor board approaches the endstop area? I'm glad the firmware is working well on your other printers!by chrishamm - Duet
Add this to your C compiler flags: -std=gnu11 And this to your C++ compiler flags: -std=gnu++11by chrishamm - Ormerod
Looks like you forgot to add Libraries/Lwip to your include paths, but that output is already looking better than what you posted beforeby chrishamm - Ormerod
Hi Dario, Thanks for your feedback, but I can home all axes and the X axis in particular without problems (my O2 uses the IR probe for this and my O1 has a switch). Could you explain a bit more what doesn't work?by chrishamm - Duet
Yes, that's correct because we share the same implementation. Here some examples: - M305 P0 X100 (Set first heater to use thermocouple with first CS pin ) - M305 P1 X101 (Set second heater to use thermocouple with second CS pin )by chrishamm - Ormerod
Quotederek5a That sounds great chris! I am however also using thermocouples and so far only dc42's 1.09r fork seems to allow these to work? Unless you also have them incorporated? My fork supports them as well (thanks to dnewman's/dc42's changes), but I use a slightly different pin mapping. If you want to try out my fork, I suggest you check if your thermocouples are connected to the right pinsby chrishamm - Ormerod
Yes, that's correct for dc42's firmware - it should be "Arduino Due". If you're using my firmware fork however, it should be set to "RepRap Duet Platform". Note that you have to use the official Arduino SAM board files (with dc42's patches) for dc42's fork to get it to compile. I have just released a new firmware version which adds support for M143, so if you want to try it out, have a look atby chrishamm - Ormerod
I'm pleased to release Duet Web Control 1.10 and RepRapFirmware 1.09v-ch. In case you're wondering why there is a gap between this and my latest releases: I pushed other versions to GitHub last week but never actually released them. The highlights of these new versions are: Firmware updates using the web interface (via M997) Updated LWIP stack from v1.4.0 to v1.4.1 Several networking improvemenby chrishamm - Duet
I believe Make should be part of the Eclipse plugin, but no idea why this error shows up on your setup. You might be able to fix it by selecting a different Arduino board first (then click Apply) and switch back to Arduino Due (click Apply again). AFAIR this will reset the Arduino project variables and maybe fix your chrishamm - Ormerod
AFAIR you don't need to specify a private hardware path, just make sure the Arduino IDE and the library paths are valid (should be C:\Arduino-1.5.8 and C:\eclipse\workspace\RepRapFirmware\Libraries).by chrishamm - Ormerod
Are you sure? dc42's firmware doesn't have the Hardware directory - if you are already trying to compile it, either delete the Hardware directory or exclude it from chrishamm - Ormerod
It looks like you are trying to build the official RRP RepRapFirmware, but building it using Eclipse and Arduino 1.5.8 is not supported. Use the "Make.ps1" script for this purpose instead (see my first reply) and install the required Arduino board files first (requires Arduino 1.6.5 or later, see the README in the Hardware directory). If you want to keep Arduino 1.5.8 to buld the firmware, I strby chrishamm - Ormerod
Yes, those instructions should work. Just be aware that you must update the firmware to use the new web interface. A guide on how to flash the firmware can be found here: You can use either dc42's firmware or my latest one here, just click on "Raw" to download it: You may want to wait for my next firmware and web interface versions though - I basically have both of them ready, but I'm still waby chrishamm - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I am still trying to figure out why some users experience connectivity problems. If anyone gets a similar problem, please do the following: 1) Record a wireshark dump to capture the traffic between your PC and the Duet 2) Attach a USB cable to your Duet 3) Enable network debugging via "M111 P1 S1" and look for error messages in the serial log 4) After a communication problem has occurred, send Mby chrishamm - Firmware - mainstream and related support
@wayno complaino: Hmm, are you're using MSIE/Edge? I don't officially support that browser and it's possible that it doesn't call the right events, so I suggest you try another browser instead. @David J: No, it is not possible to download the config file via the web interface, but you can use copy&paste functionality. If you want to do experiments, I suggest you make a manual backup of yourby chrishamm - Firmware - mainstream and related support
If you're either on my or dc42's latest firmware, you need to remove M106 I1 ; fans are inverting from your config chrishamm - Duet
I guess that would be T1 in your chrishamm - Duet
Because it's a fundamental process that keeps open-source software alive. But I agree that most settings can be configured using G-codes and don't need to be set in the firmware as is the case with Marlin or other 3d printer chrishamm - Ormerod
All of these instructions referred to Arduino Eclipse Plugin v2.2, but I think meanwhile v2.4 has been released. I have not tested that version yet, so I cannot say what needs to be adjusted to get it working nicely. Maybe you should downgrade to v2.2 first if you insist on compiling it with Eclipse. But I guess the easiest way to build RepRapFirmware on Windows would be to run "Make.ps1" from mby chrishamm - Ormerod
Well, if your dump becomes too big, you could use this filter: tcp.analysis.flags That will make Wireshark display only bad packets and if something goes wrong whilst loading the web interface, this will show why. But if you don't see any bad traffic between the Duet and your PC, you could also try to load the web interface in a private tab. If that works, I suggest you try to revert to the facby chrishamm - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Thank you! The first file was generated with the "Lift Z" option set, so the first layer detection is off by 0.05mm. I will try to add a work-around for this in my next firmware version. The second object is built on a raft with different layer heights, so the layer detection stops working at soon as the first layer is complete. I guess it would be possible to further improve the layer detectionby chrishamm - Firmware - mainstream and related support