why export it, you Designspark is a full CAD package, just do your changes and export your new STLsby bgkdavis - General Mendel Topics
use Designspark, import the STLs and convert to solidby bgkdavis - General Mendel Topics
An infrared gun is fine for bed temp measurement, but not the best way of measuring nozzle temp, and its probably under measuring, but its a good starting point, many IR guns actually include a contact probe which can plug into the gun, this would be a better indication of actual nozzle temperature. Your RAMPS controller will have a way of calibrating the thermister, but you need to ask someoneby bgkdavis - General Mendel Topics
At a guess Id say you have something loose. check all 12 balls are tight on the screws, check the linear bearings are tight in the carriages, check the arms are not cracked check the belt drive gears are tight on the motor shafts.by bgkdavis - Fisher
Quotedeep blue water -Is the Extruder grinding the filament?yes we have a winner filament grinding has several causes -too low hot end temperature, when I asked what filament you are using 3mm may be techincally correct, but what I really wanted was material (PLA/ABS) 235 is more than enough for PLA, may be a little low for ABS -too low hot end temperature... technically the same cause, but eby bgkdavis - General Mendel Topics
As a stopgap measure Id be tempted to look at the 0.85 and the duet wifi, and make a patch cable between the two boards that corrected the pinouts.by bgkdavis - Duet
maybe some information would be a good thing? -what controller do you have? -what firmware are you running? -what filament are you using? -what hotend are you using? -what extruder are you using? -what temperature are you printing at? -what heat bed temperature? -Is the extruder moving smoothly throughout? -is the Z axis moving correctly, ie is it moving higher when its supposed to be -Is the Exby bgkdavis - General Mendel Topics
QuoteGaou on my main mendel i am getting good quality until 60mm/sec. Yeah, I think that's closer to the speeds I remember the Mendel doing, I'm hoping when I finish the P3Steel frame upgrade that it will be able to handle higher speeds.by bgkdavis - General Mendel Topics
QuoteGaou print speeds were about 30mm/sec. ah.... now I've remembered why I stopped using the mendel and my Kossel XL is my tool of choice I'm printing at 120mm/s without visible loss in qualityby bgkdavis - General Mendel Topics
Apparently you cant use the words weight and loss in close proximity because its considered a banned wordby bgkdavis - Duet
Quotedc42 ....... on the Diet 0.8.5 ....... Is this low fat or low sugar? Does it contain aspartamine?by bgkdavis - Duet
....Probably should start with telling everybody which controller your using,by bgkdavis - Delta Machines
This isn't a calibration problem, its basic electrical, mechanical or software, and Id also be inclined to discount the GCODE, it would be a pretty crappy slicer that added a random -Z pitch When the printer does the nosedive what move does the printer think its making, ie does the Z current position change Are your timing pulleys lose on the stepper shafts? check that the grub screw is centralby bgkdavis - Delta Machines
Quotedc42 Quotebgkdavis looks like we will have to wait for the shipping options on the web site to be fixed before making pre-orders I'm sorry about that. It works OK for me, so I guess you are probably in a different country. Send me a PM telling me your country and what doesn't work, and I'll pass those details on to T3P3 who are dealing with that side of things. It looks like the website isby bgkdavis - Duet
looks like we will have to wait for the shipping options on the web site to be fixed before making pre-ordersby bgkdavis - Duet
Well your clearly not afraid to do things your own way, but the more I see of this design the more I'm convinced that this is not a delta, more of an oddball Cartesian/CoreXY hybrid....and looking at this I wonder why a Cartesian XY rack would be considered an inferior design choice Really can't fathom the rational behind any of your design decisions, if this were me I'd make those uprights 16mmby bgkdavis - Delta Machines
Quotedc42 Quotebgkdavis and an IR probe wont stop you from regular calibrations, it will just make a few things easier Don't you use the automatic delta calibration built into RRF? yeah I do, but have found that after a crash I have to reset all the parameters, those components on the boards are not very well protected and if they get knocked they you have to redo the whole calibration I madeby bgkdavis - Delta Machines
probably should start with letting people know exactly which IR Z probe you have got, I've got two different probes working on a V0.6 duet That diagram you have is for the RRP z probe that has 4 wires and serves a double function as a z probe and x endstop probe, you probably wont be able to use that wiring configuration on a delta because the X end stop will already be occupied you can use oneby bgkdavis - Delta Machines
If you look at the page I linked you will see there is a directory tree inside gitub, navigate back to the top and you will see the sd image. For more help try looking at the duet pages on the reprap wiki, the rrp instructions also give good information, you may want to read the mendel and ormerod insrructions on firmware updating if the fisher ines are not up to scratchby bgkdavis - Fisher
The latest non beta version You probably should also update the web interface as well.by bgkdavis - Fisher
You can check the bed probe by disconnecting the wires from the bed and doing a continuity check, then using another wire to bridge the two bed connector pins on the boardby bgkdavis - Fisher
Oh dear, this has a horrible ring of familiarity about it, Basically what you have 'discovered' here is if your not using the maximum speed and power of a motor then you can optimise the system by changing the gearing ratio, this will sacrifice the maximum RPM of the motor MAX power=torque x MAX RPM MAX acceleration= torque/inertia MAX RPM=(step frequency/steps per mm *60) /mm per rev looby bgkdavis - Delta Machines
While your stocking upgrade kits you could do a lot worst than put up a Carbon arm kit to replace the RRP crappy acrylic arms, and speaking of broken acrylic I need to replace one of the side panels on mineby bgkdavis - Fisher
Start time,End time,print duration,completion%,printing speed%,filament used 1,filament used 2,filament used 3,filament used 4,filament used 5 also.... would be great if the logger could parse the estimated print time from the GCODE file, maybe include in the interface a mask like "Estimated Print TIme = #hh#H#mm#M#ss#S" and a line parameter (20) and the program will scan the first 20 lines tby bgkdavis - Duet
Interesting, however, one of the things I liked about the Fisher bed was the way it was easy to remove the build plate for cleaning or replacing the print surface, so a quick connect/disconnect connector would be nice.by bgkdavis - Fisher
The best way to tune steps per mm is to use a pair of calibers and actually measure the displacement of the carraiges when you do a 125mm move eg start at z=MAX and measure the idstance of each carraige from the top of the printer, now move move down 125mm and make a new measurement, New SPMM=old SPMM *125/measured movement Once you have the steps per mm correct the next thing to do is get theby bgkdavis - Delta Machines
Quoteyoorek Then regardless of the mode the extruder is operating in (relative or absolute) shouldn't these fields show the actual filament used? If the DWC is able to display the actual usage somewhere else on the screen then why isn't it showing anything in these fields? BTW I would have thought relative/absolute mode is a function of slicing program. Its hardly like this is a problem that hasby bgkdavis - Duet
The E3D V6 is definitely a great extruder, I've got one on my delta and never looked back Im in the process of upgrading my RRP Mendel to P3Steel frame (i guess its technically now a Prusa and not a Mendel), Ive even upgraded the extruders to E3D titan, but after a lot of consideration I've decided to keep the Quickset hot ends because its easier to fit multiple hot ends into a smaller area thatby bgkdavis - General Mendel Topics
Some printers have their extruders operating in an 'absolute' mode, where at the start of the print they read 0 and at the end they may read 16722.2, if yur printer was set up this way then one 0f the drives would currently read 2901.7 you an see this information elsewhere in your screen shot. Most printers have the extruder operating in an incremental mode where it specifies a length of materiaby bgkdavis - Duet
RRPs geared extruder has a tendency for the interface between the main gear and the axle screw to fail, Ive got three of them and all suffered the same fate, reprinted the gears in ABS and got some improvement, but ultimately I replaced them with E3D titans, and Ive got no more extruder problems!by bgkdavis - General Mendel Topics