Qbert Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I'm no expert on the mendel kit yet but I thought > we used thermisters which are resitance verying > tempreture devices. > > Stephen. Most people do use thermistors. The idea behind thermocouples is that they are less fragile and more accurate, as well as requiring less code to read. Thermistors are less exby NewPerfection - General Mendel Topics
The "Save Settings" option is in the top right corner of the input file tab. Doesn't make much sense, I know. It should save all of your gcode settings though.by NewPerfection - RepSnapper
Grogyan Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > A lot of those pics are from the ZCORP machine > which uses powder. > > You can if you want to, use a small nozzle, in the > region of 0.25mm dia as opposed to 0.5mm dia > standard. Makes sense. I though those looked way too high resolution to be FDM produced.by NewPerfection - Reprappers
Unfortunately the RepRap is a rather low-end printer. While the output is amazing for the price, it is not capable of producing anything quite like you've pictured, at least not without a lot of post-print finishing. Edit: I would look through Thingiverse to see examples of what can be done.by NewPerfection - Reprappers
makergear Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > It's unfortunate that time after time it is > necessary to reiterate, the parts on ebay may look > like ours but they are not the same. You had a bad > experience and now believe there is a design > problem when in reality the problem is with your > specific parts. You don't have to reiterate. In fact,by NewPerfection - General
You need the dimension module of Skeinforge activated to get E codes. Also, the first number of lines in your gcode are specified in the start.gcode file.by NewPerfection - Reprappers
Buback Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I'd be pretty cautious about opening the steppers. > From all the reading i've done about them, they > are very touchy, and just disassemble and > reassembling them can put them off-spec. probably > safer to rewire it externally. just slide some > heatshrink on to hide any messiness. Unfortunately 5-wire stby NewPerfection - Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, DC Motors
That is one sexy extruder! I love the almost steam punk look to it.by NewPerfection - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Most people run their Rep(St)Raps off of computer power supplies.by NewPerfection - General
Very cool! First thing I would recommend is making a spool for the plastic so it doesn't get tangled up. Something like this: . I made one, simply cutting it out of cardboard with a hobby knife. What software are you using? The RepRap Host, Skeinforge, RepSnapper...?by NewPerfection - Reprappers
What's wrong with it? Everything seems fine to me.by NewPerfection - Administration, Announcements, Policy
I think the biggest reason PLA is popular is that it is printable without a raft or a heated bead :-) That's the reason I use it anyways. Made from natural ingredients is nice too.by NewPerfection - General
Too much and you can flatten the filament, or break the idler bracket. That would take quite a lot of force though.by NewPerfection - General
You can also get a RAMPS board from Ultimachine:by NewPerfection - General
Note: That lineage page no longer exists.by NewPerfection - General
send.py is command line, but all you have to do is type send.py and drag the gcode file into the command window and hit enter. This copies the file path of the gcode file. Easy as pie.by NewPerfection - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I've had the same issue with the host software, where it freezes after some number of layers for no apparent reason. I use send.py to send gcode to my repstrap, and don't have that problem now. send.py never freezes on me. Are you using the RepRap host to slice the model? If you download skeinforge, send.py will be included. It's a simple command line program to send gcode. I still use theby NewPerfection - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I use vinyl tubing as a connection as mentioned. It fits really tight over the lead screw, but loose on the motor shaft so I use a hose clamp on the tube over the motor shaft. Works great and is extremely cheap.by NewPerfection - Mechanics
Their PLA is very high quality. It's as close to perfectly round as can be. I've printed half of a 5 lb roll of natural PLA and and very happy with it. They shipped very fast too. My last communication with them was answered within an hour.by NewPerfection - General
Also, leave the raft module on. It sets temperature among other things. Just set the number of raft layers and interface layers to 0.by NewPerfection - General
You can definitely do it. I had virtually no electronics experience before I make my RepStrap, and very little experience with any other aspect of it. When I started my RepStrap, there were virtually no other RepRaps out there (this was a couple years ago). I built everything myself based on the McWire design, and put together the electronics from a kit. I now have a fully working printer, thby NewPerfection - General
jgilmore Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Nichrome wire? You may want to use a vitreous > enamel resistor instead. See Nophead's blog from > which this was made. > > A smaller resistor works better according to > nophead. I use this resistor for heating: Here's my setup: The resistors are cheap and work great. I've got quite a few hours on mby NewPerfection - General
Oh I see, you're using a Wade extruder with a MakerBot hot end. Well, you need some sort of support to hold the barrel rather than the PTFE. Put something similar to rhmorrison's photo on. That peek block holds the brass barrel, so the PTFE is not supporting the hot end.by NewPerfection - General
Sorry, I was thinking he was talking about the laser cut version. I was saying that he wouldn't get support in the Mendel machine variations forum for it, not saying he wouldn't get support on the RepRap forums in generalby NewPerfection - General Mendel Topics
Simply put an M6 nut between the metal washer and the PTFE barrier. That way the washer is holding up the heater barrel instead of the PTFE barrier.by NewPerfection - General
I simply opened my PSU, wired up a switch between the green wire and ground (spliced in so the green wire still goes to the 20 pin connector), and mounted the switch on the side of my RepStrap. That way I just flip that switch and the PSU turns on and I can just leave the main PSU switch on. Gives me a convenient kill switch without having to reach for the PSU. No need to tape a paper clip inby NewPerfection - General
The BotMill machine isn't a Mendel. You won't get support for it here.by NewPerfection - General Mendel Topics
You need another Arduino (Sanguino, etc) to run the extruder board. Edit: unless you do some serious hacking of the extruder board firmware. Not sure how you would even go about it.by NewPerfection - Reprappers
I just use for measuring STL's. It's free, though Windows only. It can measure point to point, line to line, circle center to circle center, or any combination of the above. It's quite useful. Edit: can't remember if it can measure angles, but they would be easy to calculate using three point locations.by NewPerfection - Reprappers