Ho ok. thank you very much.. I think I agree with you. pololu are so cheap now.. It was just in case i've missed a very simple solution for people having a mini card with only 4 stepper drivers . Thank youby smartfriendz - Developers
Hello, I was wondering if there could be a solution to switch between two steppers connected to one pololu 8825. The context is simple : double head printer ! When we extrude one head, we never extrude the other one. I just imagine we could win one driver if we could switch the two steppers with some control card and modify the firmware to use this new setting ? This could be usefull when we wby smartfriendz - Developers
I thought about that for long time. on a smartrapcore alu, as we use in production, we get used to and it never made a problem after all.. but it's not nice solution, i agree. The simple of all would be to just don't cut the stepper power . Let them on as we have power on . They do like this on the up! printer. It's just a firmware parameter change. I should try one day .by smartfriendz - Smart_Rap
Very sorry fot that PDBeal, It should have never been one month. It is true we where late with production ( around 10 days to be honest because of the XL300 production ) , but we have had serious problems with DHL in our place. We are in country side and we discovered a little late that DHL use a "partner" because there's not enough people here to interest them. So , all in all it took very veryby smartfriendz - Smart_Rap
Hello all, I just want to apologize about our first xl300 lot shipped recently. We have had lot of problems due to young design , and maybe too soon release of the model. The design is so near the core ALU that we really thought it would be easy to manage the new model... but add 10cm each side a bed and you get lot more troubles that you would think We are working hard to improve the model, tby smartfriendz - Smart_Rap
Hi realthor, It was more about design concept. We had the belt right on the bearings before and the sleeves where assumed by the Yslide parts, but they where fixed , so in lot of cases , the belt where touching them and after some time , the belt went broken ( we found a lot of black stuff around). I found that it would be better to have the sleeves running with the bearings and since I find itby smartfriendz - Smart_Rap
You're absolutely right for the support and our answering delay. It has been our problem for one or two months now and i know it's very frustrating. We are workin on that to have better delay , so everyone is more happy with that . In fact it's frustrating for me too , just because we had some mistakes in planning, we are too busy and can't answer in time.. that's not good. Thank you for your feby smartfriendz - Smart_Rap
We tried to use paramaters for rods and bearings in onshape, but you're right, it's not centralized and it's on the model level. So if you want for example change rods size to 8mm or 6mm , you need to enter in all parts having rods and change the parameter. I hope we will have enough resources to make it back to openscad one day .. we tried a lot of solutions and onshape is still a good one becaby smartfriendz - Smart_Rap
Hi Dj, I'm sorry for the late reply. I know it's always frustrating when answers are too long ( i would react the same as you ) . We are working hard on production and it's true we answer better on the website support and questions ( no need to be a client for that though). I will answer you here , as you asked here too About the frame corners, we used plastic ones for months and had realby smartfriendz - Smart_Rap
It's sad indeed..and quiet scary for small companies like us. We try hard to keep the reprap spirit in our kits and even making "products" out of them . I do believe there's a few features that can make big sellings regarding to "standard products" : - printed structure parts : repair, evolve, hack,self upgrade ! It's the only way to make a product driven by a community instead of a marketingby smartfriendz - General
thank you John, Yes we are really bad in communication We actually sell kits with more features than advertised at the same price .. but at the same time , i like it . It's good to have good surprises sometimes ? We will update pictures and infos.. I need badly to make a new video for the assembly with the last verrsion ! We are also pre-assembling modules now , so it's far more simple to bby smartfriendz - Smart_Rap
Hi , All printed parts are made in PLA.. since the smartrap 2013 . We never changed . Maybe because we know perfectly how PLA behave ? for printing, for mechanical constraints, for heat resistance ( low ) . It's not the best but we know it very well. The smartrapcore alu got a heated bed by default now .. all current kits and future one will have it. It's not really needed foor PLA but still gby smartfriendz - Smart_Rap
Damned.. so we really miss some emails. I can't find you in email list.. sorry about that . Don't hesitate to re-write us.. i'm sure I iwll find you this time Thank you for your kindnes.. I never stop to say we have an incredible comunity and clients.. always sweet and comprehensive.by smartfriendz - Smart_Rap
Hi yoko , We really didn't answered you ? still ? I'm really sorry if this happened .. We had a big rush with emails and communications around last friday ( with the sale ) . we do all we ca to answer everyone , of course . Sometimes it can be a little longer than usual . We're also really full busy with the production .. You know , we still insist to print all structure parts , even if allby smartfriendz - Smart_Rap
that would be great indeed. Shame on me , i've never had time to play with those parameters , espcially acceleration , jerk.etc.. there must be something to win to adapt to the core's features .. maybe ? thank youby smartfriendz - Smart_Rap
I'm really not in your shoes and can't even imagine what kind of hardware resources you can access there ? To be more constructive, it would be nice to know a little more about what motors , power supply , electricity source , linear guides ( rods ? aluminium ? ) , roller bearings , etc... you could find around you there ? I would personnaly study all reprap models and try to find the one that cby smartfriendz - General
are you sure the perpendicular problem is more with an HBOT system ? I tought it was not so important with a coreXY. Well, from our tests, we didn't noticed any problems with non perpendicular lines on coreXY .by smartfriendz - Smart_Rap
I've just re-read and found the link about other presentations about reprap . That will help a lot thank you , i would not find it otherwise. It's good because I will be able to stay in the right tone from the other talks ( It will be my first talk in international event , so, better to get some help i think ? ) . thanks.by smartfriendz - General
I've been invited too and booking is on the way , so the little smartfriendz comp and ( i hope ) one or two very nice custom made smartraps .will flight there. I would be very interested to share information and more specificaly , if someone want to pass a message, i will be happy to talk in the name of reprap comunity ? I'm actually preparing some slides and presentation, any idea is welcomby smartfriendz - General
congrats ! welcome in the world of never finished learning new adjustments for printing it sounds a little anoying said like this , but really it is passionating ! you will see that after some time, you can still spend some time to fine tune prints, but when you want actually print something useful, it will just work ! that's the good part of itby smartfriendz - Smart_Rap
sorry for this M555 thing. It was really me hacking marlin for the smartrap and it was absolutely not standard ! ( only the smartrap version ) . Now, the autolevel and Z offset became standard in marlin and we all use M851 ( M851 Z-valueyoufound) for the head offset. That one is in main version without hack We don't need anymore our delta values that was here to recover from the mesurement erby smartfriendz - Smart_Rap
wonderful work ! I'm always so happy to see people hacking and evolving the models.. it's so positive and also usefull : I've used a lot of ideas from the commmunity for the smartrap, the core and certainly will do for the alu version too . nothing better than more brains to make an open source model better thanks all ..again .by smartfriendz - Smart_Rap
i would have sent you one , but i think i would use a local prnier if you're in usa ( too much shipping for this small part ) .by smartfriendz - Smart_Rap
wonderful i dream of a small version here too , to put on our desks beside screens.. really great job oz9nyby smartfriendz - Smart_Rap
Nice work did you know we are actually redoing all ( with a smartrapcore frame alu ) in onshape ? We found it good enough and everyone will have the real sources ( sketches and layers ) . It will be ready this week .by smartfriendz - Smart_Rap
heeee, that's MY idea lol I hope you go to the printing test with it ? I really imagined doing this for a smartrap V2 ! But i would make the X ( or Y ? ) not sliding ..just the head sliding on the axis, so we would take only the bed space ? Very nice design.. strong and simple . congratsby smartfriendz - Smart_Rap
You are right mark, the github, thingiverse and youmagine are absolutely not synchro lately. We have made big ( and small ) changes and we need to clean this up . Now we have a good version in production . On the other side, I think i will remove most of the options for now ( wood thickness, rod size, diferent sizes, Z system with screw, etc.... ) . I really tried to make it work but we are toby smartfriendz - Smart_Rap
impressive ! this smartrapcore surpises me everyday ! very nice work mandrav. We should try some bushing soonby smartfriendz - Smart_Rap
Good job joseb , as usual I should try this pei ? I'm ashame , never tried it !by smartfriendz - Smart_Rap
that's strange with the build volume ? Normally, if you enter 250x250x250 in the print size, you will go for 315 mm X rod size, for example and that should give you around 250mm printable on X ( with a 250 wide plate of course ). I will check again though..by smartfriendz - Smart_Rap