This design it's great, maybe you can adapt for wood version xD Thanks... And a solution for tension on the belts will be amazing, i think is the only thing that i miss in the smartrap CeledaBcn - Smart_Rap
Hi I been playing a bit with a parameterizable pulley i used in past on thingiverse, i made an adaptation to the smartrapcore style. Not sure if will be usable or affect the geometry of the belts. Because i still don't have my smartrapcore (still in printing and it will take a lot of time for me...) if somebody want and can test it. I thing that will be good for the pulleys that have the teetby CeledaBcn - Smart_Rap
Search for "Smartcore Threaded Z Parts - For Dollas Oilless Bushings from Rationalstock" Because you made the sketch in good way it was too easy to modify... Thanksby CeledaBcn - Smart_Rap
Quotesmerrett79 @CeledaBcn thingiverse Hey... today i downloaded your files from thingiverse to take a lock, and i see that the diameter for the bushings is about 10mm? (i used netfabb basic to mesure it) The bushings i'm gonna to use are 12mm... you made the files parameterizable? Thxby CeledaBcn - Smart_Rap
Quotemandrav Both bushing types you linked should work just fine. For using them you have two options: a) edit the jscad file to change the hole dimensions for 'head' and 'slide_y' so that the bushings you choose fit, or b) you can search thingiverse for 'bushing adapter'. With these you will fit your bushings inside the adapter and use the adapter in place of the lm8uu/lm6uu you would otherwiseby CeledaBcn - Smart_Rap
Well... i don't have enough free time to learn to use onshape, and modify all the model to use oil-free bushings would be hard. I think I'm gonna make my smartrapcore with 1.2.5 pieces, with the modifications that made smerrett79 and share with us... Maybe, when i have my smartrapcore in service, i will update the pieces and use PLA bushings. And i see another problem with onshape, you lose thby CeledaBcn - Smart_Rap
Hi. I sign in on OnShape to see new files of smartrapcore, and i have one doubt... Is still parametrizable? I want to start printing my parts, but in OnShape i don't know how to change parametres... Maybe i print parts from version 1.2.5, and configure to use oil less CeledaBcn - Smart_Rap
@smerrett79 Yes i see it, and yet downloaded it, i was talking about put on thingi and in the group that is created with all smartrap things... If you can tell me how much you cut it helps me a lot, thanks in CeledaBcn - Smart_Rap
@smerrett79 I want to use oil less bushings to, and not in openjsad to modify and correct the pieces for fit it, i was planning to use a printed adaptor for use it. And interested on the sizing, i want to buy a 300m thread rod Lead screw, but don't want to cut it more Z space for print. Then, if i understood, if i add 50mm to the print height... i will can mount the 300mm thread rod without cuttby CeledaBcn - Smart_Rap
Love it. That's exactly what i want to do... Hope you share the files or a tutorial of what have to change... I'm a bit losed on the sizing of the smartrap core to can use the leadscrew on the CeledaBcn - Smart_Rap
For the moment i'm on planing state. And i was thinking. What about use the new Z belt system, but with a geared motor?by CeledaBcn - Smart_Rap
I follow your videos rcjoseb But i will make the "classic" box, and only have the options of put it both at the back or at the sides. But in the sides i have doubts about sizes to not touch the Y carriage... have to explore. And don't know how can affect the print height. If somebody can give some tips for it :-)by CeledaBcn - Smart_Rap
Ok, i see. Thanks for the answer. And where you gonna place it? Both at the back side, or left and right? I been thinking of put both at the back, but i think they gonna lose CeledaBcn - Smart_Rap
Hi I'm near to start print the parts for my smartrap core, i have several questions or doubts about somethings. For the moment, i'm not sure if use double lead screw or thread rod, or new belt system i see... i'm planing to have a 200x300 hotedbed of silicone with aluminium plate. Hope can give me your opinion to start clarify doubts. I will post other doubts in this topic in the future... Tby CeledaBcn - Smart_Rap
Hi What parameters you changed to use this bushings? I'm planing about use this ones Bushings I'm a bit losed with the code Edit: Maybe can use this ones Other bushingsby CeledaBcn - Smart_Rap
Ok, another possibility, you have adjusted the current of the drivers? if the motor is over powered, or under powered, in both cases you can loose steps... The ideal power rating is obtained from the formula: 0.707106781 * max rating power of the motors. It happens to me. Hope can CeledaBcn - Smart_Rap
It's your belt with good tension? i have uses with this on my Prusa i3... Maybe Smartrap Core needs a system to put tension on the CeledaBcn - Smart_Rap
@cristian: yes, thats is the question... Maybe someone that uses, can give us an idea... normal lm8uu have to ve replaced, oiled and make noise... i'm not happy with it on my prusa i3 xD, but prefer to not make more mods... now after a few months starting good print quality at low CeledaBcn - Smart_Rap
Thanks, i don't see that the Y endstop was changed to other side... But maybe is a good idea to put some add, like in the left Y slide, to give more surface to CeledaBcn - Smart_Rap
@cristian The question if is a good idea or someone tried. xD @rcjoseb I'm following your improvements ;-)by CeledaBcn - Smart_Rap
I was thinking... Is good idea replace at least the X and Y linear bushing by others printed in PLA? I will print my parts in ABS, but maybe make the bushings in PLA, cheaper and less noisy... Like to hear your ideas... Still don't worked with CeledaBcn - Smart_Rap
Oh yes... i Fall in love with the idea, been watching update in github... But... How will be attached the Y endstop to the motor? (i understand is the place...) Maybe need a support for it... Sorry about not collaborate making a design, but i'm not into openjscad and only have a bit of self learning openscad to basic things. My prusa i3 is starting to print good, maybe will make some red smarby CeledaBcn - Smart_Rap
Hi. I'm interested i make a big Smartrap Core. I plan to use a 220V heatbed, because 12 or 24 v needs a wide wiring to carriage the amps, the better way i thing is go to use a relay. About the size, for the moment, i only find one shop here in Spain that sells 220V heatbeds, and the bigger size is 200x300mm (heatbed + aluminium base), have to search more. Maybe someone can help me in the searchby CeledaBcn - Smart_Rap
Asked to Join also. Wanna change my prusa i3 by one smartrap coreby CeledaBcn - Smart_Rap