Hello Guys. I have been working with Auto bed levelling for the past couple of days. And today i had to calibrate it. I have changed the Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER value multiple times, but all of a sudden, the changes won't affect anymore. Uploading the firmware with an altered value has no effect, neither does using the M851 command. How can this be? - Has anyone experienced this before?by Kafledelius - General
So.. I tried to recalibrate it, and it turned out that the z-steps were off by 1.4%... This seems to have solved the first issue. How ever, why is it setting the wrong x and y values after the auto bed levelling process?by Kafledelius - General
Hello Guys! I just added auto bed levelling to my printer, and i am experiencing 2 issues... - The first one is, that when the auto bed levelling procedue (G29) is complete, the X and Y Values are all wrong. The values are the same as the probed square values. How come? - The second one, is that one of the sides on the bed, is corrected wrong. The hotend is about 0.1-0.2mm lower in that cornerby Kafledelius - General
I have recently had the same issue, and i (may) have tracked it to underpowered steppers. Have you tried adjusting this? - I can confirm that increasing the stepper current fixed my issue. My issue was also only when there were more elements being printed. (Meaning there was some travel distance)by Kafledelius - Printing
The logic of the endstops are inverted. Have you tried removing that ? Edit the following lines const bool X_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING = true; // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop. const bool Y_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING = true; // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop. const bool Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING = true; // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop. to const bool X_MINby Kafledelius - Printing
Are you using PLA or ABS? Do you have a hotend fan mounted? Did you calibrate steps per mm for the extruder yet? - if you stop the extrusion, relief the tension applied by the extruder (Pull up the filament a bit), can you then extrude more?by Kafledelius - Printing
Wont i be alle to access onde of the free pins and connect a mosfet there? Do you have a link of such a fan extender? I Would like to be alle to control the fanby Kafledelius - General
Hello! I am trying to do a Dual nozzle with heated bed and print Cooling fan. For This i need to add anløber mosfet (i guess). I have Been going over the schematics for the Ramps, but i am a bit confused, which pins are free? And which of Them are PWM? Can annonce help me?by Kafledelius - General
My nozzle diameter is 0.4mm - And i just changed to a new roll of filament. And you were right about the moist in the filament. The new roll prints perfectby Kafledelius - Printing
Nice Would you mind posting pictures? - I'm always very interested in results - What type of printer are you using?by Kafledelius - Printing
Thanks for getting back to me I think the filament had a temporary change of diaemeter to 1.75-1.77.. Its back to 1.7 now and the prints are looking great again Amazing that 0.05mm in diameter change can completely ruin a print like that..by Kafledelius - Printing
If you could narrow down what your searching for, it would help alot. "Mechanical Things" can mean alot of things.by Kafledelius - Printing
Have you looked at thingiverse.com?by Kafledelius - Printing
What kind of designs? House designs? Prusa I3 Designs? I2 Designs?by Kafledelius - Printing
I just checked up on it and noticed something. My filament has gone up from 1.70mm to 1.75mm.. Could This be the reason for the over extrusion? - Also, i have a panelolu2 display, and i Tried Changing the flowrate for flow and flow0. But nothing changed on the home screen, is This normal?by Kafledelius - Printing
AH! i was beginning to consider that posibility as well! - Do you have any preferable single walled cube?by Kafledelius - Printing
Hello, I designed a shaft, for a project i'm working on. I decided to make quick print, and therefore went with 0.3mm layer height. The shaft is designed in Designspark Mechanic, and sliced in simplify3d. Heres what came out: See those blobs on the surface? What can cause this? - Prior to this, i just did a perfect part.. - Is this just what you can expect in quality of 0.3mm? My printer isby Kafledelius - Printing
Hello. I have a spare Melzi board lying around, and i am keen to try and transform my current reprap into a dual extruder printer. However, i cant seem to find a guide on how to configure the slave melzi board, can anyone help? also will my Panelolu2 LCD still be functional?by Kafledelius - General
Hello! I currently have an i2 Mendel printer, and i am wondering If its time to upgrade it to a ned printer.. I have been looking at the Wanhao duplikator 4's printer... But i am worried that the Build area's size, might ruin the Experience for me :/ My budget is around $2000, and i Really Want and enclosed printer. What do you guys Think? Is the Wanhao the Best bet? Or do you have Any toget suby Kafledelius - General
200% extrusion width? - Well the first layer looks amazing when put down - When i use a raft my slicer (simplify3d) it creates a 1.4mm raft (height) consistent of 3 layers. (2 infill and 1 solid before object) I will try and increase the first layer.by Kafledelius - General
Well i found that a very light mixtue of ABS juice works very well... I actually also tried printing on a raft, also with bad results Guess the only way to work is with ABS juice thenby Kafledelius - General
Hello Reprappers! I have an open printer, and i have been trying to print with ABS on a heated build plate, covered with Kapton tape. However, IT WARPS!!! I then tried applying some ABS juice, which obviously helped alot. But My girlfriend HATES the mess it makes (even though it's in my garage :'( ) I print at theese temperatures: Hot end: 240 Degrees Bed: 100 Degrees. I have tried 110 degreesby Kafledelius - General
The software should calculate the required layers from the layer height you set and the height of the object. So no, it should not have a major effect Glad it helped!by Kafledelius - Printing
Did you Calibrate the Steps per mm. ? - You do this in the configuration.h file. Check for a line saying "#define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT" If you havent, i would advise you to check out This guide: Triffid Hunter's Calibrations Guideby Kafledelius - Printing
Hello Rob, Did you set the marlin firmware for the correct thermistor with the correct beta value?by Kafledelius - Printing
Hey guys. So, my hotend ventilator busted, and i wanted to change it. This ventilator is connected to the screw terminals where the power supply is connected. When doing so, i accidently left the powersupply on A spark came..... But the Board was still powering the RED led afterwards. I quickly jammed out the power supply and USB cord, finished the fan job, and wanted to start it back up. Nowby Kafledelius - Reprappers
If i remove the peak, and try to push filament trough the metal part of the hot end, the plastic gets pushed back up, and not out through the nozzle.. Could this mean anything?by Kafledelius - Printing
Think you for your answer! No i am not using springs. The extruder i am using is the universal mini extruder.. I have Tried tightening the Screws and there by tightening the idler, but it didnt Seem to help.. And the first couple of Lines is printet perfectly, but Then it stops feedingby Kafledelius - Printing
Okay I tried replacing my extruder, with a new better one. I am still having the issue though. On this new extruder, its easier for me to see whats happening. It seems that the extruder is able to extrude filament for a couple of seconds, then stops, and then starts again (The extruder is always running, but the filament is slipping). If i apply a little force on the filament, it starts flowiby Kafledelius - Printing