So i had my hot end replaced, and it prints With no leaks (yay!!) How ever, the Lines Are still NOT melting together.. I am thinking it might be the extruder which isnt strong enough.. Is This an option? I have tighten the idler as Much as possible, but i Can still move it With my fingers, Without Really applying force to it. It should be alot tighter, should it not?by Kafledelius - Printing
Oh god........... My new hot end is leaking...... Guess it makes sense why i have to use higher temperatures and a higher extrusion factor then..... Does anyone have a good guide on how to take apart a j-head?by Kafledelius - Printing
And isnt my temperature a bit high? Does it have to be this high? i've noticed that sometimes when doing infill, the plastic turns into dots more than lines. This effect kind of comes and goes.. Heres a picture of the above mentioned: Update on that print: I was trying to print a 40x40x10 box. The box turned out in the right dimensions, how ever. it was so weak that i could crush it with 2 fiby Kafledelius - Printing
Thank you for your responses! Gordon: I have attatched a screenshot of my slicer settings: I have not changed my Layer height, its set for 0.2 (should it be higher?) I have also not changed my extrusion multiplier. Do i have to recalculate the E-steps? or just use a multiplier of 1.1 ? When you changed your hot end what settings did you change in your slicer? - I changed the speed settingsby Kafledelius - Printing
Hello Reprappers. I decided to replace the Hot end on my printer, which was homemade by some guy. i bought a 0.3mm J-Head nozzle for 1.75mm filament. I have mounted it with a mount found on thingiverse. (Bowden setup). Now i cant get any print right. First off, theres the temperature. I'm Printing in PLA. The temperature for the hot end is correct when it is not heated (its equal to room tempeby Kafledelius - Printing
Floyd - I know, i'm just looking for a finger point in the right directionby Kafledelius - Printing
Aha, are they also 40mm? Where do you buy them? Ebay?by Kafledelius - Printing
The images are now Kafledelius - Printing
Yes, i have 2 4.11 cfm fans mounted on the front and back og the x-carriage... Mayer They are too weak?by Kafledelius - Printing
badkitty - what about the quality? I ser considerably Worse quality when using What printer Are you using? And would you mind posting your settings?by Kafledelius - Printing
PLA Sorry for the bad images! Its a dropbox link. Ill fix it when i get near a computer.. I agree, its NOT fusing.. But If i turn the heat up, it seems the plastic "collapses" As Seen on the images (Which is In the dropbox link) Kafledelius - Printing
Can nobody help me?by Kafledelius - Printing
And... Theres Also a huge tear on tear on the back. My printer has a cooler on the front and back. Both on 4.11 Kafledelius - Printing
Hello Printers! I have an issue.... I am trying to calibrate my printer. And i can get pretty results, with close to no misshaping due to heat. How ever, at this temperature, the printed parts are very weak! and is likely to snap off in the layers.. So my question is... Why am i seeing the following: Or my prints are too weak..... On the pictures above, i am printing around 200 degrees celsiby Kafledelius - Printing
I see Floyd. Which printer do you have? Would you mind sharing your settings?by Kafledelius - Printing
Thank you for your replies! How ever, i have been getting way better results, since i lowered my nozzle temperature. My fan is ducted close to the Nozzle. However, it's a radial fan and i'm not impressed with the amount of air its providing :/by Kafledelius - Printing
So i need to boost the cooling? Or should i raise my extrusion temperature & Bed temperature?by Kafledelius - Printing
Just did another test print. Same result, tried lowering bed temperatures and extruder temperature (i'm printing with PLA). Can nobody explain this to me?by Kafledelius - Printing
I see. Do you use Repetier as well? The results i'm seeing from Cura at the moment is no where near satisfactoryby Kafledelius - Printing
Hello Reprappers!! I am fairly new to this amazing 3d printing world! I have been trying to experiement alot with different slicers, and i have made it through Slic3r and Cura (Both Through Repetier host) I have been getting different results. The best results were obtained by using Slic3r, BUT! (and here comes the point of the topic) a print with slic3r takes roughly 3 times as long as with Cuby Kafledelius - Printing
Hello, i have an issue with my Reprap Mendel Prusa I2. When i print, i tend to get some tearing in some layers. Picture: What can cause this? Warping? (sorry for the dark image, the thing i am trying to explain is the earing between the legs of the marvin figure)by Kafledelius - Printing