I have installed dual V6 on my delta effector, the nozzles are 30mm apart so i set: extruder.hotend2.x_offset 30 # x offset from origin in mm I would like to have the print still in the center, but in this way is offset. so I changed the x values to: extruder.hotend.x_offset 15 # x offset from origin in mm extruder.hotenby paboman - Smoothie
Superb! will you release it open source? I would like to contribute to the UI thxby paboman - Smoothie
many thanks for your connection diagram. I have one question: do I have to connect SCK from aux 3 of the azsmz to both SCK pins in EXP 1 and EXP2 ? I understand that I need to make this 1 to 2 pins connection also for MOSI, is that correct ? right now the panel is working and recognize the SD card but cant get the files to be listed.by paboman - Controllers
Hi, can you explain how to read the pdf for wiring, thanks Quote3DFreezeMe I have put some time into sorting out the pinouts of the connectors of the RepRapDiscount Full Graphic Smart Controller LCD panel. This lcd panel is called 'reprap_discount_glcd' for the 'panel.lcd' option in the config.txt file. I had one laying around and did not want to buy the AZSMZ mini lcd controller yet. The pintby paboman - Controllers
Ciao, ho messo i tmc 2100 ponticellato cfg1 con gnd su una azsmz, fanno un fischio insopportabile! devo forse non usare l'interpolazione ? o dipende dalla Vref che adesso è a 0.6 (nema 23 alimentatore 24v)by paboman - Elettronica e meccanica
yes the brake is a 24v solenoid. The ENABE pin is 3.3v whats the purpose of the flyback diodes ? can you point me to one that can be used ? thxby paboman - General
Hi, I'm building a cartesian 3d printer, as per customer request and for security reason the machine will be equipped with a magnetic brake on the Z axis. I want to be able to wire it so when the motors are energized and holding position the brake will be energized also. Can i use the Enable pin of the stepper driver to drive a DC solid state relay ? any help is appreciatedby paboman - General
very interesting, will try that numbers on my smoothie. did you noticed any improvement using anything beyond a4988 ?by paboman - Delta Machines
QuoteAnHardt Suport for MKSbase was added during the last year. So if you are using 1.0.2 or below you cant find it. It's --- /** * MKS BASE 1.0 – Arduino Mega2560 with RAMPS v1.4 pin assignments */ #include "pins_RAMPS_13_EFB.h" #undef HEATER_1_PIN #define HEATER_1_PIN 7 --- If that does not work for you you have to define your own pins. Im having the same issue, can you explainby paboman - Firmware - Marlin
Hi, i have connected the geetech 12864 lcd to the azsmz mini, already rotated the connectors by 180° to match the panel V+ and GND. tried you config and many other options but still cant get anything to show on the display. The buzz and backlight works. Can you guide to get this working ? many thanks! # LCD Panel # --------------------------------------------------------------------- panel.enaby paboman - Controllers
Has anyone tried the last available firmware ? My azsmz board hangs when try to enter the "configuration" menu using the LCD, the leds just stops flashing. If i flash back to smoothieware version 14 oct 2016 it works just fine. I want to use the last firmware because the sensor SEMITEC 104NT-4 is added as supported temp sensor. any ideas?by paboman - Controllers
Quotefredchan We are making this Ripple Eliminator according discussion from HK 3D Printer Forum base on Kossel Mini Delta 3D Printer For Delta type 3D Printer, it reduce the noise from motor and get great appearance impovement, For cardesian type 3D Printer, it will reduce the noise from the motor is it available to buy? thxby paboman - Delta Machines
Quotepaboman QuoteTheHebs Generally its some type of issue like a wheel with a flat spot, or something snagging at a certain spot (filament, wires etc...) reading on the web it seems to be a missing step that cause zebra stripes, i'm still unable to solve this I found that my problem was caused by 1 faulty stepper driver.by paboman - Delta Machines
QuoteTheHebs Generally its some type of issue like a wheel with a flat spot, or something snagging at a certain spot (filament, wires etc...) reading on the web it seems to be a missing step that cause zebra stripes, i'm still unable to solve thisby paboman - Delta Machines
Quoteobewan If your R4 is marked 0 ohms then your driver is allready modified, the old drivers used to have a R4=10kohms which needed to be shorted out. this means my drivers are already into mixed decay mode?by paboman - General
can someone post a pic of the modification? R4 (0 Ohms) has to be removed ? thanks!by paboman - General
Hi, did you solved this diagonal banding issue?by paboman - Delta Machines
hi there is possible to select different stepping tham 1@32 ?by paboman - Controllers
is the power from usb enough to power up the sbase v1.3 and mks tft 32 ? thxby paboman - Controllers
Quoteqsecofr le norme di solito le vendono.... care anche... per questo imho non la trovi. davvero? è come se uno dovesse comprarsi le leggi del codice civile o penale per saperle...sono basito. vabbe poco male, se è così ti chiedo se sai indirizzarmi dove acquistarle in caso?by paboman - Discussioni generali - NO PROBLEMI DELLA STAMPANTE
ciao ho cercato un po in rete ma non riesco a trovare la norma CEI EN 60335-1, intendo tutto il documento. andrebbe bene anche in inglese ma i link mi rimandano a sempre a documentazioni parziali... avete qualche link o esiste un posto ufficiale dove scaricare ? grazie!by paboman - Discussioni generali - NO PROBLEMI DELLA STAMPANTE
Skimmy, so how do you connected the fan? thxby paboman - Controllers
you have to set switch.fan.output_type from digital to pwmby paboman - Controllers
QuoteSkimmy So, one more info, to maybe help with this issue: These 3 Pins, with a small mosFET right beside them. I think, this mosFET should be able to trigger the fan-pin... Maybe I have a wrong pin-declaration? It should work because I encountered this issue in one board only. The strange thing is that you are controlling D09 instead. Double check your config Ciaoby paboman - Controllers
Hi, Im trying again and again but it does not work. Im using AZSM Mini 2015.7.22 ver 2.1 Pin 3 in your image is P0.26 (printed on the back of the board) Pin 2 in your image is Vcc (printed on the back of the board) Pin 1 in your image is Gnd (printed on the back of the board) My config file: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------by paboman - Controllers
Hi guys, I need help with the fan header, i cant get it to work. my config have: #Switch module for fan control switch.fan.enable true # switch.fan.input_on_command M106 # switch.fan.input_off_command M107 # switch.fan.output_pin 0.26 # pin on board ver 2.1 switch.fan.output_type pwm # pwm output settable with S parameter in the iby paboman - Controllers