QuoteuGen What I just remembered: I have seen polyurethane coated roller bearings that are used for conveyor belts or so. The polyurethane is quite hard while it shouldn't damage aluminium. I also found delrin V wheels, so this can solve some problems too. Unfortunately now I don't have time to make some test to find the right configuration, I'm only searching ideas through the web...and I'm alsby Pacca - Mechanics
QuoteuGen I wouldn't use aluminium as the linear rail as it will wear with the hard steel bearings running on it Sure you are right! Steel angles or square tubes are the solution... QuoteuGen The V-Groove bearings on angles don't seem like a good idea to me since the contact between the bearing and the rail is limited to two points. Wear would start to be noticeable more quickly than with the otby Pacca - Mechanics
Hi uGen! Any news in your research for a "perfect" linear sliding system? I'm doing some research in my spare time...and I think that I will try (as soon as I can) two options Standard skate bearings assembly, like this or this V groove bearings sliding on angles, like this (standard tracks for this type of bearing are expensive...and I cannot understand if could be possible to slide on the aby Pacca - Mechanics
Oh ok, you are talking about the problems caused by the inertia of the moving mass, sure, what I meant too! I don't really want to change the extruder I'm using, I was only thinking for a new printerby Pacca - Plastic Extruder Working Group
I cannot understand very much this resonance issue you are talking about... I thought that the problem of the mass of the extruder was linked to the power of the motor of the X axis (considering a common prusa mendel) and to the stiffness of the structure of the printerby Pacca - Plastic Extruder Working Group
What about retraction problems introduced with the long bowden cable? And the mass of the motor reduces so much the maximum speed and acceleration?by Pacca - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Io sono molto curioso di sapere come hai ottenuto una buona precisione con le guide per cassetti, quindi è un'ottima cosa se pubblichi tutto il materiale che haiby Pacca - Discussioni generali - NO PROBLEMI DELLA STAMPANTE
Sono guide per cassetti quelle?by Pacca - Discussioni generali - NO PROBLEMI DELLA STAMPANTE
Hi everyone! I'm building a new printer, and now I'm choosing the extruder to mount. I know that there are three types of extruders: - Geared extruder - Bowden extruder - Direct drive Anyone knows pros and cons of these? What I think is: - Geared extruder: very precise and fast with the gear system, but a bit bulky - Bowden extruder: reduces the moving mass, but have some precision problems cby Pacca - Plastic Extruder Working Group
The NW-21-27-60P is very precise, and because it slides inside the rail also the Z play is reduced very much. However I don't know how to measure this "feeling" in a precise way. Moreover I noticed that you can introduce some Y play with a force that can compress the spring element... QuoteuGen Actually, I am a little bit disappointed as I imagined the Igus products would perform better. Igus pby Pacca - Mechanics
Yesterday I recieved my samples from Igus! I was oriented towards a compact system, so I ordered a T miniature guide rail with a TW-04-15 carriage and a N27 compact guide rail with three differents carriage, i.e. a long NW-11-27-80, a preloaded NW-01-27P and a longer preloaded NW-21-27-60P. T system This is not the adjustable version (not in stock when I ordered this sample) but however I wantby Pacca - Mechanics
QuoteuGen Oh, in case you wonder about these cracks on the rail Can you read in my mind? So, if I understand correctly, this linear guide is not suitable for a printer / light mill with nema17 (because of the vibration caused by milling, which can rotare the carriage around the yaw angle)...by Pacca - Mechanics
Magari questa piccola ricerca su thingiverse puà farvi comodoby Pacca - Discussioni generali - NO PROBLEMI DELLA STAMPANTE
Quotebobc €163 is a little too pricey for me to experiment with... You are right! And this is why I was asking some informations here...by Pacca - Plastic Extruder Working Group
@uGen Yes, the final result of a printed object and his quality is a combination of movement and extrusion precision. Also I think that a zero maintenance system is very comfortable, since the accuracy of the linear movement is still at the level of our needs. And this is why I am now trying to test some different DryLin configurations! Nanometric precision is really an interesting argument! Butby Pacca - Mechanics
QuoteuGen While the super-precise linear rails at first seem like the non plus ultra, this level of precision is just not needed for DIY printers/mills. The other components like timing belts are the limiting factors here. In fact the new Aluminatus uses only leadscrew and no belts... QuoteuGen In the end, I think plastic bearings are quite the nice solution for RepRap. About zero maintenance, nby Pacca - Mechanics
Per seria cosa intendi? L'utilizzo di guide lineari al posto dei cuscinetti? Comunque dovresti provare anche a guardare anche queste due:MendelMax 2.0 e Aluminatusby Pacca - Discussioni generali - NO PROBLEMI DELLA STAMPANTE
You searched so many sites to find the best solution, I see! I think I will do the same, also trying different linear guides (included ball type and roller type, I don't know if you have already searched something about these), when I have some spare time Of course the TEA system can do the job very well (so your printer will last more than 2 years ), but price is a limit for diy machines, or atby Pacca - Mechanics
You are right! This is why I don't like the printrbot variant (although having a lower Z axis should help reducing this problem). However the print area (I think that the mill area is more or less equal) of the Power Wasp is 260x200x210 mm, so about the same of most reprap printers. What I like about MakerSlide is that it is a linear guide combined with a construction element, but Open Rail is mby Pacca - Mechanics
The Power Wasp, except for the store made only of 3d renderings as you said, seemed to me like a solid printer/light mill...but I didn't saw that photo! And from the building video I didn't realize what linear guide was the one of the X axis Why you say lower durability of MakerSlide? Unfortunatly the Open Rail store does not have a shipping method to Italy (I can send an email asking if they cby Pacca - Mechanics
Different parts of the world, same project, yes this is cool! (yesterday i found also this printer/mill but i don't like to buy diy machines in a kit because i also love to design, with all the details and the mechanical solutions that i want) I think i will soon order some parts too, to make a couple of tests and see what linear guide is good for me... Googling around (lol, wow, it is a verb) isby Pacca - Mechanics
Thank you very much for your great informations Did you try the T solution for a mill yet? I'm a student too, and i'm searching the right linear rail for a printer/mill...so i will try give them a call (hoping for some samples ) I don't know which linear rail uses MendelMax 2, but the 1.5 used a Uni-guide from PBC Linear, i think...by Pacca - Mechanics
Very nice review I'm really interested in a good working solution for the linear motion of a printer/mill...and igus seems to have great products! So for this type of application the N series is not recommended? Also the 40mm one? Thanks P.S. The TWE-04-12 is the only one of the T miniature series with adjustable clearance?by Pacca - Mechanics
Hi! So, how can this extruder works with a nema 17 and 3mm filament? Thanksby Pacca - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Prova a guardare anche questo, magari ti torna utile http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:30642by Pacca - Discussioni generali - NO PROBLEMI DELLA STAMPANTE
Ok, i will try it...I hope not to see flames and smoke in the room Any risk to damage also the sanguinololu?by Pacca - Controllers
Hi everyone! I need to change the resistor on my hotend. Looking around I saw that common value is 6.8 ohm 3w. For such a small thing I don't want to buy it online (shipping is more than the object cost), but my problem is that I can find only resistors of 2w at the local electronic shop. There is the risk of burning the resistor? Thanks for the helpby Pacca - Controllers
But also the fan speed doesn't changeby Pacca - Sanguino(lolu)
This is the table in the wiki page...i'm not sure but i think yes because it was the pin of the heated bedby Pacca - Sanguino(lolu)