from a day in the recent past, my Slic3r will not start any more on my iMac Sonoma, AMD radeon pro 5500 Did download a new one, but same. Is it not working on Mac any more ?by Replace - Slic3r
Ok, that makes sense, But what could be the defect ?by Replace - Repetier
Yes, I guess. But that makes it cumbersome to work Replace - Slic3r
I often use a layer dependant pause, to change the filament color. But now I see strange behaviour with multiple objects on the build plate. .I., this code : {if == 7} @pause; This will pause the printer after completion of layer 6. This works ok with slicing any single object. Also, if I load an object and I hit the + (more), the printer will pause after layer 6, regardless how many copieby Replace - Slic3r
Maybe not similar, but I print on aluminium and I prime the plate with 3Dlac. This will glue the print when hot, but release when cold. Maybe it also works on glass ?by Replace - Printing
Well, helpful tips, however this does not explain why the infill does not start. See picture of my print ... Both long sides have empty space where infill should be... Thomasby Replace - Slic3r
I do not set temp in the code, so I will manual heat the extruder in repeater host and the bed to the desired temp. When reached, I will start the print. The last time, often I walk away from the pre heating, as It will take some time. When I expect all has reached the temp, I return. And now often I see the lcd has the error ' def'. and all heaters are off. So I reset the board, reconnect thby Replace - Repetier
I have often that a thin wall will only print both outer perimeters, but not the infill. So I will get a 2 lines outer side, a 2 lines inner side and between a space of approx 1 or 2 layer thickness. My infill is default honeycomb. Is the space between the walls to smaal to put a honeycomb in ? Can I change this ? Thomasby Replace - Slic3r
Yes, only one radius. So I just rotate extrude a square ? and than make it hollow ? Thanks I will Replace - OpenSCAD
ehh.. imagine that you have the outer part of a match box. Now try to bend it alongside a football. (not possible, but as a thought experiment) What remains is a hollow square beam with a bend according the outer perimeter of the ball. Now scale up the result to the dimensions of 6 lipo 18650 cells stacked upon each other along their long sides and put it in the box. Does this help ?by Replace - OpenSCAD
I am printing with repeater Host. After the last upgrade of it, the motors keep engaged after movements. It used to work like this: In manual control I home the extruder. After that I can still move the carriage or the plate. Now after homing, all motors keep their position and I can not move either. Is there a setting that has been reset ? Can I change this back ? Thomasby Replace - Repetier
I want to build new batteries for my drone. After having welded the Li-ion cells in the proper config, I want to place them in a square container. It will be 6 battery cells stacked on each other. So that will be a beam shaped object. (subtract a cube from a cube will do the math) However, the remaining box must be slightly curved to follow the shape of the drone landing gear, to which the boxby Replace - OpenSCAD
Well, finally it came through.... This version had one DIFF function less than all previous. Probably that was the problem I got the results now.! No more help for this one needed .. Thanksby Replace - OpenSCAD
Anybody can render this to produce .STL ? It is the problem from previous post Thomas $fa=1; $fn=200; module schacht () { // make a cylinderlock shape hc=50; difference () { union () { hull () { translate (v=[-47, 0, 0]) cylinder (h=hc, r1=7, r2=7); translate (v=[-29, 0, 0]) cylinder (h=hc, r1=7, r2=7); } hull () { tby Replace - OpenSCAD
I have designed an object that in its final stage must be Minkowski'd with a sphere (1); in draft, without the Minkowski it is fine. When I hit f5. with the Minkowski line active, after several hours, this happens: On Windows-10. the program crashes on memory exception and terminate On Mac. a popup says there is no more program memory left, please close all programs... I have done bigger Minkby Replace - OpenSCAD
Mr. Dust: you know exactly what I mean This is wat I seek for, Thanks very much ! Thomasby Replace - OpenSCAD
With the help of this forum, I now can write torus shapes, which I often require. like this : module torus (diam, thickness){ rotate_extrude () translate (v=) circle(thickness/2); } It is called with the diameter of the shape and the diameter of the body it is composed of. But always, they are rotated circles and the torus is (by definition ?) a circular donut shape. Now, to gby Replace - OpenSCAD
Enif, thanks. it works My current design needs over 6 hours to preview, so it was a burden to start OpenSCAD before I could start to work .... (Yes I know, Minkowski's are consuming, but sometimes I need them viewed.) Thomasby Replace - OpenSCAD
Correct, I mean the preview. Thanks, I will try to disable this . Thomasby Replace - OpenSCAD
On my MAC, I have to hit f5 to render the draft object. It does not render after loading a piece of code. Recently I installed OpenScad on W10 When I load a design, it starts to render the draft by default immediately I do not want this, because my current design takes very long to render (hours) So I want to code first.... Can I configure not to render at start ? Thnks Thomasby Replace - OpenSCAD
In Slic3r, when sliced, the number of mm. filament is predicted on the output pane. Below is an empty cost field. I can not find a parameter to enter my filament cost, to make use of this output field. Any advice ? Thomasby Replace - Slic3r
voor je connector... ik zou een scart kabel doorknippen en 2 chassis deeltjes bestellen. dan heb je vast genoeg pinnen :-) Wél goed documenteren wat waarop zit :-)by Replace - Projecten
Me too, I can only add a general tip: Make sure that any cut-out does not have the same surface level at either top or bottom. So, do not subtract an object that is precise as thick, but make the subtracted object a bit thicker and stick out ...... Thomasby Replace - Slic3r
Ok, but what does happen when it is triggered ?by Replace - RAMPS Electronics
so, filament-runout is a standard feature already, but now connected to a endstop for choice ?by Replace - RAMPS Electronics
QuoteRoberts_Clif I wired my Filament run-out sensor to X-Max and changed in pins. As the pin they suggested did not work for me. I made the Filament run out sensor using a lighted end stop circuit board. You could make it with just a switch, I wanted a Lighted verification that filament was enabled. I designed and 3D Printed a small case that does not require nuts and bolts. Pins.Ramps.h //#ifnby Replace - RAMPS Electronics
Me too, I have designed a filament run-out sensor casing. Runout Thomasby Replace - RAMPS Electronics
I have objects (open bent cylinder, lying horizontal ) that I will cut on the buildplate by the cut function. The object is 17.9 mm high and I perform the cut at 8.9 mm with 'keep and rotate the other half. Now I expect both halves to be on the build plate, starting at both sides of the hole in the cylinder. but only one side of the cut half touches the plate. The other side starts printing afteby Replace - Slic3r
I have a complex structure that will display ok after F5, however, after F6 I get this error: Saved backup file: /Users/Laura/Documents/OpenSCAD/backups/Mockup-backup-xJL50578.scad Compiling design (CSG Tree generation)... Rendering Polygon Mesh using CGAL... ERROR: CGAL error in CGALUtils::applyBinaryOperator union: CGAL ERROR: assertion violation! Expr: itl != it->second.end() File: /Usersby Replace - OpenSCAD