The force on the filament is indeed limited when it starts crushing the material. The teeth in the drive get blunt over time but of course it helps to clean out the plastic as well. Ive never printed such high speed but I have an idea for an extruder with double drive gears, if you have metal working capability we can talkby sungod3k - General
The bootloader should be on there and the if you're trying the blinking example that wont work on the sanguino. Are you sure the firmware is uploaded correctly? the board producer has probably the best fitting version. my botroniczs board only ran with the botroniczs branch of the sungod3k - Reprappers
Yes you're right the next I buy myself will be better but for know i stick with the medium quality station my grand parents got for for xmas I checked the heater coils in the iron and there is just black goo in there. I also just opened the station and since there is apparently no thermostat in the iron, just two wires + ground I will just clamp the stand alone iron I just ordered in the statiby sungod3k - Controllers
rigth the temp sensor must go back into the station. ill cut it open just for fun and see if the cables allow for itby sungod3k - Controllers
Hey, my solder iron just died on me. The typical thing where it gets to hot and something on the inside melts. I dont want to buy a station new every time that happens so I thought I could just buy a stand alone solder iron without the station and hook that into the station. Anything speaking against this?by sungod3k - Controllers
aha yes now that I look at it i see the minus on 2 and 3. thanksby sungod3k - General
Hey, For the 1st time Im using a MK2 heated bed now. However only one half (the part between the leads and the middle) of it is heating up in my 12V setup. I was just about to send it back when I read the following sentence about the MK3 QuoteWhen connecting the heatbed in the 12V setting it is important that you connect solder pad 2 and 3 directly on the heatbed. I didnt find any reference of sby sungod3k - General
I wont print directly on the bed QuoteYou need a bed on top of the heater to flatten the surface. ok clips it is. thanksby sungod3k - General
hey, I just received my first standard mk2 heat bed. before i used a custom capton sticker not a rigid surface like the MK2. However its visibly quite bend. my question is if that matters if the glass or mirror is laying on there. I saw these clippers here which would force the bed onby sungod3k - General
Hey, I'm just coming back from a 3d printing convention and was reminded of an idea I had earlier. I would like to try if I get more grip on the filament when I have it going by 2 drive gears instead of only one plus bearing. I would install a second axis parallel to the motor shaft and have two same sized cogs drive two drive gears. I saw that executed like this. [] Howeveby sungod3k - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Well I heard a similar thing from berrybot but i dont see it working with a normal woodscrew. thats just to sharp and would need a specialized part. the hobbed bolt mk 7 or 8 you can buy normally and there is no shortage of printable housings on thingyverse. or you buy one of these metal clamps similar to what the printrbot is using. on the other hand if you want to develop a new idea. i have sby sungod3k - Reprappers
Ok seems i can rule that out. the voltage on startup is indeed 12V and then goes down after it reaches target sungod3k - RAMPS Electronics
Maybe you can help me with another thing. Im having trouble with my hot end it show correct temp but with my laser thermometer I can only measure 120C thats a bit low even if you calculate it unprecise measuring. So I checked the output voltage at the D10 terminal I it jumps around from 1.3V-2.3V (input on the main power terminal is 12V stable) shouldnt that also be 12V?by sungod3k - RAMPS Electronics
Seems to work like that. Thanksby sungod3k - RAMPS Electronics
Yes, also temp controll seems fine, responsive and PID tunedby sungod3k - Reprappers
Hi, I switched to a e3d all metal hotend last week (1.75mm bowden) but I haven't got it running so far. There are some reports of jammings on the forum on their site and I filled out a support request but I wanted to see if people here got it running. I cant narrow to the exact point of failure but for starters have already problems loading the filament. At the transition point from the PTFE tby sungod3k - Reprappers
Aha thanks for the fast answer. You think I can just bridge from one input to the other like this?by sungod3k - RAMPS Electronics
Hi, I just switched from Sanguinololu to a RAMPS and everything appears to work great. The only issue is my heated bed output. I have a custom heatpad which draws more amps than the normal MK2 heated beds and therefore I had the power to the bed going through a relay and the relay itself was switched on by the power terminal for the heated bed. So I just tried to replicate the setting on theby sungod3k - RAMPS Electronics
Hey, I know Im not the first one to design an adapter for the Sodastream gas cannisters and Im resonable confident that one could design around the anti refill trap. The question now is if I test my parts in plastic and the give it to shapeways to metal print it and then put in a rubber seal would you trust this part? I can imagine there is quite a transition between the plastic and the metal aby sungod3k - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
You dont need to tell the repetier your board. Did you manage to get the printer connected to repetier? It should give you a green plug if it sungod3k - Reprappers
Do you have your host software ready?by sungod3k - Reprappers
Can it support whatever firmware you need? - Yes, ultimaker runs marlin native You'll have to upload new firmware in order to apply it to a different movement mechanism. - I dont think so What about number of sensors and types of outputs? - 3 driver, 3 sensors, same as ramps Does it support your power requirements and number of powered parts? Yes, standart drivers, 5 driver spaces-by sungod3k - Reprappers
Hey, I´ve just stumbled upon then Ultimaker 1.5.7 Shield and weighing it against the RAMPS. Anyone here ever used it on a non Ultimaker machines. Pricewise its very similar to the ramps and I think they dont differ to much, any obvious issues I might have overlooked?by sungod3k - Reprappers
Hello. Thank you for contacting us. is a distributor of ours. We have contacted them to see if they want to be added to the map and hopefully we will have them added to the map shortly. Hope this helps! Thank you, OpenBuilds Teamby sungod3k - For Sale
I was considering them as well. The dutch store has unit prices that are almost double than the original. I just send openbuilds a mail asking about them. In the meantime has anyone actually received product from them?by sungod3k - For Sale
You still need to hang your arms somewhere stable enough in relation to the rest of the frame. I dont see any advantage in this hybrid, apart from the nightmare youll have when start mixing parts of the delta and the Cartesian firmware, all speed and flexibility youll gain from the arms you loose on the moving bed again. If you want to be experimental try building a delta with leadscrews insteaby sungod3k - Delta Machines
The one time when my z motor stalled was when I had upgraded the physical z axis and the homing speed was to high for the load on the z axis. So reduce the homing speed and maybe even half the number of sungod3k - Reprappers
Id be interested in sourcing a crusher. I wonder if something like this could be modified to crush the melted pieces into manageable sungod3k - General
As someone who´s just about to buy a new board I was wondering if someone/the crowd ever made the effort of judging all the different sources. I read this post here lately about the huge price difference in Arduino products and when I look at the brand suppliers and official store basic arduino mega + ramps costs up to 4 time the average. On the normal my normal student budget I naturally lookinby sungod3k - General