The layerheight is already adjusted to the data from prusa´s calculator and I just printed a new coupling, the old one was to big on one side anyway. Although thinking about it would a coupler problem manifest throughout the layer and not just on longer lines. The edges dont seem to be effected. And I disabled "const bool DISABLE_Z = false;" I always thought it was false all the time. Lets see iby sungod3k - Printing
So what we need is a bit higher distance from the bed to avoid the uncontrolled squeeze out but with the adhesion as good as with a smaller distance? Its a good idea anyway to heighten the distance between bed and nozzle I was getting tired of loosing detail on the first layer just for giving priority to adhesion. Thou gauge here I comeby sungod3k - General
Hey, I had this issue for some time now, but since I recently changed filament its getting to much and ruins the first layer. The perimeters are fine but when it comes to first layer solid infill it looks like the nozzle rips up the existing layers. I tried the layer width from 140% down to 75% speed from 80%-40% and various temp settings both with the bed and the nozzle. Before I was printby sungod3k - General
Hey, I´m attacking some more detailed quality issues now and I have these weird layer gaps When I print single walled object the layer stack very good upon each other and I have no complaints, but when I print solid with 2 shells, I get these gaps, not always a regular as on this pic, but they are always there. I don´t tink its skipped steps because even in this model here the edges are fby sungod3k - Printing
Im thinking about buying this one to exclude error sources. I have some weird extruder behavior so I ordered a stronger motor but im underfeeding it this wont do me any sungod3k - General
Hey, I´ve just looked into buying a new extruder motor and I´m going through the Nema 17 and their all around 2-2.5 amps. This made me question my power supply. I have 5amps on my printer and 12amp on the heated bed. So with the new motor drawing 2amp and having 3 more motors and a heated nozzle in there that seems not enough. My question, what your idea of how much a normal reprap need (excludby sungod3k - General
Hi hey hello, I´m getting into the finer details of my calibration now and I´m noticing a parallelogram deform of my objects. Whenever I print a square the width is accurate within 1mm over 10cm which is fine for now but I still have a visible deform of at least 2deg. I have no idea how to go about it because I imagine that if there are too much or too little steps on one of the axis this woulby sungod3k - General
Hey printer commanders, I have gotten good results with my printer over the last days, but I´m not getting the retraction setting for my bowden extruder under control. I´m using sprinter, pronterface and Slic3er 0.91b. When I print a calibration test I can feel the filament pulled out (4mm @ 60mm/s) but I can´t feel the restart move. It just continues printing at normal speed. I´ve even gone soby sungod3k - General
Get direct. I have nothing but trouble with mine. Although I saw on my towns maker faire bowden extruders with double the length of mine and they worked perfect, retracting with almost direct extruder setting. I haven´t resolved these issues in my bowden. Its has its advantages but its all a bit more sungod3k - General
It´s the same with blender I guess. Even if you use blender units or meter in blender as soon as you save as .stl it gets shrunk by faktor 10. So in slicer I scale by 1000% and then its normal sungod3k - General
Hey printer commanders, Im getting now better and better prints these days but there is one issue which stays the same. My top layers are not solid. Its not that there are irregularities or the extruder stutters it just doesnt fill correctly. As you can see here the pattern is regular but one could almost fit a complete line of filament between the existing lines. I already recalibrated theby sungod3k - General
The flexible filament is a good point. and i found a possible blockage in my extruder construction. I will have to do some more test because i have some other trouble which makes it hard to separate different sungod3k - General
I dont have the feeling that this is a retraction issue. I think retraction is for the dripping and precise control of what comes out of the nozzle. But this seems some more basic to sungod3k - General
Hey printer commanders, I just made my bowden extruder work a minimum reliable level, now it doesn't clog after each 5cm of filament anymore. What I´m observing now is that when I push out 5mm filament after the command is done there is at least a string of 3-5cm of extruded plastic slowly dripping out, as if there is to much pressure during the initial push and this is the afterglow. Its harby sungod3k - General
Im just noticing that my x motor makes sounds like its moving but is not moving at sungod3k - Printing
Hey printer commanders, I just got my printer working for the first time and printed one fully working model, now i´ve stumbled about a peculiar problem. Every model I´ve sliced with Slicer and printed with either pronterface or skeinforge is shown correctly in the Gcode viewer and behaves normal. However what comes out is some weird streched and screwed up version of it. This is supposedby sungod3k - Printing
Hey Printer commanders, I got my 1st printer running lately and I´m running into the usual trouble with calibration and nozzle blockages etc. but now I came across something I can´t explain. I preheat my bed and nozzle and give the print order. Usually in Pronterface the temp command is displayed in the log as " T:160 @:34 B:70" until both bed and nozzle have reach the right temp, but now theby sungod3k - Reprappers
Hey guys, Im trying to get to .1mm layerheight. I have now a .35mm nozzle and I saw that on makergear they have a .25mm. Is there some place which offers an even smaller one? Cheersby sungod3k - Printing
ok thanks for the fast answer 1. do you know if polygon reduction software removes inner walls. or do i have to design like this from the start? 2. i can imagine i have to test the actual clearances out with my individual printer and material or is there a rule of thumb?by sungod3k - General
Hi, While I´m waiting for my 1st printer, I´m busy designing lots of stuff. I´ve got 2 questions now, where I cant really predict the slicing/printing behavior. 1) Does it matter if there are walls within the model? Or will the cube automatically be filled with what ever percentage infill you give it in the slicing stage? I can imagine sometimes it makes sense to have a predefined structure witby sungod3k - General
Ok, this I found is rather a good price add shipping and plastic parts and your almost at the same price as the eventorbot. One datapoint doesnt make a statistic but Im goona research some more^^by sungod3k - General
Hi, after working with a 3D printer in the FabLab in my town, I want to buy one myself. One problem I stumbled upon is long list of parts and where to get them. There is an abundance of shops as well, which makes it hard to compare and I dont want to drown in shipping costs. Question: What are you´re experiences with kits for selfassembly? Are the cheaper than buying every parts single? For exby sungod3k - General
thanks for the quick answer pmma sloves all my desires to print lampshades do you have a suggestion for a soft flexible plstic like PVC with softner?by sungod3k - Polymer Working Group
Hi Im now using my mendel prusa for one year and i have now some ideas which require more complex plastics than abs and pla. I tried researching other thermoplasts but im not a chemist so i find the all the different definitions of the plastics proportions to complicated. Is the a list with 3d printer usable materials and ajectives like hard, flxible, transparent etc? On the other hand whatsby sungod3k - Polymer Working Group