sometimes in the start script there is a retract, but it should be at the speed you set in your slicer. have you updated to the latest bugfix?by sungod3k - Reprappers
The guide that Im reading suggested to "pull out a bit, push in a bit and then pull out fully" but also that its dependent on temp. However I have the feeling that the material itself determines better how stringy it is and only to a lesser extent tool change sungod3k - Reprappers
Hi, Im testing out a y-splitter/two in one out dual extrusion system on my machine but the one problem that remains is the strings that pla leaves behind when its pulled out of the hotend. one recomendation to avoid this is using pet-g because its not stringing like pla but I was wondering if there are some brands of normal PLA that dont string so much. its a very specific question but maybeby sungod3k - Reprappers
Hi, I just set my printer up with a 2nd extruder in a 2 in 1 out/ y splitter configuration and I can manually drive each extruder just fine. I wanted to test each extruder individually first, so I assigned a new process in simplify3d and made sure that the 2nd extruder was assigned to the job. Now the printer goes through the autolevel procedure fine and then continues to move towards the x towby sungod3k - Reprappers
I would be surprised if you can increase your printspeed by using a bigger nozzle. Its a bit hard to test but you need to find your max extrusion volume and then compare it between the different nozzle sungod3k - General
no, just to show in the experiment. The customizer will only be used for a participant to react to during a short sungod3k - General
Hi, Im designing a product in OpenSCAD and I looked a bit into different customizers on thingiverse and how easy/ intuitive they are. That gave me the idea to design a little experiment where I show people different customizable products to get a bit more insight in how the customization options are perceived. To keep it simple I only want to use 1-2 different customizer options, but Im havingby sungod3k - General
There isnt that much choice I guess, RRF is specifically used in Duets, although im just seeing that it works with radds now as well. Smoothie is the only other real alternative to that I have heard of so sungod3k - General
Yes marlin is on it, but so far I cant get my 300mm bed under full control with marlin sungod3k - General
intersting points, Im actually looking forward to smoothieware especially working mesh level for deltasby sungod3k - General
Hi, according to the kickstarter page the Re-Arm will be avialable for pre order soon, so Im wondering if someone already has used one and wants to share some experiences? Cheersby sungod3k - General
well that is intersting nebbian, what hotend is this that it fits through the effector?by sungod3k - Delta Machines
Hi, I was recently trying 2 normal lacquer finishes for woodfil and that worked decently, however Im trying to print a wrist watch and I think I need something more durable that doesnt stain when coming in skin contact. I thought of just dunking the whole watch body in thinned part epoxy that seems expensive and a bit overkill. Any recommendations for a good clear finishing coat for woodfil? Cby sungod3k - General
Im running counterweights over bearings on the top of each tower, that almost completely decouples all extruder swinging from the frame and also removes any swinging influence from the sungod3k - Delta Machines
Hi, I have a custom kossel style delta with some Chinese metal parts in there, which is working really well but its not "made from one piece". I have simple alu effector, a 360 deg squirrel cage fan model cooling fan hanging down from it and held on the effector via magnets, a 40mm fan for hotend cooling attached to the original 30mm brackets from e3d via a funnel and a clip on z probe that aby sungod3k - Delta Machines
Hi, I already have a alu effector from one of the countless ali express vendors which worked well, so I thought of upgrading my carriages to. However I cannot seem to find a carriage that has a roller distance of more than 20mm like this one My frame consists of normal 20x20 alu extrusion so I'd expect to find at least some 30mm hole distance for the rollers for the smaller rollers. Anyway, haby sungod3k - Delta Machines
Well that would be very interesting if the host determines these sungod3k - Delta Machines
are you using any auto bed level?by sungod3k - Delta Machines
the layer change seam is set to "aligned" in both slicers and is visible at another part of the modelby sungod3k - Printing
yeah i looked at the S3D print issue identifier and the closest issue i could find was also related to retractions, but since these things are happening everywhere i doubt its related to retractions. ill test out some other slicers good ideaby sungod3k - Printing
Hey, on my quest for the perfect print im coming close to perfekt. Im contiually changing setting and software so feel free to question all assumptions. I working with a selfbuild 30x40 kossel, with ramps1.4 and Marlin RC8, bondtec extruder and e3d v6 .4 nozzle. My main problem in the past were the blobs/zits that happened when the ramps couldnt keep up processing-speedwise and after the last mby sungod3k - Printing
What are you going to print with it?by sungod3k - General
Hi, since Polysmooth is available for normal purchase, I was wondering if someone ever tested alcohol immersion or vapor smoothing it without the official polysher? Cheersby sungod3k - General
By duty cycle I mean how much power is going to the hotend. If it heats 100% and cant keep the temp either because the thermistor has an error or the material is taking too much heat out we get thermal sungod3k - Reprappers
Hi, Im printing with relatively big nozzles at the moment (1mm with 20-30mms) including the cooling Im running into thermal runaway really quickly, so to get the maximum out of my printer it would be great to show the duty cycle on the display. Pronterface shows the duty cycle when printing tethered so the info is there, is there any way to program marlin to show that variable on the display?by sungod3k - Reprappers
yes i am and i almost suspected something to do with the connection. Whats the reasoning behind lowering it, wouldnt that mean less speed and more errors?by sungod3k - Reprappers
@trampas: could you post that again, the link leads to the backendby sungod3k - General
Just clip a endstop/microswitch under the hotend, you need to manually remove it but its super simple and has served me well so sungod3k - Delta Machines