Hi, I have been playing around with firm and hardware recently so who knows what could have happen but I have been spotting these broken Gcodes in the console during printing:QuoteUnknown command: "9367" Unknown command: "ok" Unknown command: "0 F1002" Unknown command: "ok" Unknown command: "00 F1002" Unknown command: "3738" Unknown command: "ok" Unknown command: "ut82 Y29.092 E0.0283" Unknown cby sungod3k - Reprappers
Aha well thats good news, for 3,5€ its worth a try. thanks for the tip. and the linked thread was exactly what I was looking for. thanksby sungod3k - Reprappers
Hi, I like the idea of the hotend cover from e3d. Since the days of the capton burrito around the hotend are over I was missing something to protect the heater block against cold air from the nozzlecooling fan. However I dont want/need to buy the new heater block just to be able to get the protective sock. Therefore I was wondering if someone ever tried to make their own with silicone/ogoo/proby sungod3k - Reprappers
That is an awesome feature. Thanks for the tip.by sungod3k - Delta Machines
@nebbian: interesting, I print 80mms usually but speeds doesnt seem to make a difference, at least in the test I did some time ago. Are you using 16th or 32th stepping? now that I think about that I should try to test the stepper dampeners that I bought and maybe go back to 16th step free some procession capacity. As for Octo vs display, true the display is simpler but if removing it really helby sungod3k - Delta Machines
@Olampe: with pronterface as display you mean normal usb connected operatIon? @DC42: Im sure DuetWifi works a lot better than 0.6, but after the whole M109 (2 times it actually stopped during the print and I had to "force next") issue from my last post there were other things like the thermistor not responding sometimes, G32 not giving my a correctly adjusted plane and the allegros instead of Dby sungod3k - Delta Machines
Hi, Im looking for ways to help my ramps stop stuttering on round/highly segmented parts. As we know ramps for deltas are not ideal because of its limited processing speeds. However it seems that some people have absolutely no problems and artifacts and other like me have them. I recently experimented with a Duet 0.6 but for various reasons I had to adbandon it. Until the Re-ARM comes out I doby sungod3k - Delta Machines
Exactly: at the speeds I can reach with "trinus style" printer the difference between belts and leadscrews is probably negligible. So if i can use the added precision from the leadscrews with high speeds, then we really got something.by sungod3k - Reprappers
Any idea how for bringing the printer up to higher speeds maybe servomotors?by sungod3k - Reprappers
That looks like loose belts....by sungod3k - Reprappers
The hardware flow control did the trick, prints now smooth in S3D, ping pong was already disabled in repetier and it still didnt print smooth. I used M116 but that still didnt help, however I discovered that under the emergency stop button in S3D is a "force next" button, so I can simply call the next line when the printer is stuck in M109 limbo and that sets the printer on the right path. I canby sungod3k - Duet
Some progress: I tried Slic3r and also cut the M109 out of the gcode and hosted it with repetier and that actually works. A S3D sliced file (with M109 still disabled in the options) hosted in Reptier also works, however the same file hosted in S3D doesnt start the print. Also the printing is not smooth. Sometime the print stops for a few seconds and every 3-5cm of printing there is a little hickby sungod3k - Duet
Interesting, Im seeing that I can eliminate the M109 of out the settings in S3D: Im going to test that tmr. Do you remember by any chance the guy who had the issue and where he posted that? and for USB I can load the gcode onto the card but how do tell the the printer to read from the card if I only have the usb host control?by sungod3k - Duet
I'm still using USB, haven't decided if i should buy a duet wifi or a small router to get the web interface the temp is definitely there and it doesnt take extra long or something.by sungod3k - Duet
QuoteG90 M82 M106 S0 M140 S0 M104 S200 T0 M109 S200 T0 G28 ; home all axes G92 E0 G1 E-3.0000 F3600 G1 Z0.800 F1002 ; layer 1, Z = 0.3 T0 ; tool H0.300 W0.480 ; skirt G1 X1.344 Y-3.850 F7200 G1 Z0.300 F1002 G1 E0.0000 F1080 G92 E0 G1 X12.120 Y-3.850 E0.6536 F3360 G1 X14.229 Y-1.741 E0.8345 G1 X14.229 Y1.741 E1.0457 G1 X12.120 Y3.850 E1.2265 G1 X1.345 Y3.850 E1.8800 G1 X1.270 Y4.255 E1.9050 theby sungod3k - Duet
Hi, Im almost there with my Duet 0.6 (Firmware DC42/1.15e), calibration worked and the machine is homing to 0 correctly. Thats unfortunatley all for now. When I hit print the machine heats up, homes, and moves down to the bed, to the start position and then just stops. The log shows one single movement command but then nothing. No heater error no weird movements. I tried a G32 in the start scriby sungod3k - Duet
btw does the same go for G32? You have to execute G32 S2 in order for the calibration to be applied to print right?by sungod3k - Duet
I see, so is there another way to make adjustments to the configuration besides ftp? Ill work the web interface/wifi next but for now have to pull out the card every time I make a changeby sungod3k - Duet
Hi, Im wresteling with my 0.6 since some time and now I have most things configured right. Endstops, thermistors, movements all works as supposed. G115 show the firmware version (1.15e) and M503 shows the print settings. Im using pronterface which is usually pretty reliable with showing whats going on with the gcode. However M501 gives no answer not even an "ok" and M665 follwed by M500 to saveby sungod3k - Duet
@ origami: the carriage is pretty light, due to the flying extruder and i run very conservative acceleration. under certain cercumstances i can imgine a similar effect as an acceleration artifact but the spiral nature would still be weird. @Kdog: what do you mean by counter rotation? if you mean the extruder swinging maybe, that would be more visible around corners not along a wall where the swby sungod3k - Delta Machines
Hi, I want to print some fancy vases for Christmas gifts and I was thinking about rainbow filament. On google you find some stores here and there but not with a lot of choice. Does anyone know a shop with bigger variety or even custom color choices? I wouldnt mind paying a premium and I know from some jobs that certain suppliers start offering custom color from 3-5 kilos upwards, so it should beby sungod3k - General
Hi, I recently got a request to print pasta so I looked a bit around but except for Barilla (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oz6D1FXwuvA) I didnt find any reprapers doing that. Im not so much worried about the paste extrusion, more about the the dough and the over all cost and time involved. Has anyone here ever tried their hands at pasta? Cheersby sungod3k - Paste Extrusion Working Group
Quotebut this is an university project, and it will be a test machine, and my supervisor wants an own printer. that doesnt sound like a convincing argument at all take the tractus for example. its a decent looking machine with a full company behind it that worked on it for quite some time to come up with the machine product range AND an ultra high temp nozzle, so everything you could need. I doby sungod3k - General
@ohfurryone: Isnt that the deltaradius that make that pattern?by sungod3k - General
I dont think the heat degradation is a big issue, at least I never had noticeable problems. The advantage of course is that you get a better heat throughput and therefore you print volume should increase but since thats not an issue for normal printers that run at 60mms there is no reason to do that and there is also almost no data or tests that are concerned with that above average print volume,by sungod3k - General
The link is dead and I recommmend not to do another printer there are enough out there, also for high temp (see Tractus). Since you have economics in your title it makes much more sense to me to research into distribution and business models for 3d printed products. The hardware market is covered at least to the level that one person within their thesis limits can realistically do. I work with unby sungod3k - General
From my experience it wouldnt work because the cross breeze would take away all the heat from the heat block and also from the bed, not even talking about the efficiency of 3x 120mm fans to a 50mm centrifugal one. Also cooling intricate structures that are not exposed to the outside of you model will not get any fresh air immediately.by sungod3k - Delta Machines
what exactly is the problem? the documentation in marlin itself has much improved in the latest version and the sanity check will tell you if you configured something wrong.by sungod3k - Reprappers
missing steps maybe, wouldnt the pattern be more random?by sungod3k - Delta Machines
It went away, but I dont know why. Most likely something mechanical.by sungod3k - Delta Machines